If you like, as I do, to send HTML messages, you can turn off HTML for
specific contacts that can't handle them through your contact list.
In Outlook 98, open the contact you want to limit to plain text and check
the "Send using plain text" box. Then click "Save and Close". The down side
to this method is that Oulook reminds you of the plain text option and gives
you the option to change your mind every time you send an email to the plain
text contacts.
However, I only need to send plain text to a few folks so I don't mind it.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lindsay Walker
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 7:33 AM
Subject: RE: [techtalk] mail format (was re: ftp for non users)

>  I'm using Outlook, not Outlook Express.
>  I did find a switch somewhere that purported
> to turn off formatting, but it doesn't work correctly.
> What do you expect from an MS product?

In Outlook98, the option is under Tools: Options: Mail Format. There is a
drop down list of 'Send in this message format:' which you can set to Plain

I can't say I'm surprised that you've had problems with it though. It's the
good old 'Microsoft knows best' approach isn't it. The 'I know you've chosen
that option but I know what you REALLY mean to do is ...'

Oh well.

<I just tried to send this using Outlook98 and I couldn't as it said I was
out of memory or system resources! This is on a machine with 132MB of RAM
and 3GB free HD space and just after a reboot! Don't you just love how
compatible Microsoft's applications are with their own OS?>

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