Re: [sage-support] complex numbers printing real part + imaginary part

2017-04-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hello, Indeed there are some unconsistancies sage: CC(1,2) 1.00 + 2.00*I sage: CDF(1,2) 1.0 + 2.0*I versus sage: + 2*QQbar.gen() 2*I + 1 sage: K = QuadraticField(-1) sage: + 2*K.gen() 2*a + 1 Vincent On 11/04/2017 18:25, Pedro Cruz wrote:

Re: [sage-support] Sage for Windows, when?

2017-04-24 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Jim, For windows status, have a look at [1]. Concerning data storage with flash drive, the live USB key [2] gives you access to your hard drive. So I don't understand your limitation problem. Vincent [1]!topic/sage-devel/t2s8cUdf4ZQ [2] https://sagedebi

Re: [sage-support] Sage for Windows, when?

2017-05-02 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 02/05/2017 00:20, Jim Mooney wrote: On Monday, April 24, 2017 at 2:57:41 AM UTC-7, vdelecroix wrote: Dear Jim, For windows status, have a look at [1]. Concerning data storage with flash drive, the live USB key [2] gives you access to your hard drive. So I don't understand your limitation

Re: [sage-support] Discrete Logarithm

2017-05-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hi, "primitive element" is meant as "generator for the multiplicative group GF(p)^*" and not the additive group GF(p). The OP question is about the former and Johan answer is about the latter. For very large p such as what you asked for is likely to be delicate (but I am not a specialist).

Re: [sage-support] Error Building Sage

2017-06-02 Thread Vincent Delecroix
It is only the documentation that failed to build. You should be able to use Sage. To fix the documentation you can try make doc-clean make doc On 02/06/2017 22:24, Ben B wrote: Hello all, I have been trying to update my Sage so that I have the latest beta but I have been getting

Re: [sage-support] define elliptic curve y^2=x^3-x over finite field 11

2017-06-20 Thread Vincent Delecroix
What is the problem!? "10 = -1 mod 11", no? On 20/06/2017 12:52, Xavier Nogues wrote: Hello, I dont know how to define elliptic curve y^2=x^3-x over finite field 11. The negative "-x" is the problem p=11 E=EllipticCurve(GF(p),[0,0,0,-1,0]); Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + *10*x* over

[sage-support] Re: [sage-devel] An issue with the .coefficient() function

2017-06-25 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Eyo, We use several mailing lists. Please ask these kind of questions on sage-support. Now the question is forwarded and continue the discussion there. Best Vincent On 25/06/2017 16:51, baliza Eyo wrote: Dear Sage developers, Here is a quick question about the output of the .coefficie

Re: [sage-support] Re: csdp installed in 7.6?

2017-07-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
To get the list of standard/optional/experimental packages in Sage you can use the command line $ sage -standard --local [package]...[latest version] ([version]) alabaster...0.7.8.p0 (0.7.8) appnope.0.1.0.p0

Re: [sage-support] guesing algebraic numbers from floats

2017-07-20 Thread Vincent Delecroix
sage: algdep(RealField(20)(1.4142), 2) x^2 - 2 Note that you have to specify the maximal degree. Be careful about the input sage: algdep(1.4142, 2) 5000*x - 7071 This is using the PARI/GP algdep command (whose algorithm is a LLL reduction). Vincent On 20/07/2017 16:31, Daniel Krenn wrote:

Re: [sage-support] Difference between sagemathcloud and sagemath

2017-07-23 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Very same question discussed at On 22/07/2017 16:08, William Stein wrote: On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 8:43 AM Gianni D. wrote: What are difference between sagemathcloud and sagemath? Hi, sagemathcloud no longer

Re: [sage-support] phc interface not working in Sage version 8.0

2017-07-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Do you have phc installed on your computer? The error message says that there is no 'phc' command available... (I was not able to install phcpack so I can not properly test the interface) On 26/07/2017 17:15, 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support wrote: Trying the example from the doc of phc result

