On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:36:11 -0000, "Ian Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: >surely there's this bit about ". . . all goods should be of >merchantable quality and fit for the purpose for which they are >. . ." in the Sale of Goods act? How does M$ defend themselves about >that in the UK? Does the UK allow the buyer to waive that provision? The US allows for the purchaser to waive the common law requirement of merchantability, and of course Microsoft buries such a waiver in their adhesive contract of sale. Kelly ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Subba Rao
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Emily Cartier
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? wizard111
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Jenn V.
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Telsa Gwynne
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Jenn V.
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linu... Telsa Gwynne
- RE: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on ... Ian Phillips
- RE: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on ... Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on ... Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux? Chris J/#6