On 10/01/18 17:50, Jo wrote:
They all seem to be in international nautical miles.
How do you know if there are no units?
Tagging mailing list
On 10 January 2018 at 01:49, Daniel Koć wrote:
> I would say that amenity=drinking_water is a general source of the high
> quality water and it would be good to make it more specific if possible -
> adding tap, well and pump tags would be nice.
Because drinking water is a *property* of sources, w
>Because drinking water is a *property* of sources, water wells,
>fountains, drinking fountains (bubblers) etc., I think it makes more
>sense to tag these objects and to add drinking_water=yes tags
>(discouraging the use of `amenity=drinking_water`).
>As for the rendering, I like how OsmAnd render
2018-01-10 3:59 GMT+01:00 Tod Fitch :
> Boxed springs like the one you show in your first photo I typically tag as
> a spring (natural=spring).
Tagging mailing list
2018-01-10 7:50 GMT+01:00 Jo :
> There are 17912 objects tagged with "seamark:light:range" in our data. Not
> a single one has a unit. They all seem to be in international nautical
> miles. Do we add " nmi" to all of them?
the symbol for nautical miles is "NM"
Seems we are repeating ourselves once again:
On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Thibaud B wrote:
>>Because drinking water is a *property*
On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 10:21 AM, Marc Gemis wrote:
> Seems we are repeating ourselves once again:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2012-July/010809.html
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2014-November/019998.html
and that last discussion continued in 2015
The symbol for nautical mile can be M, NM, Nm, or nmi
(https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf p.127)
M is not a good choice because it's too close to m (metre), M (mile
Roman, Irish, survey, international...), or M (mega).
On 10/01/18 20:19, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
@Martin Annoyingly the wiki states nmi.
@Andrew I downloaded all those points worldwide using an Overpass query.
Then I used a regular expression search in JOSM and used the todo list to
check some at random.
2018-01-10 10:19 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> 2018-01-10 7:50 GMT+01:00
Yeap, that would be an edge case. Guess no-one thought that you could
have an entire route that is only one way. The solution would be either:
1. Put in at least two stops/platforms.
2. Split the way into two.
On 10/01/18 05:57, Fernando Trebien wrote:
I was about to fix a mistake I caused in
Selfish Seahorse wrote:
> The course of the route is determined by the order of the stops in the
> route relation. Therefore forward/backward roles would be redundant.
But stops are not mandatory in public transport routes, unlike
Am 10.01.2018 um 12:32 schrieb Ilya Zverev:
Selfish Seahorse wrote:
The course of the route is determined by the order of the stops in the
route relation. Therefore forward/backward roles would be redundant.
But stops are not mandatory in public transport routes, unlike
I am
On 10/01/2018 12:00, Georg Feddern wrote:
I am quite sure that in _reality_ a stop _or_ a platform is mandatory
in a public transport route - otherwise you would just have a route
with 'hitchhiking'?
In the real world, that happens. As well as public transport routes
with _only_ the route de
2018-01-10 10:46 GMT+01:00 Andrew Davidson :
> The symbol for nautical mile can be M, NM, Nm, or nmi (
> https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf p.127)
> M is not a good choice because it's too close to m (metre), M (mile Roman,
> Irish, survey, international...), or M (mega).
On 10/01/2018 06:50, Jo wrote:
Do we add " nmi" to all of them?
No. I have updated the Seamarks wiki pages to specify nautical miles as
the default unit for ranges.
Tagging mailing list
lol, enough choice. Actually, I tend to like nmi, hard to confuse with
anything else, except maybe national meteorological institute...
2018-01-10 13:44 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> 2018-01-10 10:46 GMT+01:00 Andrew Davidson :
>> The symbol for nautical mile can be M, NM, Nm, or nmi (
Let's hope there is consensus on this. I changed the wiki page that
describes the default units.
2018-01-10 14:38 GMT+01:00 Malcolm Herring :
> On 10/01/2018 06:50, Jo wrote:
>> Do we add " nmi" to all of them?
