Hi Jaan Ali.

For about a year ago i had a Nokia X6 phone, and the touch interface worked
fine with talks, without in the calendar and when setting the date and time.

The only thing that was accessible here, was the scroll bar's, but it was'nt
possible to hit the right thing.
When i should adjoust the year, sometime's i was in the year 960, and other
time's i was in 2060 and so on.
Sighted people told me, that there was a numeric keyboard on the screen, but
Talks was'nt able to see this, so here there was really accessability

Writing sms and reading this, was ok, and using the contact list and call a
number manually was also ok.

So depending on, what you're going to use the phone with, it can be ok, and it can be a very frustrating experience.

Hans Pauli.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Jaan Ali
Dato: 17. juli 2012 19:11
Til: Talks@talksusers.com
Emne: [Talks] urgently want to know about nokia 500 and nokia x6

hi friends I want to know that any one using nokia 500  and nokia x6?

is there both phone are fully accessible with nuance talks?

When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

with best regards

jaan ali

program manager of radio freedom for life



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