At least once a week our server hangs. I can't figure this out. It seems to be hanging when spamassassin is working on large emails. Here is how I have it setup and where I am confused.
My confusion lies in this. If I use the mailbox_command field in postfix do I need all of below, or will that invoke procmail and all I really need is a properly configed .procmailrc file?
In postfix main.cf: mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -f -a "$USER"
In master.cf it invokes a file spamfilter.sh:
spamassassin unix - n n - - pipe user=filter argv=/usr/local/bin/spamfilter.sh -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter=spamassassin:
smtp unix - - n - - smtp -o content_filter=spamassassin:
The spamfilter.sh file looks like:
#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/spamassassin | /usr/sbin/sendmail -i "$@" exit $?
Then there is a .forward file in each users directory: "|IFS='' && exec /usr/bin/procmail || exit 75 #username"
And a .procmailrc file: #---------------------------- MAILDIR=$HOME/mail LOGFILE=$HOME/promaillog
#Blackberry forward #----------------------------
well first off, I wouldn't run spamassassin on email that is over 512k in size. Spamc/Spamd won't run on mail over 250K if I remember correctly.
I don't know of a good way to use a shell script to determine the size of the message, but if you want to continue using the shell script, I would switch to using spamc/spamd
otherwise you can use sitewide procmail and put in your /etc/procmail file the following:
* < 512000
| spamassassin
which will test to see if the mail is under 512000 bytes, and if it is run spamassassin on it.
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