"tourism=artwork" is used for "public art".
I think "public art" is not related to indoor/outdoor basically.
There are many "indoor public art" and "outdoor private art".
An artwork in an entrance hall of a city hall is "public art" I think.
This museum has many outdoor artworks in its private area.

My opinion for this kind of tagging is:
*In the area of "tourism=museum", "artwork_type=*"(without tourism=artwork)
is enough to specify it is a private artwork.
*An artwork in open space (forecourt, for example) of a museum can be
tagged with "tourism=artwork".
*It's up to the renderer whether "public art" in a building is rendered or


2016-07-24 19:29 GMT+09:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> sent from a phone
> Il giorno 24 lug 2016, alle ore 11:38, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> ha
> scritto:
> Isn't this a bit of a non-question, given that neither the indoor, nor
> the level tag is currently imported in to the rendering database, so you
> really only have the option of testing if the object in question is in a
> building outline or not (which may be a bit expensive).
> another option would be changing the tags. tourism=artwork is a tag for
> "public artwork".
> Wikipedia states:
> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_art
> *Public art* is art <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art> in any media
> <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_(arts)> that has been planned and
> executed with the intention of being staged in the physical public domain
> <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain_(land)>, usually outside
> and accessible to all.
> This tag is pertinent for art inside the Louvre as is amenity=toilet for
> your private bathroom.
> cheers,
> Martin
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