Jennifer Wheeler wrote:
Hello spam peeps

Adam Lopresto and I have recently begun working together on Chickenpox,
and while working on that set, it occurred to him how to fix the
limitations in Backhair, using similar ideas we're using in pox. This
change in essence "combines" Backhair & Popcorn.

If you use this newest version of Backhair, you may delete the Popcorn
Set. It covers the whole<!silly obfu tag>gamut.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ::sniffle:: say it ain't so... Oh the humanity!

..That makes me very sad :'( Popcorn was my first ruleset.

How about for old times sake, you leave the file around with just a comment in it????


Jenn</>ifer <-- 44 on new Backhair set ;) ...oooh the urge to say it!
B..(cough cough) (cough cough cough) nah, best not to.

Say it Say It Say It!

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