Hi Sharonda.
Try this methode:
Goto Contacts, Press the left soft key, and arrow down to copy submenu, and
press right arrow, and select there copy from Sim-Contact's.
It should work.
Hans Pauli.
- Oprindelig meddelelse -
Fra: "Sharonda Greenlaw"
Til: "Talks Mailing List"
Sendt: 6.
Hi Allan.
How do you get the homepages read, when this Talks navigation panel is
placed over it?
It has frustrated me a lot!
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Allan
Dato: 3. februar 2011 18:42
Til: Talks Mailing List
Emne: Re: [Talks] New Nokia C5
i dont use C5 myself, only
As far as i know, so is the smallest and thinnesst compatible phone the
Nokia n79.
I do'nt know if it still is avaiilable for sale, but try to ask for it.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Saqib
Dato: 18. februar 2011 19:19
Til: talks@talksusers.com
Emne: Re: [Talks] Current s
Hi Adrien.
The drive D: on the phone is a hidden drive, for the firmware only.
The memorycard has a given name, but if you place it into a cardreader,
connected to a computer, you can explore to the drive, and enter the
properties areea, by right clicking on the drive, and from here change the
Ovi suite is'nt accessible at all.
You will only find a few graphic icons using the jaws or otherwise mouse
cursor function's, and it is'nt also very unaccessible in it's uninstall
Search for PC-Suite 7.x instead, and give it a try.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Can anyone tell me what Python for S60 is, and if it is recommended to install
this update.
It would be so annoying, if this makes harm to talks, and i have to reflashed
my phone.
Best regard’s
Hans Pauli Sundstein
Nørregade 35,
7200 Grindsted.'
E-mail: h...@sundstein.dk
Hi Roger.
Could'nt you specify your search creteria a bit more precisely, so the
wanted search result would be in between the 20?
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Roger Smith
Dato: 25. februar 2011 07:47
Til: Talks Mailing List
Emne: Re: [Talks] Still have a question.
It can be something about the security settings for software, that currently
is sedt to restrictedf.
Try to change this to all, and try the install again.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Manish Agrawal
Dato: 3. marts 2011 12:29
Til: 'Talks Mailing List'
Emne: Re: [Talk
After Nokia PC-Suite is installed, you should be able to access the phone
through Windows Explorer, and there should be two extra drive connected,
that you can access.
Naturly there can be properties, that restrict what you're allowed to
access, but ggive it a try.
Hans Pauli.
Hi Armand.
All the help information is created as graphical pictures, and cannot been
read by Talks.
This thing is a very great accessability bug from Nokia, that they should be
aware of, but i am afraid of, that their copyright rightment's are more
important to them, than the accessability
Hi everybody.
Someone has told me, that from the program manager, you can remove the
latest installed update, and the previous one will be replaced again.
Cirtainly this only work's if there is any previous version to get back to.
So give it a try, and see if your problem's can be solved by th
Don't use the Gallery menu, but go through the file manager instead and
browse the folders that contain's the needed files.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: goalballer...@gmail.com
Dato: 8. april 2011 23:46
Til: talks@talksusers.com
Emne: [Talks] Nokia e72 question
Hi Eleanor.
My Nokia X6 16 gb with Talks 5.20.3 installed, is telling me with a quiet
voice, the name of the person who is calling, just before the ringtone
begin's to play.
I have also a Nokia N86 with the same version of Talks installed, but i do
not hear the same message here.
I am not
Hi Paulo.
Forget everything about Ovi Suite, and give PC Suite a try in stead.
PC Suite is not very accessible with a screenreader, but it should be
possible to use, by switching betweenn the mouse cursor and the original
Forgive me list, if this subject is off topic.
Hans Pauli.
Hi Talks list.
Can someone tell me, if it is free to upgrade one’s Talks from v.4.00 to 5.20.3?
Thank’s for your answer.
Hans Pauli.
Med venlig hilsen
Hans Pauli Sundstein
Nørregade 35,
7200 Grindsted.'
Tlf. 35 26 88 22
E-mail: h...@sundstein.dk
Hjemmeside: www.hapa
I am very frustrated of the Talks virtual screenn on my Nokia X6 touch phone,
with a lot of button’s to navigate the page, but i can’t read anything of, what
is written on the page because of this virtual screen that is placed over the
original page.
Any help is very appreciated about how
Hi Paulo.
This is not a Talks query, but how do you hold the camera, when using the
colour recognizer?
I have not tryed this one myself, but i know from other standalone colour
recognizer tool's, that the recognizing eye must be totally close to the
object that are beeing analyzed, if there
Do you have tryed to:
1. Open the message.
2. Press soft key 1.
3 select open http link.
4. Press soft key 1.
Hope this help's
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Bhavesh
Dato: 11. juli 2011 18:26
Til: Talks Mailing List
Emne: Re: [Talks] Opening a link strate from the emai
Hi Eleanor.
Do you have unchecked the box for using a security code/password, in the
bluetooth transfer dialoguebox?
You must probably set the receiving phone's security setting's to "All" to
get this to accept to receive the install program file's.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
I don't have a C5 my self, but i will give it a try, to guide you to the
place where to change this.
Go into your Setting's menu, and select general, Ajustment, Standby option's
and Shortcut's.
Here you'll find an unchecked box, called Active standby, check this, and
press ok, and back o
Hi Michelle.
Do you have a memorycard in your phone?
If so, than try the following:
Goto the Messages, and press left soft key,
Arrow down to Setting's, and press the center of your joystick, or choose
the select and open selection.
Now goto Other's in this menu, and open this.
