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IRCAM Artistic Research Residency Program 2017

Featuring IRCAM Residency & Joint ZKM / IRCAM Residency Tracks

The artistic research residency program is open to composers, professional 
musicians, choreographers, stage directors, sound designers, and students who 
wish to carry out their musical and artistic research using IRCAM or its 
partners’ facilities and extensive research environment. 
Upon nomination, each 
candidate will be granted a residency in an associated laboratory during a 
specific period that will range from three to six months long. During this 
period, candidates will work in association with a team/project at IRCAM or 
with a partner (this year will be marked by the first collaboration with ZKM | 
Institute for Music & Acoustics), carry out the musical and scientific 
experimental work associated with their proposed project, and participate in 
the intellectual life of the institute.
 At the end of their stay, candidates 
will be invited to share the results of their work with the international 
musical research community in the form of documentation and public 
Call for proposals

For the 8th edition of the Musical and Artistic Research Residency, IRCAM 
invites composers and artists to submit artistic projects on novel and 
unexplored paradigms requiring collaborations with IRCAM research. The program 
is open to all artists, regardless of age or nationality, who wish to carry out 
experimental research using partners’ facilities and extensive research 
environment. An international panel of experts including researchers, 
composers, computer musicians, and artists will evaluate each application. Upon 
nomination, each candidate will be granted a residency at IRCAM (for the IRCAM 
Track) or in a partner institution (for the ZKM/IRCAM joint Track) during a 
specific period (three or six months) and in association with scientific 
team/projects. Selected candidates receive the equivalent of 1,200 Euro per 
month to cover expenses in France.  

Applications are accepted only online via the Ulysses Network: 
http://www.ulysses-network.eu/. Applicants can submit their material upon 
creation of an account on the website. The deadline for application is November 
30th 2015 (midnight Paris time).

Apply: http://ulysses.ircam.fr/web/competitions/musicalresidency2017/

An international panel of experts will evaluate all applications and final 
results will be announced in February 2016. 

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