On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 07:14:44PM -0500 or thereabouts, Steve Kudlak wrote:

> Mike & Mary Anne Cox wrote:
> > Steve,
> >
> > Take a time out and come back when you're feeling better
> >
> > Mary Anne
> > (who is sick and tired of your childish behavior)
> I have agreed to be calmer. Pleasae no more attacks.
> Thankjs

A word of warning...

Many of us see one or more of these lists in digest form and so
can be anything up to two days late in replying even if we read
the email as soon as it arrives. Others of us are in a different
time zone: when you send it, we are asleep; and we read it a few
hours later. And yet others of us read the accumulated email 
every couple of days...

So you can expect occasional responses (to anything you post, not
just this one) for the next couple of days.


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