Re: [sage-support] Sage_crash_report

2017-08-02 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Could you give details on: - your precise operating system version - how did you install Sage On 02/08/2017 11:41, 张彪 wrote: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,

Re: [sage-support] INSTALLATION SAGE

2017-08-22 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Which version of Ubuntu do you have? There is now a package that works for Ubuntu 17.04 (zesty) This is by far the best way to use Sage under Ubuntu. Vincent On 22/08/2017 08:08, KULDEEP SARMA wrote: How sage can be installed in

Re: [sage-support] Sage crashes with a rational exponent

2017-08-31 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Thanks for you report. It works fine for me 8.1.beta3 also on archlinux. Can you give more precision about: - how did you install sage 8.0? - does the rest of Sage looks ok? On 31/08/2017 08:38, Tavian Barnes wrote: The following simple expression crashes Sage 8.0 on Arch Linux: tavianator@cos

Re: [sage-support] Sage crashes with a rational exponent

2017-08-31 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 31/08/2017 10:05, Tavian Barnes wrote: On Thursday, 31 August 2017 12:24:29 UTC-4, vdelecroix wrote: Thanks for you report. It works fine for me 8.1.beta3 also on archlinux. 1292913990 bytes is only 1.3GiB. I don't have that much free, but if you do it probably just works. Indeed. Thou

Re: [sage-support] jupyter nbconvert broken

2017-09-07 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 04/09/2017 12:40, Pstrang Rzekle wrote: File "/home/mitchw/Downloads/nbconvert/nbconvert/", line 4, in How did you instal Jupyter? Why is it in /home/mitchw/Downloads? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To unsubs

Re: [sage-support] Re: OpenBlas multithreaded or not ?

2017-09-10 Thread Vincent Delecroix
This is too bad. There is no other way around? It is a pitty that we have to disable multicore in one of the few libraries where this is available... On 05/09/2017 14:39, Volker Braun wrote: I disabled multithreading in openblas in #22021 as interrupting tends to deadlock the thread pool: co

Re: [sage-support] Re: Conversion of libgap data to sage data

2017-09-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hi Simon, It would be nice if matrices had (lib)gap conversion (which fast implementation for specialized types). Something along sage: m = matrix(ZZ, 100) sage: X = my_gap_matrix() sage: m.set_from_gap(X) This has to be done for each matrix type in order to be efficient. One problem of the

Re: [sage-support] operate with base 2 numbers

2017-11-05 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Your question was unclear to me. All numbers are stored in base 2 on a computer. To create a number using base 2 notations you need to use "named arguments" as in sage: RealNumber("10101e2", base=2) 84.0 sage: Rational("101/10010", base=2) 5/18 Vincent On 04/11/2017 19:00, René M

Re: [sage-support] User Defined Embedding in Number fields

2017-11-10 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hi, Could you provide some concrete examples you are working with? On 08/11/2017 06:48, Abhishek Bharadwaj wrote: I would like to know whether is it possible to define embedding between number fields explicitly rather than using the .embedding command. For instance, Given 2 "isomorphic" number

Re: [sage-support] integrals and algorithms

2017-11-12 Thread Vincent Delecroix
You should give the command that leads you to the error. Concerning sympy, note that you can use it directly within Sage sage: import sympy sage: x = sympy.Symbol('x') sage: sympy.integrate(sympy.sin(x^2), x) 3*sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*fresnels(sqrt(2)*x/sqrt(pi))*gamma(3/4)/(8*gamma(7/4)) On 12/11/201

Re: [sage-support] Powers of polynomials in positive characteristic extremely slow

2017-11-30 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Peter, The power in GF(2)[a,b][x] uses a very generic datastructure and a very generic power method, see the code at [1]. As you can see, when the characteristic is > 0 and the power > 20 a special method that explains the difference seen between f^16 and f^1024. Did you check how it go

Re: [sage-support] Bug in polynomial ring over quotient ring of multivariate polynomial ring?