Here you'll fin
If available in your country, try to get a Nokia X5.00
It's a newer phone, and has a standard phone numeric keyboard.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: stephen faill
Dato: 2. september 2011 20:28
Til: Talks Mailing List
Emne: Re: [Talks] nokia e70 phones
hello again list.
7;s a qwerty keyboard am i wrong?
- Original Message -
From: "Hans Pauli Sundstein"
To: "Talks Mailing List"
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] nokia e70 phones
If available in your country, try to get a Nokia X5.00
It's a newer p
from what i can tell it's a qwerty keyboard am i wrong?
- Original Message -----
From: "Hans Pauli Sundstein"
To: "Talks Mailing List"
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] nokia e70 phones
If available in your country, try to get a
Hi albert.
They are not available without there are at least one message in the inbox.
If you send a message to the specified e-mail address, and receive it, than
you should be able to access the other folders.
Remember to leave this one message in the inbox always, for not loosing the
I have never been able to do it otherwise on any of the phone's, that i have
had in my life, but if you have a memorycard in your phone, you can do what
you are asking for.
Best wishes
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: alex wallis
Dato: 17. september 2011 17:46
Til: tal
Hi Chris.
Try to go into the Tool's menu, Setting's, Phone, Call's, and select "reject
call's with message".
I am not sure if my description is total correct, because i have translated
the point's from my phone, that works with Danish firmware.
Good luck.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig medd
Hi Eleanor.
As soon as the site is loaded, and you're getting info about their product's
for iPhone, than find the link at the top on the site called Other, and open
it, now you're on the symbian site.
Best wishes from
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Eleanor Burke
Dato: 2
The firmware update from this summer 2011 on Nokia C5 does make the e-mail
client unaccessible with the newest version of Talks.
I don't know any methode to remove this, and get the previous back, so
untill a new version of Talks is available, i don't think that there is
anything to do.
I have a Nokia X6 16 gb, and it works in many cases fine with talks, but in
the calendar it dos'nt work, and i have'nt yet find out how to activate a
link on a homepage, otherwise the browser seem's to bbe very fine
Another problem with this one is, that if it requires to set t
Hi Stephen.
I don't have a Nokia N95 myself, so i am not aware of how the menu structure
on this phone is, so probably this instruction is'nt really correct.
But see if you can find something that matches this.
From your menu, goto either tools and settings, or nor settings.
Enter into Progra
If you have access to the Nokia N86, than remove the Nokia e-mail client, so
the previous are restored, and the e-mail should be fully accessible.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: m...@chopra.us
Dato: 1. oktober 2011 23:59
Til: Talks Mailing List
Emne: Re: [Talks] Talks and t
Try a Nokia E52, but probably without the newest firmware installed.
The newest firmware and the newest updat to the e-mail client often gives
accessability problems to our helping tool, Talks, so it is best to stay one
step backward's from beeing fully updated.
Hans Pauli.
Do you have choosen the right port number for outgoing mail, when setting up
the account?
It can be the reson for why you are'nt able to send your mails.
Hans Pauli.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Jim L
Dato: 14. oktober 2011 23:57
Til: 'Talks Mailing List'
Emne: Re: [Talks] Emai
Hi Andrew Shipp.
Try to go to your messeges area, and from the left soft key menu, choose
Settings, and afterwards Other, and change the memory for your messege's to
either the mas storage memory E: or if your having a memory card in the
phone, this one, and don't save the message's on the ori
Hi Michelle.
I suggess, that you have been so unlucky to receive an animated sms from
someone, which has installed a extra tool called "Animated sms" on your
phone, and then it is'nt possible to read the messages with Talks.
Try to find this program in the area, where program's can be removed
Hi Jaan Ali.
For about a year ago i had a Nokia X6 phone, and the touch interface worked
fine with talks, without in the calendar and when setting the date and time.
The only thing that was accessible here, was the scroll bar's, but it was'nt
possible to hit the right thing.
When i should adjous
From: Hans Pauli Sundstein
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 3:36 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] urgently want to know about nokia 500 and nokia x6
Hi Jaan Ali.
For about a year ago i had a Nokia X6 phone, and the touch interface worked
fine with talks, without in the
Hi llist.
I have a Nokia X6 phone, with Talks 5.01.1 installed, and i have set the option
on the Advanced tab to speak always, even if there is a call in progress.
The reason is, that sometimes when calling official department's, there has to
be chosen some choice's by pressing a number on the p
Hi Alex.
Nokia C3 is running S40 operating system, so it will not work with Talks.
Regards, Hans Pauli.
Fra: "alex wallis"
Dato: 16. oktober 2010 23:05
Emne: [Talks] nokia c3
Hi list.
Was just wondering, does anyone know if talks will
Here is a direct link to the manual in pdf format for Nokia E72.
Hans Pauli.
- Oprindelig meddelelse -
Fra: "Ketan Kothari"
Til: "'Talks Mailing List'"
Sendt: 25. oktober 2010 03:22
Emne: [Talks] E72 phone manual
Do you have try'ed to look in the Installfiles folder on your phone's C
My suggestion is, that this sis or sisx files could be there.
Hans Pauli.
Fra: "Ramy Moustafa"
Dato: 30. oktober 2010 01:22
Til: "Talks Mailing List"
Emne: R
Hi Maurice.
I have a Nokia X6, and it does the same, and i suggess that it it is
nessesary to have this feature active, in securety purpose.
It is possible to active much to many feature's on the phone, whithout one's
own will, whithout having the phone locked, so i don't think that it will b
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