Dear Richard and Sursounders, 

The AES-X212 "Spatial acoustic data file format" standardizes a file format to 
exchange HRTF data. The format is designed to be extendable to represent any 
space-related data, such as spatial room impulse responses (SRIR) measured with 
multichannel microphone and loudspeaker arrays. It builds upon the spatially 
oriented format for acoustics (SOFA) and has the filename extension "sofa".

The AES-X212 Task Group Draft got approved by the AES-SC earlier this year. I 
am currently working on the final edits and we should get the standard 
published within the next few weeks.

An application-programming interface (API) with similar calls for various 
programming languages (Matlab, Octave, C++) and for different computer 
platforms is available online at as well as on The API provides functionality to 
create, read, and write SOFA files. 

The SOFA website already hosts source materials from different HRTF databases. 
Please note that these data are encoded using a beta version of the AES-X212 

Best Regards, 


On 23 juin 2014, at 19:47, Richard Dobson <> 

> I think the AES already has a project to define a file format for htrfs; when 
> I get home I can find the project code. 
> Richard Dobson
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 23 Jun 2014, at 17:43, Martin Leese <> 
> wrote:
>> Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote:
>>> Is there a way to get a personalized HRTF (or even one near mine) with out
>>> spending many hundreds of the coins of your choice or travelling to a
>>> distant destination?
>> No but, if the Microsoft stuff works out, there
>> might be.
>>> Is there a "standard format" for HRTFS that can be used in several softwares
>>> or even converted?
>> The answer is, again, no.  However, to state
>> the obvious, if HRTFs are going to fly then
>> there needs to be.  Is this a task for the AES
>> and/or the EBU?
>> To continue stating the obvious, most
>> audio-only listening currently takes place using
>> ear-buds plugged into players or phones.  This
>> doesn't look like it is going to change anytime
>> soon.  Binaural with personalized HRTFs would
>> improve this listening experience.
>> Regards,
>> Martin
>> -- 
>> Martin J Leese
>> E-mail: martin.leese
>> Web:
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