> No. I have updated the Seamarks wiki pages to specify nautical mile
sent from a phone
> On 10. Jan 2018, at 13:00, Georg Feddern wrote:
> I am quite sure that in _reality_ a stop _or_ a platform is mandatory in a
> public transport route - otherwise you would just have a route with
> 'hitchhiking'?
yes, you could have a fix route with the vehicle stoppin
The only case where that could lead to confusion is a route starting at 1
stop, then making a loop over exactly 1 way and coming back to that same
stop. The stop would go in twice in that case and it's extremelyunlikely
that that itinerary consists of 1 unsplit way.
Not to mention that it would b
On 10/01/2018 13:53, Jo wrote:
Let's hope there is consensus on this.
There is certainly consensus among all the Seamarks consumer
applications. To change the current tag values would break them all!
Tagging mailing list
Those applications should definitely also be able to understand units. So
it would be good to implement that regardless of what the default is.
2018-01-10 15:07 GMT+01:00 Malcolm Herring :
> On 10/01/2018 13:53, Jo wrote:
>> Let's hope there is consensus on this.
> There is certainly conse
Potable and drinking_water are not equal.
drinking_water=yes means I can drink water straight from the source (tap,
fountain, source) the water has been laboratory tested, so I know I can
drink it without boiling.
Potable=yes/no means that water in any case should be boiled before
consumption (ra
Which law is that? And in which language?
In French for example "potable" means "drinkable (without problems)"
I think you are a little inaccurate with your suggestion that
drinking_water is an antonym of waste water/sewage. There is plenty of
water out there which is neither - lakes and rainwa
On Wednesday 10 January 2018, Cez jod wrote:
> Potable=yes/no means that water in any case should be boiled before
> consumption (raw water) because it has not been tested in the
> laboratory. That's the law.
And the law is a function of the location. ;-)
"In French for example "potable" means "drinkable (without problems)""
Always in different languages will be different meaning hence the problem
with tagging.
"Which law is that? And in which language? "
How do you know that drinking water flows from your tap? The question is
for e.g WHO http:
2018-01-10 16:31 GMT+01:00 Cez jod :
> every country has its own sanitary regulations.
to refrain what Christoph said: we don't require mappers to perform lab
analytics, it is sufficient that people believe it is drinking water in
order to tag it like this.
Since you brought this up, where I live there is a bus network for
which people can hail anywhere. Mostly. There are some parts of town,
such as in downtown, in which there are specific stops for this
service. In most areas it is completely at the passengers' will. This
network coexists with anothe
I just want to point out that the tag drink water=yes/no is regulated by
top-down rules. I have no doubts here. Certainly in all civilized countries.
Personally, I does not add information whether the water is drinking or
not it has to be assessed on the spot by the end user of the map. I have
Le 10. 01. 18 à 17:11, Fernando Trebien a écrit :
> Since you brought this up, where I live there is a bus network for
> which people can hail anywhere.
maybe suggest a stopping_pattern=everywhere
Discussion started as result of
Is it considered desirable to support using seasonal key without
I think that seasonal for values other than no should be accompanied by
intermittent=yes (for the same reasons as park
In my area where I usually maping, there are no public sources of drinking
water where the water is not suitable for drinking or I do not know that.
I Think for sure this tag is extremely important in countries, areas with
more difficult access to clean water. Maybe as I will be more often in such
2018-01-10 18:01 GMT+01:00 Mateusz Konieczny :
> Is it considered desirable to support using seasonal key without
> intermittent=yes?
what do you mean by "support"? Seasonal is different from intermittent, as
it is about something regularly recurring at roughly the same dates (and
probably du
maybe it's time to split tag and render in 2
what the objet look like : fountain, tap, trough, pipe, well
that can tag using existing amenity or man_made key.
the render already have a icon for some of them.
the quality of the water
blue if unknown, green if it's drinkable, red if it's not drinka
On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 18:17:17 +0100
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> what do you mean by "support"?
