Yeap, that would be an edge case. Guess no-one thought that you could have an entire route that is only one way. The solution would be either:

1. Put in at least two stops/platforms.
2. Split the way into two.

On 10/01/18 05:57, Fernando Trebien wrote:
I was about to fix a mistake I caused in the map due to these
contradictions in the wiki, then I found a problematic case [1].

According to PTv2, this route needs to be broken into two, one per
direction, and a route_master relation must be created for them.
Without the forward/backward roles, I believe applications will not be
able to easily find out the direction of travel of either since the
route contains a single way, unless they parse the from and to tags,
which are not required to match station names.

Would this be a deficiency of PTv2?


On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 4:12 PM, Fernando Trebien
<> wrote:
It seems like other people have faced this problem before [1]. The link
provided by JOSM developers refers to the text in the proposal, not to the
main article [3] nor the more specific route type articles.


On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 3:28 PM, Fernando Trebien
<> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 11:13 AM, Tijmen Stam <>
In PTv2 only a few roles are acceptable: stop and platform (and the
equivalents stop_exit_only and stop_entry_only) for stops and platforms,
and _no role_ for the ways in the route.

In that case, the article on route relations [1] should be updated to
state that forward and backward roles are not always acceptable, and
that the user should read the article on the more specific route type
to know whether it is acceptable or not.


Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

"Nullius in verba."

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

"Nullius in verba."

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