2017-11-30 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Not really a bug but it is indeed annoying. I provided a fix for this very specific problem And opened an issue for the more general problem of the fact that quotient rings do not know their characteristic Vin

Re: [sage-support] Memory leak in loops (SageMath 8.1)

2017-12-15 Thread Vincent Delecroix
You can fill your memory with something simpler sage: l = range(10**9) As far as I can see it has nothing to do with Sage or loops. In Python2 the range functions constructs a list. And in the above example, the list is huge. Vincent On 15/12/2017 12:06, Marco Caselli wrote: Hello there,

Re: [sage-support] LattE failed to build

2017-12-18 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Alternative workaround: manually download the following package and put it in the upstream/ repository in your sage install. Once done, you should be able to run $ sage -i latte_int Vincent On 18/1

Re: [sage-support] LattE failed to build

2017-12-18 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 18/12/2017 09:56, Sihuang Hu wrote: I used : sudo sage -i latte_int and it works. Thanks. Nobody suggested that! This is a very bad idea to use sudo here. The permissions of your Sage installation are now messed up. Though, if it works. Good enough. -- You received this message because y

Re: [sage-support] How to make tutorial cells editable and possible to evaluate?

2017-12-24 Thread Vincent Delecroix
In the top right part of the screen there is an "Activate" button that does the job. On 24/12/2017 00:44, Tobiasz Budzyński wrote: Hi, I'm just starting. My 8.0 sagemath notebook with jupiter on windows with google Chrome works. But the tutorials that I open in Help pop out in different tab jus

Re: [sage-support] avoiding startup time cost with multiple invocations

2018-01-10 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Have a look at The following does work for me 1. Create a test.c file with {{{ #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Py_SetProgramName("python"); /* optional but recommended */ Py_Initialize(); PyRun_SimpleString("from sage.all

Re: [sage-support] Re: Find_root not finding a root

2018-03-05 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 05/03/2018 20:01, saad khalid wrote: Hello, and thank you for your response. While I agree that the behaviour of the function certainly complies with the specifications listed in its description, I think everyone would agree that it would be better if it did give all of the roots in a given in

Re: [sage-support] Re: Has Big-Endian support been deprecated yet?

2018-03-13 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Kim, As mentioned on the ticket, this big-endian incompatibility does not prevent the inclusion of primecount as an "experimental package" that I still aim to achieve (the type of the package "experimental", "optional" or "standard" is simply a flag). In practice "experimental" means "not of

Re: [sage-support] scalar restriction in extension field

2018-04-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 16/04/2018 09:21, wrote: I have constructed a big prime field: p=68235916425158872634653027 F=GF(p) Here is what I get sage: p = 68235916425158872634653027 sage: F = GF(p) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: the order of a finite field must be a prime po

Re: [sage-support] scalar restriction in extension field

2018-04-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 16/04/2018 13:15, John Cremona wrote: On 16 April 2018 at 12:04, Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: On 16/04/2018 09:21, wrote: I have constructed a big prime field: p=68235916425158872634653027 F=GF(p) Here is what I get s

Re: [sage-support] scalar restriction in extension field

2018-04-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 16/04/2018 15:09, Vincent Delecroix wrote: On 16/04/2018 13:15, John Cremona wrote: On 16 April 2018 at 12:04, Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: On 16/04/2018 09:21, wrote: I have constructed  a big prime field: p=68235916425158872634653027

Re: [sage-support] scalar restriction in extension field

2018-04-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
fixed at -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group

Re: [sage-support] Fedora 27: Sage installation

2018-04-25 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Manfred, Thanks for you report. However this list is intended for sage development which is not likely to be read by package maintainers. You would better address your mail to the corresponding fedora mailing list. Best Vincent On 25/04/2018 17:59, Manfred Scheucher wrote: Hello, I just

Re: [sage-support] Sage 8.2 build fails on Fedora 28.....

