"Marlene E. Morley" wrote:
> On 28 Nov 1999 Steve wrote:
> >Ask first!! Then if person accepts, then send HTML. I can read it and I
> >WANT IT!! This is especially important to friend invitations. I want
> >HTML. Plain Text is a pain. Just ask first, and if they say yes. Let's stop
> >trying to force nettiqueete down people's throats!!! It is Hitler like...It
> >is not just to ask, and then send.
> Steve, I have a question for you: Why is plain text a pain? Most mailers
> will display it automatically, so you shouldn't have to switch modes or
> anything. I use Pine ver 4.20 which does handle HTML, and even limited color,
> and filters, and diffrent accounts, but not everyone does, and I remember
> when I couldn't get HTML messages, and curse when I have to use an account
> with a old Pine, and someone sends me HTML.
> Plain text isn't pretty, but everyone can read it and you know that your
> message will look the same on the monitor of the person who recives it.
> -Marlene
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Computer Science Major, Southwestern Adventist University. Keene, TX
> Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our
> grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
> -Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
I am sorry I don't want to argue about these things. A Nifty thing you could tell
me is how to get NEtscape to turn plaintext into HTML, so I can respond to
friendship invitations. I thought it could and I double checked here and there
and nothing. A pointer would be helpful. NO! I wouldn't send you orange messages
unless you said: "Yes Go ahead!!!"
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org