>I find it painful to go from two easily to follow rules: "Be
>nice, and be polite...to a whole bunch of things, about 50% of
>which sounds silly called nettiquette. This is going too far
>in my opinion. Since this is a diverse group I try to keep things
>to text only. All I have to do is look
> Re: HTML mail: I think most people have the same
> problem they I did. They would happily turn it off if
> someone would just TELL THEM HOW.
If you are using Outlook Express, here's how to turn off HTML:
>From the Tools menu, choose Options. Click on the tab that says 'Send'. You
will see tw
Cathy James wrote:
> >I find it painful to go from two easily to follow rules: "Be
> >nice, and be polite...to a whole bunch of things, about 50% of
> >which sounds silly called nettiquette. This is going too far
> >in my opinion. Since this is a diverse group I try to keep things
> >to text on
I'm using Outlook, not Outlook Express.
I did find a switch somewhere that purported
to turn off formatting, but it doesn't work correctly.
What do you expect from an MS product?
The solution I eventually came up with was
to create a new user called "Techtalk" in my addr
A few weeks ago I sent a "frustrated about installing packages" message,
then had to fly off to Calfornia twice a two weeks and forgot to say
THANKS to the people that reminded me to check simple things before
pulling my hair out. :)
My package install problem was the classic "looks like it's th
> I'm using Outlook, not Outlook Express.
In Outlook:
1. Go to "Options..." in the tools menu.
2. Go to the "Mail Format" tab (3rd one along).
3. Message Format is the first section, you can set "Plain Text" there.
Unfortunately, as you have pointed out, Outlook also has "per user" settings
> I'm using Outlook, not Outlook Express.
> I did find a switch somewhere that purported
> to turn off formatting, but it doesn't work correctly.
> What do you expect from an MS product?
In Outlook98, the option is under Tools: Options: Mail Format. There is a
drop down list of 'Send in this
I have downloaded the latest Crack 5.0. When I run,
$ Crack /etc/passwd
$ Crack /etc/shawdow
I get lots of output, that seem to suggest, it is trying to do some "make".
Here is the tail end of the output.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/too
What Crack is doing is creating word dictionaries the first time you try
to run it. That way, on later executions, it will not need to re-hash
all of the words or character combinations that it would have to
create the first time, thus cutting down the time it takes to ``guess''
the passwor
If you like, as I do, to send HTML messages, you can turn off HTML for
specific contacts that can't handle them through your contact list.
In Outlook 98, open the contact you want to limit to plain text and check
the "Send using plain text" box. Then click "Save and Close". The down side
to this m
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:33:14 -, "Lindsay Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I was out of memory or system resources! This is on a machine with
>132MB of RAM and 3GB free HD space and just after a reboot! Don't you
>just love how compatible Microsoft's applications are with their own
Do any of y'all have any recommendations for KVM matrix switches?
I'm currently looking at products from NTI and Raritan, wondering if
anyone has had good/bad experiences with them, or any other
manufacturers you'd recommend.
I'm primarily looking for the ability to control Sun boxes, as well as
On 28 Nov 1999 Steve wrote:
>Ask first!! Then if person accepts, then send HTML. I can read it and I
>WANT IT!! This is especially important to friend invitations. I want
>HTML. Plain Text is a pain. Just ask first, and if they say yes. Let's stop
>trying to force nettiqueete down people's throat
> This is hardly technical...but...it borders on rule-boundedness to me.
> But still not that close to be unbearable. So either I mistimed
> majordomo or it didn't go thru. So I am still here. And I will probably
> always be leftie anti-authoritarian me. Same as you will be you. I spent
> too mu
"Marlene E. Morley" wrote:
> On 28 Nov 1999 Steve wrote:
> >Ask first!! Then if person accepts, then send HTML. I can read it and I
> >WANT IT!! This is especially important to friend invitations. I want
> >HTML. Plain Text is a pain. Just ask first, and if they say yes. Let's stop
> >trying t
Take a time out and come back when you're feeling better
Mary Anne
(who is sick and tired of your childish behavior)
>i am sorry I don't want to argue about these things. A Nifty thing you
>could tell
>me is how to get NEtscape to turn plaintext into HTML, so I can respond to
> and nothing. A pointer would be helpful. NO! I wouldn't send you orange
> unless you said: "Yes Go ahead!!!"
> Have Fun,
> Sends Steve
Then do enlighten us as to why you insist on sending HTML email to a mailing
list which will hit the mailboxes of potentially hundreds of people, per
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 05:55:06PM -0500 or thereabouts, Steve Kudlak wrote:
> > On 28 Nov 1999 Steve wrote:
> > >Ask first!! Then if person accepts, then send HTML. I can read it and
> > >I WANT IT!! This is especially important to friend invitations. I want
> > >HTML. Plain Text is a pain.
Steve Kudlak wrote:
> I am sorry I don't want to argue about these things. A Nifty thing you could tell
> me is how to get NEtscape to turn plaintext into HTML, so I can respond to
> friendship invitations. I thought it could and I double checked here and there
> and nothing. A pointer would be
Mike & Mary Anne Cox wrote:
> Steve,
> Take a time out and come back when you're feeling better
> Mary Anne
> (who is sick and tired of your childish behavior)
> >i am sorry I don't want to argue about these things. A Nifty thing you
> >could tell
> >me is how to get NEtscape to turn plai
> Steve Kudlak wrote:
> >
> > I am sorry I don't want to argue about these things. A Nifty thing you could tell
> > me is how to get NEtscape to turn plaintext into HTML, so I can respond to
> > friendship invitations. I thought it could and I double checked here and th
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 07:14:44PM -0500 or thereabouts, Steve Kudlak wrote:
> Mike & Mary Anne Cox wrote:
> > Steve,
> >
> > Take a time out and come back when you're feeling better
> >
> > Mary Anne
> > (who is sick and tired of your childish behavior
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 01:00:23AM + or thereabouts, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
...I did. And being an idiot, and about to go to bed, I hit the wrong
thing, and the default of Reply-To being set to the list bit me. Luckily.
it wasn't _too_ unfortunate. (And I am constantly singing the praise
> > Excuse me but am I the only one having problems viewing the mails. I use
> >Mutt and most emails I received are in HTML format. Can something be
> >done (like we standardized on non-HTML emails) or is HTML emails the norm
> >here?
> >
> You are not the first to have complained of this
Cathy James wrote:
> I'm using Outlook, not Outlook Express.
> I did find a switch somewhere that purported
> to turn off formatting, but it doesn't work correctly.
> What do you expect from an MS product?
> The solution I eventually came up with was
> to create a new
Deb Richardson wrote:
> ...
> I would like to know what people think about this.
Sounds good to me.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://CubicMeterCrystal.com/
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640Mbytes of gene
> On another subject, is there any reason why my Mitsumi FX240 should have any
> problems ripping digital audio from the discs? I get all kinds of ioctl
> errors reading from the device; I'm beginning to think that my cd-rom drive
> hates me (or at least hates digital extraction.)
Another cross-posting since this is relevant to all three lists...again,
apologies to folks who get this multiple times.
> I'm volunteering to start a FAQ for the lists. I won't necessarily start
> it right away, or post it right away.
Understandable :) I'm hip-deep in
Note: I'm crossposting this to grrltalk, issues, and techtalk because
telsa brings up some important points which could have an effect on all
these lists. Apologies to everyone who gets this message more than
Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> But since this is techtalk, and since we seem to be discu
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