2018-05-19 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Thanks for your report. On 19/05/2018 04:42, doug5y wrote: gcc version 8.1.1 20180502 (Red Hat 8.1.1-1) (GCC) There are known issues with gcc 8.1. You need to either downgrade your gcc or wait for next releases (python is fixed 8.3.beta2 but linbox is not, see

Re: [sage-support] Re: Sage's animations and windows 10

2018-06-14 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 01/06/2018 23:40, Erik Bray wrote: On Friday, June 1, 2018 at 3:32:19 PM UTC+2, Francesco wrote: Hello everyone. My installation is Sage 8.2 and windows 10 64bit, with imagemagick and ffmpeg installed. I send these commands to sage: ( an example of reference manual ) sage: sines = [plot(c*s

Re: [sage-support] problem installing sage on ubuntu 18.04

2018-06-28 Thread Vincent Delecroix
How did you install it? On 27/06/2018 18:53, wrote: ┌┐ │ SageMath version 8.1, Release Date: 2017-12-07 │ │ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.

Re: [sage-support] Re: Sage's animations and windows 10

2018-06-28 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Erik, On 22/06/2018 16:53, Erik Bray wrote: On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 11:46 AM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: On 01/06/2018 23:40, Erik Bray wrote: On Friday, June 1, 2018 at 3:32:19 PM UTC+2, Francesco wrote: Hello everyone. My installation is Sage 8.2 and w

Re: [sage-support] binomial() puts

2018-08-07 Thread Vincent Delecroix
The global binomial function is to be blamed. The one in arith works fine sage: R. = ZZ[] sage: sage.arith.all.binomial(q,2) 1/2*q^2 - 1/2*q sage: sage.arith.all.binomial(q,2).parent() Univariate Polynomial Ring in q over Rational Field Vincent On 07/08/2018 07:08, J E Cremona wrote: sage: R.

Re: [sage-support] binomial() puts

2018-08-08 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 08/08/2018 00:26, John Cremona wrote: On 7 August 2018 at 20:56, Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: The global binomial function is to be blamed. The one in arith works fine sage: R. = ZZ[] sage: sage.arith.all.binomial(q,2) 1/2*q^2 - 1/2*q sage: sage.arith.all.bino

Re: [sage-support] Unable to display graphs from Ubuntu 18.04, Sage 8.3, 64 bit PC

2018-08-12 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Graham, Note that on Ubuntu 18.04 there is a sagemath and sagemath-jupyter packages available in apt. They work with the system Python and simplifies a lot installation. Best Vincent On 8/12/18 7:57 AM, Graham Gerrard wrote: Hi Jan I initially installed from the binary tarball. Successf

Re: [sage-support] Unable to display graphs from Ubuntu 18.04, Sage 8.3, 64 bit PC

2018-08-12 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Graham On 8/12/18 11:48 AM, Graham Gerrard wrote: Vincent: Tried installing sagemath using your recipe. Works OK for my original problem. However, have now reverted for several reasons... (a) 8.1 not 8.3 Indeed. That is the life of packages in a distribution such as Debian/Ubuntu. You s

Re: [sage-support] Re: Sage 8.3 Build Fails on Debian Sid

2018-08-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
On 8/15/18 5:05 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote: besides it's being gcc 8.2, and AFAIK nobody ever built Sage with gcc 8 This is perfectly fine with gcc-8.2.0 that I have on my machine. And building Sage with it since long now. I don't see any reason to switch to another compiler. -- You received thi

Re: [sage-support] Re: Accessing group generators in libgap

2018-09-30 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Simon, The main problem is that G is a gap group and not a libgap group. By gap group I mean that the interface going through the pexpect interface. The two systems gap and libgap do not seem to share the namespaces (which make sense). For example, this does work sage: gap(g1) f1 but

Re: [sage-support] ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: sgetrs_N_parallel

2018-10-21 Thread Vincent Delecroix
This is a known problem Le 20/10/2018 à 01:03, slabbe a écrit : After doing sage -i cbc sagelib as suggested here I get sage: MixedIntegerLinearProgram('Coin') Traceback

Re: [sage-support] Re: "Is 1 zero or nonzero?"

