Dear Sursounders,
For those of you who are interested in some more details about the IRCAM array:
The array is installed in IRCAM's variable acoustics concert hall (15.5 x 24 x
10.5 m3). It consists of four horizontal linear arrays (with a total of 280
independently controlled coaxial speakers
Hi Lasse and Augustine,
> I am eagerly awaiting Ircam to release their WFS software - but they haven't
> as far as I know
The WFS real-time renderer is not yet released as we first have to write some
GUI objects for the filter computation tools.
The current release of the Max/Msp external libr
rly waiting the WFS
>> release! :)
>> Thank you for the links to the open music, OMPrisma etc. I was not aware of
>> these, and thank you for the development of the ircam tools, very cool
>> indeed! :)
>> Markus Noist
Dear Richard and Sursounders,
The AES-X212 "Spatial acoustic data file format" standardizes a file format to
exchange HRTF data. The format is designed to be extendable to represent any
space-related data, such as spatial room impulse responses (SRIR) measured with
multichannel microphone and
Dear Colleagues,
Please find here a call for submissions for the 1st Web Audio Conference -
Ircam and Mozilla, Paris, France in January 26th-28th 2015.
Feel free to distribute this call to interested colleagues.
Apologies for cross-postings!
Dear all,
Here is a reminder for the 1st Web Audio Conference -
* Guideline for submission:
* Deadline for submission on October 10
Feel free to distribute this call
All the best,
Markus and Piotr
Markus Noisternig
Acoustics and Cognition Research Group
IRCAM, CNRS, Sorbonne Universities, UPMC
Paris, France
Piotr Majdak
Psychoacoustics and Experimental Audiology
Acoustics Research Institute
Austrian Academy of Scienc
stand its usefulness, but why is it
> named "spatial acoustic", without a reference to binaural listening? It
> is for marketing reasons, based on the predominance of headphone
> listening?
> --
> Marc
> On Sun, 15 Mar 2015 16:13:47 +0100, Markus Noister
Brümmer (ZKM-Karlsruhe)
Michael Harenberg (HKB-Bern)
Paul Modler (HfG-Karlsruhe)
Tony Myatt (IoSR-Guildford)
Markus Noisternig (IRCAM-Paris)
Curtis Roads (MAT/CREATE-St. Barbara)
Ludger Brümmer (ZKM-Karlsruhe)
Paul Modler (HfG-Karlsruhe)
Götz Dipper (ZKM-Karlsruhe)
Apologies for cross-posting
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
IRCAM Artistic Research Residency Program 2017
Featuring IRCAM Residency & Joint ZKM / IRCAM Residency Tracks
The artistic research residency program is open to com
, and C++ are available at The API provides functionality
to create, read, and write AES69 ‘.sofa’ files. You can freely download and use
the APIs, in whole or in part, for personal or commercial purposes.
Best regards,
Markus Noist
Dear All,
A job opening is available in our research group.
Please pass this on to anyone you think would be interested.
And please forgive the mass mailing.
Kind regards,
- - - - - -
Researcher/developer position (W/M)
European research project ORPHEUS
Fixed-term contract of 12 mo
Gavin Kearney et al have presented their work on "Depth perception in
interactive virtual acoustic environments using higher order ambisonic
soundfields" at the Ambisonics'11 symposium in Paris; the article is available
online at
Dear All,
Here are some references:
Brungart and Rabinowitz [1] showed that HRTF vary significantly for sources in
the proximity region (i.e. at distances less than 1m from the head).
Lentz et al. [2] perceptually evaluated measured HRTFs at different distances
from the head, showing limits o
audio systems, including Wave Field Synthesis, High-Order Ambisonics,
and Binaural audio.
Researcher Markus Noisternig (IRCAM), professor Chris Chafe (Stanford), and
other guests will join EMPAC’s audio staff in dissecting technical and artistic
concerns in the creation and presentation of high-count
Best regards,
Markus Noisternig
Head of Music Research
Researcher in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
STMS Lab IRCAM - CNRS - Sorbonne University - Ministry of
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