Hi, all.
Recently I've noticed there is `tactile_paving=contrasted` tag.
I want to specify "uncontrasted" tactile pavings also.
Like these:
The tag would b
* Wikipedia shows some "shrine" without "building".
* Jizo statue enshrines the spirit of Jizo, a buddhism master. So we pray
to it.
Tagging mailing list
> I assumed it was a shrine for the hill it is on. Would a Mikoshi be
stored so far away from the road?
If there's only this building, it could be a shinto shrine
(amenity=place_of_worship + religion=shinto)
> Is "building=garage" standard tagging for mikoshi storage buildings of
any size?
It's ju
> For some context, here are 4 pictures.
> https://m.imgur.com/a/cyFFn
* 1st and 2nd: Shinto shrine?
I cannot deside its a Shinto shrine or not. It could be a Shinto
garage(Mikoshi is placed in it).
If so, I would tag it as building=garage(or yes) + religion=shinto (without
> I was surprised to find man_made=torii when I was napping near Mt Haruna.
> I assume there are changes to the Japanese tagging that happen that I don't
> notice.
> Discussion on man_made=torii is here
And Shinto related obje
> While the shinto shrine seems to fit perfectly, I feel the statues suffer
> from the same problem as the column: there's no shrine, especially as there
> are (apparently) true jizo shrines, e.g. http://sokukoji.org/20140101_
> jizo-shrine_640/
Shinto small shrine and Jizo are used in the
I added some photo example to wiki,
Japanese community has agreed to use historic=wayside_shrine to these
* Shinto small shrine, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hokora
* Jizo, carved statue of a famous buddhist,
>Subway Entrances and Exits
If I can walk into subway station through an underground shopping mall,
where could be a subway entrance?
>Restricting Stop Areas
I think `public_transport=*` is used here, not `railway=*`.
>Mandatory Route Tags
Why `ref`, `colour` and `network` are mandatory?
I t
> do you recall why emergency:social_facility=shelter was chosen as a tag,
> rather than a simple "emergency=shelter"? Because social_facility shelter
> in osm is used with a different meaning, so it seems quite odd.
> (1) "emergency=shelter" is not defined in wiki
(2) wiki says social_facil
Hi all,
Japanese community has decided to use following tags
(Discussed here
(1) Evacuation shelter
Many schools are designated as evacuation shelter for natural disaster such
as flooding.
We have already 'generator:source' tag.
So how about to use 'shop=generator' ?
'shop=generator' + 'generator:source=solar' means solar power generator
seller. And we can specify a wind turbine seller also.
I think the expanded name is not friendly for foreigners.
For example, assume you are in Japan, and your navigation app shows "Turn
left at '杉小学校前'".
After a few minutes you will see a guide sign '杉小前'.
Maybe you would wonder you should turn here or not.
So I think `name` should be 'labeled text
To muzirian,
Would you clarify how to use "courier:brand=yes/office/subsidiary"?
2017-04-15 8:19 GMT+09:00 muzirian :
> edit: so I don't know if it will be approved even after that.
> Kelvin
> ___
> Tagging mailing list
> Tagging@openstr
OK I will send a message to him.
Tagging mailing list
Hi, Javbw
>is this some systemic regional tagging change that is not documented?
There is no such agreement in Japanese community, AFAIK.
So I think it's error of that mapper.
Wiki:ja says "there is no 'living street' category in Japan" and "Tag such
street as highway=residential+maxspeed=20or30"
I just think Michi-no-eki is not "highway=*" category, as Javbw said a road
station is focused on the person, not the car.
"tourism=*" is OK, and "amenity=*" is acceptable. But invention of a new
tag is not a good idea.
So I think "(landuse=)retail" is
I think "Michi-no-eki" is not a kind of highway=services,
because usually it does not have a car specific service, like a gas station
or a car maintainance.
A typical Michi-no-eki has
* local food shop
* cafe
* tourist information
* 24/7 parking and toilet
So I usually put "landuse=retail" to Mic
2016-09-08 18:08 GMT+09:00 Felix Delattre :
>Inside the city center the bus would stop on dedicated bus stops, but once
they are out of the densely populated area, they stop on people's demand.
In Japan, there are such kind of bus route too.
So "on_demand=yes" flag on bus route relation is not e
"tourism=artwork" is used for "public art".
I think "public art" is not related to indoor/outdoor basically.
There are many "indoor public art" and "outdoor private art".
An artwork in an entrance hall of a city hall is "public art" I think.
This museum has many outdoor artworks in its private area
Hi all,
I understand your proposal. But I think "landuse=forestry" should be
consistent with "landuse=farmland/farmyard".
Then "tree area" would be "landuse=forest-land", and "fores
I made a drawing comparison of aquatics_centre/sports_centre/water_park
tagging. Is this correct?
Tagging mailing list
In Japan, a name plate is attached to a traffic signal, but the name is
widely recognized as "junction" name. So I think it's reasonable to tag it
as a junction.
However officially (legally) the name is "place" name. It causes some
Small problem: No junction
Hi Javbw, I want to confirm your point.
*You want to establish a new tag such as traffic_signals_area to solve
multiple signals rendering.
*Opinions on the new tag are welcome from Japanese/Asian community because
rendering of traffic signal and its name is very important for (car)
navigation in J
I'm a Japanese mapper, and I thank you for your work on Japan/Asia specific
It's very tough to read and understand a long discussion in English, so
maybe I'm lack of full understanding on this issue.
I'm sorry I couldn't grasp this problem at this time.
*Signals rendering is dependent on
(sorry it is written in Japanese)
2015-11-04 21:47 GMT+09:00 johnw :
> On Nov 4, 2015, at 8:52 PM, tomoya muramoto
> wrote:
> to a flower field grown naturally (not planted by man
landuse=meadow looks fine to me. I will add meadow=perpetual and
taxon/genus/species=* to that natural flower fields.
2015-11-04 21:03 GMT+09:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> sent from a phone
> > Am 04.11.2015 um 12:52 schrieb tomoya muramoto >:
> >
I want to use natural=flowerbed (or another tag which will be agreed here)
to a flower field grown naturally (not planted by man). Is it appropriate?
Some natural flower field (for example Katakuri or Mizubasho flower) are
famous in Japan. They are usually protected but not planted.
It's happy for
landuse=flowerbed is proposed here.(
I think this tag is suitable to map flower beds in a park or a garden as
written in proposal document.
2015-11-03 21:22 GMT+09:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> 2015-11-03 11:08 GMT+01:00 War
How about using note:opening_hours=* ?
2015-10-17 10:45 GMT+09:00 Craig Wallace :
> On 2015-10-17 01:59, Dave Swarthout wrote:
>> Agreed. Why would you add a tag when you don't know a value to assign? N
>> In addition, concerning the signed:opening_hours=yes/no, there is no
>> need to
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