Hi Maurice.

I have a Nokia X6, and it does the same, and i suggess that it it is nessesary to have this feature active, in securety purpose.

It is possible to active much to many feature's on the phone, whithout one's own will, whithout having the phone locked, so i don't think that it will be possible to disable this autimatical feature, as the auto phonelock is.

Hans Pauli.

Fra: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
Dato: 1. november 2010 11:37
Til: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Emne: [Talks] N97 going to sleep to quickly.

 Hi All,
Please forgive the barrage of N97 questions.
When I leave my N97 for more than a minute,  the whole thing goes to sleep
and I need to unlock it with the key on the side to start using it again.

I've looked in all the settings including Security but still can't find how
to either turn this off or alter the time limit.

Can anyone help please.


Maurice Press

Managing Director of the Disability Resource Team

T: +44 (0)  208 943 0022
F: +44 (0) 208 943 5162
Website:  www.disabilityresourceteam.com

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