Rendering in OpenStreetMap Carto style (default one on the
http://openstreetmap.org/ )
See https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/2095 for
more details.
> Seasonal is different f
"On the hiking trails in my part of the world, the volunteers have
constructed a number of piped springs. A typical one looks like
https://www.flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/6936811420 "
Such a place as in the picture can be tagged fast as natural=spring(if it
occurs alone). After deep reflection m
On Wednesday 10 January 2018, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> I think that seasonal for values other than no should be accompanied
> by intermittent=yes (for the same reasons as parking=surface tag
> alone is not sufficient, one should also add amenity=parking).
> But some think that this is adding
2018-01-10 18:19 GMT+01:00 marc marc :
> maybe it's time to split tag and render in 2
this is the tagging ML, for style decisions of osm carto see here:
or maybe on talk.
We're discussing how to describe objects and properties so that people
but you would still have a sequence of connected ways and hence the order
in which to follow them would be clear. I can understand one can hail
anywhere, but the starting point and last stop can still be mapped, or not?
2018-01-10 17:53 GMT+01:00 marc marc :
> Le 10. 01. 18 à 17:11, Fernando Treb
On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:19:08 +
marc marc wrote:
> maybe it's time to split tag and render in 2
> what the objet look like : fountain, tap, trough, pipe, well
> that can tag using existing amenity or man_made key.
> the render already have a icon for some of them.
> the quality of the wa
On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:13:23 +1000
Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> So, by that, if it's in a lighthouse it should be a major, long-range,
> light.
I made edit to OSM wiki - see
Thanks. Following your link, I found some discussion on this already:
Of course that could/should be mapped.
Le 10. 01. 18 à 18:47, Jo a écrit :
> but you would still have a sequence of connected ways and hence the
> order in which to follow them would be clear. I can understand one can
> hail anywhere, but the starting point and last stop can still be mapped,
I don't read them asking to remove routes from maps.
What catches my eye in the article is they ask to "remove our side streets from
their algorithms and not offer them as recommendations".
So, it's a matter of municipalities putting the right signs in the field (e.g.
destination only --
Le 10. 01. 18 à 18:42, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> 2018-01-10 18:19 GMT+01:00 marc marc :
> maybe it's time to split tag and render in 2
> this is the tagging ML, for style decisions of osm carto see here:
I agree but check first message of this threat :)
remove the "render" part of my
I like the hail_and_ride tag for route and route_master relations and the
hail_and_ride role for segments of the route where it applies (so as a role
for the ways).
So this is ready to vote upon, as far as I'm concerned.
2018-01-10 19:20 GMT+01:00 Fernando Trebien :
> Thanks. Following
On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 18:31:43 +
marc marc wrote:
> for ex if a previous mapper use amenity=drinking water,
> you can't keep it and add it's a amenity=fountain.
We already have https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:drinking_water
Tagging maili
> Please keep in mind that OSM is about local knowledge so the important
> question is if people locally drink the water or not.
& there are any number of places in the world where the local population
happily drink water, that visitors from first-world countries would turn
away from in horror!
On 11/01/18 06:30, Tijmen Stam wrote:
On 10-01-18 11:37, Andrew Davidson wrote:
Yeap, that would be an edge case. Guess no-one thought that you could
have an entire route that is only one way.
I don't see why this is a problem.
This thread is getting quite long. To recap, the problem is t
I think we can at least add an image tag as a raw data for someone
such as wheelchair users or mapillary that may estimate the height
automatically in the future :)
Shu Higashi
On 11-Jan-18 12:58 PM, Andrew Davidson wrote:
On 11/01/18 06:30, Tijmen Stam wrote:
On 10-01-18 11:37, Andrew Davidson wrote:
Yeap, that would be an edge case. Guess no-one thought that you
could have an entire route that is only one way.
I don't see why this is a problem.
This thread is
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