HolyMoly...69.27 seconds?!
How'd you port SpamAssassin to run on a Commodore Vic-20?
BAHAHA... that ALMOST got me to spew coffee out my nose.
The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Developm
Whew... thought I maybe I offended or something
The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
did I get booted off the list, no list traffic or is sourceforge down?
I haven't gotten anything really since friday
The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the
Matt Kettler wrote:
At 04:56 PM 1/21/2004, you wrote:
SA offers the possibility of having a "smarter" whitelist which
whitelists only if the sending relay is "related" to the sending email,
whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] example.com
is there a possibility to somehow do the oppos
Jennifer Wheeler wrote:
Hello spam peeps
Adam Lopresto and I have recently begun working together on Chickenpox,
and while working on that set, it occurred to him how to fix the
limitations in Backhair, using similar ideas we're using in pox. This
change in essence "combines" Backhair & Popcorn.
humm.. didn't think of ^ thanks
ack just shoot my copy and past cleanup.
This an be subject to a mild denial of service attack.
You probably mean to use '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and '[^.]' instead of '.' in a couple
of places.
ack just shoot my copy and past cleanup.
Tim B wrote:
because a lot of spam contains some email address in an embedded uri
that I'm seeing. I threw together this rule:
because a lot of spam contains some email address in an embedded uri
that I'm seeing. I threw together this rule:
describe MY_EMAILINURL_1Contains what appears to be an Email
Address in URL
score MY_EMAILINURL_1 1.5
Hey does anyone know if there are any spamassassin books comming out?
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Perforce Software.
Perforce is the Fast Software Configuration Management System offering
advanced branching capabilities and atomic
This is why I beleive ISPs who have a restriction should publish their
address blocks which are NOT supposed to be sending mail directly out.
It then becomes the recipient mail domain's responsibility if they
choose to block on the information published.
In your small ISP case, you would not pu
It's well known that filtering is *only* useful for keeping one's inbox
uncluttered; it does nothing to interdict the flow of crap from
upstream. You want to put a serious dent in spam? IDP broadband
providers that give their customers direct access to port 25 on remote
systems by default. Spam fro
Excellent News!
Chris Santerre wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Not since eating popcorn covered in backhair in the weeds have I
been so excited about a ruleset. Fred, along with the rule writers
consortium, has developed a new ruleset called Tripwire. Much testing has
gone into this set. I
that's exactly what I started doing a few weeks agao.
I want to send enough habeas to enforce their copyrights :)
jenni baier wrote:
I guess we can all start putting together a "habeas corpus"
On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Jack Gostl wrote:
I must have gotten 20 of these in the last three hours! I'm
How many do think would end up with an overly outgoing well blessed
healthy abit thin gorilla with a huge desire to descramble tv while
becoming financially secure and well insured
Chris Santerre wrote:
Ok, this one is out in left field but I think it would make spam fun. The
idea jumped i
Kris Deugau wrote:
With your method of making sure mail gets scanned, mail will slowly
build up in the queue until the server runs out of disk space, the MTA
can't process the queue because it's too big, or SA's memory usage
triggers the Linux kernel OOM process killer. (Exactly which happens
I think we all have our favorite ways of calling spamc/spamassassin, and
one of my biggest concerns is that spamd will die for some obscure
reason and mail will stop getting scanned, or I'll be restarting spamd
and a flood mail suddendly comes in. Well this is how I finally settled
into my co
thanks! that's exactly what I needed to know!
Robert Lacroix wrote:
from the spamd documentation:
"-m number, --max-children=number
Specify a maximum number of children to spawn. Spamd will wait until
another child finishes before forking again. Meanwhile, incoming connections
will be queue
the spamd -m commandline option for max child processes... is that per
spamc call?
for instance if I use:
spamd -d -m10 -x -u filter
and I run 50 instances of spamc, does that mean that all 50 call of the
spamc process get 10 spamd child processes for a total of up to 500
spamd child processes?
Evans Martin wrote:
I recently split out my CF file into multiple files.
Ex. whitelist.cf, blacklist.cf, bigevil.cf, evilrules.cf, etc.
Will this noticably degrade system performance?
Evans Martin
I've not notice any performance decrease due to having multiple cf
files, and afaik, spamd
schafer wrote:
To Spamassassin:
My publication is double-opted in by 15,000 families with children with
autism. We are routinely victimized by incompetent software like
spamassassin because of false positives. This is just as intolerable as
> spam. It is worse than spam because it victimizes t
Matt Kettler wrote:
At 07:52 AM 12/23/2003, Tim B wrote:
I want to feed ham into sa-learn every night. However when I get the
ham i'm going to have a bunch more received headers and extra
Microsoft SMTP headers because of the way it's going to be send to
me. What's the downs
Howdy All,
I want to feed ham into sa-learn every night. However when I get the
ham i'm going to have a bunch more received headers and extra Microsoft
SMTP headers because of the way it's going to be send to me. What's the
downside to learning ham with these extra headers?
