>Because drinking water is a *property* of sources, water wells,
>fountains, drinking fountains (bubblers) etc., I think it makes more
>sense to tag these objects and to add drinking_water=yes tags
>(discouraging the use of `amenity=drinking_water`).

>As for the rendering, I like how OsmAnd renders drinking_water=yes/no:
>with a drop overlay that is blue for drinking_water=yes [^1] and grey
>for drinking_water=no [^2].

Yes in order to have a clear pattern for tagging these "water delivering" 
items, we need to separate the physical aspect from the quality of water 

Physical aspect would be : water_wells, drinking_foutains --> good for the user 
to know if he can easily drink or fill a bottle or connect a hose etc..

Quality of water would be : drinking_water=yes/no; mineral_water=yes/no

De : Selfish Seahorse <selfishseaho...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 10 janvier 2018 09:38:00
À : Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Objet : Re: [Tagging] Water source types

On 10 January 2018 at 01:49, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl> wrote:
> I would say that amenity=drinking_water is a general source of the high
> quality water and it would be good to make it more specific if possible -
> adding tap, well and pump tags would be nice.

Because drinking water is a *property* of sources, water wells,
fountains, drinking fountains (bubblers) etc., I think it makes more
sense to tag these objects and to add drinking_water=yes tags
(discouraging the use of `amenity=drinking_water`).

As for the rendering, I like how OsmAnd renders drinking_water=yes/no:
with a drop overlay that is blue for drinking_water=yes [^1] and grey
for drinking_water=no [^2].


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