How about using note:opening_hours=* ?

2015-10-17 10:45 GMT+09:00 Craig Wallace <>:

> On 2015-10-17 01:59, Dave Swarthout wrote:
>> Agreed. Why would you add a tag when you don't know a value to assign? N
>> In addition, concerning the signed:opening_hours=yes/no, there is no
>> need to assign more tags to describe a lack of information about the
>> first one.
> The point is, it is useful information for surveying.
> eg if I see a shop missing an opening hours tag, I would want to visit it,
> to check what the hours are. But if they are not displayed anywhere, then
> that survey trip is a waste of my time and effort.
> If I know the hours are not signed, it means I would have to use other
> methods, eg ask the staff, or phone them up, or check their website etc. Or
> sit there all day, and watch what time it actually opens...
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