2018-10-24 Thread Vincent Delecroix
I can not reproduce (or I misunderstood your instructions). Please provide a *complete* list of commands that lead to the problem. Here is what I got sage: a = SR.var('a') sage: b = SR.var('b') sage: f(r) = r^5*(1-r^2)/((1-2*a*r+r^2)*(1-2*b*r+r^2)) sage: assume( -1 < a < 1) sage:

Re: [sage-support] Polyhedron.integrate: non-full dimension

2018-12-04 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 04/12/2018 à 15:36, Dima Pasechnik a écrit : On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 1:47 PM Daniel Krenn wrote: For integrating a polynomial over a polyhedron LattE is used but if the dimension is not full, then it is not implemented, see sage: x, y = polygens(QQ, 'x, y') sage: P = Polyhedron

Re: [sage-support] Period of a sequence

2018-12-09 Thread Vincent Delecroix
You can use sage: w = Word(S) sage: w.primitive_length() [3] sage: w.primitive() word: 123 Le 09/12/2018 à 11:57, chandra chowdhury a écrit : I have a sequence which I stored in an array. I want to find the period of the sequence. But the following code gives error. S=[1,2,3,1,2,3] S=Sequence(

Re: [sage-support] Period of a sequence

2018-12-17 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Indeed, primitive_length only consider periods that are integer divisors of the total length. If you want other periods you can use the (very slow) sage: Word(S).periods() [3, 6, 9] Vincent Le 17/12/2018 à 09:52, a écrit : Thank you. However if S=[1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2]

Re: [sage-support] algorithme

2019-01-20 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Bonjour, Cette liste est plutôt anglophone (voir les réponses). Il y a deux erreurs dans votre programme. Premièrement, il ne faut pas mettre de "\" à la fin des lignes. Ensuite, le signe de comparaison est "==" et non pas "=". Je vous conseille de regarder un livre sur la programmation en Pyt

Re: [sage-support] Viewers in cocalc?

2019-02-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
This list concerns the SageMath software. If you want support for cocalc, you should consider writing to their support. They are very reactive. Best Vincent Le 26/02/2019 à 00:26, david.guichard a écrit : When I try to specify a viewer in a plot3d I get an error if I try anything other than "ta

Re: [sage-support] "Questions about Sage"

2019-02-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear William, That is a good idea and the list seems to be complete. * You use both Sage and SageMath. It is a bit confusing. * I would change the order to reflect where you should look at. i.e. put as very last the "report a bug". Perhaps also, Sage documentation would be better as "one

Re: [sage-support] Viewers in cocalc?

2019-02-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
about Sage, not any other component of cocalc. On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:50 AM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: This list concerns the SageMath software. If you want support for cocalc, you should consider writing to their support. They are very reactive. Best Vince

Re: [sage-support] about the speed of tha Magma interface

2019-02-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hi, Indeed that is a problem with all interfaces that are text based such as magma (to communicate with Magma Sage uses an emulation of a console). You can analyze what is sent to magma by running sage: m = matrix(2, [1,3,2,4]) sage: m._magma_init_(magma) 'Matrix(IntegerRing(),2,2,StringToIntege

Re: [sage-support] about the speed of tha Magma interface

2019-02-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
I don't think this has ever been implemented in Sage. You have to figure out how to create a sparse matrix in magma and write Sage code to produce it. You can get inspiration from the current code of _magma_init_ def _magma_init_(self): P = magma(self.parent()) v = [x._magma_i

Re: [sage-support] Segmentation fault in is_squarefree

2019-03-03 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hi, I can not reproduce (I am using Linux). Let me copy your traceback that was a mess because of linebreaks --- SignalError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 1 aa=Integer(109604757131194

