> and nothing. A pointer would be helpful. NO! I wouldn't send you orange
> unless you said: "Yes Go ahead!!!"
> Have Fun,
> Sends Steve

Then do enlighten us as to why you insist on sending HTML email to a mailing
list which will hit the mailboxes of potentially hundreds of people, perhaps
a third of whom use mail readers which cannot interpret HTML correctly, and
a good portion of which pays for their Internet access per minute.. ?

Its a concept known as LCD. Lowest common denominator.. Its a concept taught
in grade school (which, from I can tell, you should remember very clearly,
it being only two or three years ago for you.) It translates well into the
real world. Also, please do not forget that this is a Linux list. If this
were a Windows NT/98/95 list, HTML email might very well be acceptable.

At work, I would explain why we don't use HTML email, and the user would see
the reasoning and say "oh" and be enlightened.

On another subject, is there any reason why my Mitsumi FX240 should have any
problems ripping digital audio from the discs? I get all kinds of ioctl
errors reading from the device; I'm beginning to think that my cd-rom drive
hates me (or at least hates digital extraction.)  I've tried a different
drive of the same model, I've tried every BIOS setting on the planet, I've
tried changing it from slave to master, I've tried sacrificing a chicken to
it. No werkie.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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