Amanda Owens wrote:
> The first one that comes to my mind is I priced out a
> nice system (sans monitor) for under $500 there (a few months ago. Their
> current base system price appears to run around $700). And they pre-install
> Red Hat 6.1. There are also a bunch of barebones kit places where you can
> configure a system that will run under $800, but most of them won't
> guarantee that it'll be linux-compatable, so you have to do your homework.

We bought an IndyBox for our server at and I'd
recommend them highly to anybody looking for a great machine at a great
price.  And no, they haven't bought an ounce of advertising from us  :)

Clint Forgy
"Paving the Information Gravel Road for the Midwest"
ICQ: 8443021                            Make Code, Not War


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