I know I can use
Tim B wrote:
Bill Larson wrote:
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 833786:
In this exploit using:
Bill Larson wrote:
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 833786:
In this exploit using:
Theo Van Dinter wrote:
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 11:01:22PM -0500, Tim B wrote:
I don't think I've seen this covered ever. can required_hits = 5.5?
yes. the documentation (and code) specifies 5.0 as the default.
integers are used just for simplicity, but floats are allowed.
Ok g
I don't think I've seen this covered ever. can required_hits = 5.5?
everywhere points to a whole number, like 5, or 6 ect ect.
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Matt Kettler wrote:
At 09:06 AM 12/16/03 -0500, Tim B wrote:
this should work. may need a little tweeking.
header RCVD_SECSAGE_RBL eval:check_rbl('SECSAGE',
describe RCVD_SECSAGE_RBL SECSAGE: listed in Security Sage's RBL
score RCVD
Mark Lowes wrote:
Afternoon all,
I've had a dig through the archives and wiki for a definitive answer
with no success. Is it currently possible to use DNS based domain
blacklists at the moment in SA? (such as
Fred wrote:
Tim B wrote:
Hey I stumbled over this little gem of a marketeer, looks like they
claim they can bypass any spamfilter. Anyone familiar with this group?
That's funny, their website says in business since 1997, but their whois
shows different (10 day
Hey I stumbled over this little gem of a marketeer, looks like they
claim they can bypass any spamfilter. Anyone familiar with this group?
This SF.net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials.
Become an expert
Rachel E. Hewitt wrote:
New to SA and unix. I am using SA 2.6 with Guinevere and GW 6. It is
helping a lot. I have spent about 3 hours looking through the archives
of this list and have not found the answer yeta couple questions:
1. if using the spamassassin --lint at the command prompt and it
Daniel Kaliel wrote:
At least once a week our server hangs. I can't figure this out. It seems
to be hanging when spamassassin is working on large emails. Here is how I
have it setup and where I am confused.
My confusion lies in this. If I use the mailbox_command field in postfix do
I need
<--- snip >
My Question/Concerns
Does anybody have any ideas about how this would affect the bayesian
learning system? If i suddenly changed my mind about liking porn one day
and decided to block all porn, would I need to clear out my bayesian
learning database so that it would begin t
Jeffrey Schilperoord wrote:
What is the easyest way to change the 5.0 spampoints to a higher level ?
greetings Jeffrey Schilperoord
in your /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf file add/change the line
required_hits 5 to whatever you want it to be.
David B Funk wrote:
On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Tim B wrote:
Yes I have.. that was the first thing I tried... it still thinks when
there's just one other host that the host is trusted.
Havn't seen that one, sounds like a true bug.
I guess I will open a bugzilla request then.
Problem in spamassassin 2.60 -- trusted relay
There seems there might be a glitch in the detection of trusted relays
which is causing RBL checks to be bypassed.
Is there a way to bypass the autodetection of trusted relays and use
only ones specified in a .cf file? I searched bugzilla and didn'
OK, fine, you have persuaded me.
So I have one question: how can I delete the message, when we use qmail and for local
delivery we use the qmail-local? We run the SA after the AMAVIS + antivirus (both
written in the .qmail file, because these programs must be turn off/o
Mark C wrote:
I have spamassassin installed on my
debian woody e-mail server, out of the box it works generally ok, except
for a few false alerts, which is why this mail comes in, I wish to allow
each use to setup their own user_prefs file, I have sucsessfully
implimented this, but I'm having
Hi all
I'm currently adding a header field which contains the enevelope from
email address. I was wondering if there was a way to write a rule where
I could check this header against the from header field?
Spamassassin 2.55
Postfix 1.11
Procmail/formail in use.
I add the header:
Don't know if this one of your problems or not, but you might want to
look at adding: bayes_file_mode since you are using a site wide
configuration. Also make sure the user that spamassassin is running as
has the proper read and write permissions to the files defined in your
bayes_path stateme
Theo Van Dinter wrote:
On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 02:05:00PM -0500, Tim B wrote:
since the ones I'm using to teach 2.50 bayes filters were tagged as spam
and non spam by 2.43 & 2.44 do I need to remove the spamassassin markup?
sa-learn will remove the markup if it
How can I tell if the Bayes Filtering is working in 2.50?
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