Re: [sage-support] Segmentation fault in is_squarefree

2019-03-03 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Cher Roland, Just to be sure, could you try in a *Python* Jupyter notebook to run a cell with the following content import cypari2 pari = cypari2.Pari() pari(109604757131194562205071319966444535807).issquarefree() (I expect the very same error to occur, but it is better to double ch

Re: [sage-support] sage dev in /usr for ubuntu

2019-03-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hi, Unless your Linux distribution is very permissive you should never access the /usr repo in write mode. The standard place to install your custom softwares is /opt [1]. [1] Vincent Le 16/03/2019 à 19:27, HG a écrit : Hi, I have u

Re: [sage-support] sage dev in /usr for ubuntu

2019-03-17 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 17/03/2019 à 00:27, a écrit : My real question is how to make a deb without all this question about proprietary software. I can not understand your real question. What do you mean by "make a deb"? You mean a Debian package? For that there is the documentation on debian

Re: [sage-support] debian testing: sagemath crashing

2019-03-21 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 22/03/2019 à 00:10, Andreas Schuldei a écrit : File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 809, in Here is something fishy in your log: why do you have Python packages installed in /usr/local? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "s

[sage-support] not able to compile documentation in a Python module depending on SageMath

2019-03-25 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear all, I have a Python module [1] which depends on SageMath. The documentation used to build fine but now I got an error Exception occurred: File "/opt/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/", line 2284, in sage_getsourcelines raise err TypeError: is a built

Re: [sage-support] not able to compile documentation in a Python module depending on SageMath

2019-03-25 Thread Vincent Delecroix
[1] Sorry about that Le 25/03/2019 à 10:44, Dima Pasechnik a écrit : On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 9:41 AM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: Dear all, I have a Python module [1] which depends on SageMath. The and what

Re: [sage-support] Preferred way to navigate through documentation

2019-04-07 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Fan, I definitely agree that browsing through the reference manual is a pain. For general reference, I would advise to use one of the introductory books that are better organized - -

Re: [sage-support] Why does Sage Math crash instantly? / Running .sage files?

2019-04-08 Thread Vincent Delecroix
For reference, the exact same question is asked Vincent Le 08/04/2019 à 17:24, Adrian Scheuer a écrit : Hello. First of all, I need to Mention that I am completely new to Sage Math and I have no idea what causes my problem(s), like seriousely, no id

Re: [sage-support] Problem trying to run sagemath in ubuntu 18.04

2019-04-17 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hola, You most probably launched SageMath as a super user and then the permissions in your home tree are messed up. Could you run the following command in a console and post the output back $ ls -lR ls /home/jgarcia/.sage It would also help if you describe how did you install SageMath (and whe

Re: [sage-support] sage-8.7-Ubuntu_18.04-x86_64 Installation problem

2019-04-26 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Philippe, On the other hand, your distribution provides packages for SageMath, see Just install the four packages sagemath sagemath-jupyter sagemath-doc-en sagemath-doc-fr Best Vincent Le 26/04/2019 à 20:47, Philippe Esper

Re: [sage-support] sage-8.7-Ubuntu_18.04-x86_64 Installation problem

2019-04-27 Thread Vincent Delecroix
distro is a very old lady… (12.04). I just took my chances. Even if now sage installation goes smoothly, it crashes on opening. I think it is not worth debugging, I will soon update my antique Ubuntu then go back on sage. Thank you for your help. 从我的安卓手机发的。 On Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 08:37 Vincent

Re: [sage-support] Sage Crash Report

2019-04-27 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hello, What did you downloaded exactly? You meant that you installed Sage from via the package manager (apt)? Best Vincent Le 23/04/2019 à 03:22, Erik Wallace a écrit : Hello, I am submitting this crash report. I downloaded sage from the Ubuntu repo. Please let me know, how I can fix this.

Re: [sage-support] Sage Crash Report

2019-04-28 Thread Vincent Delecroix
-packages/sage/structure via $ ls -l /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sage/structure/ Le 28/04/2019 à 21:05, Erik Wallace a écrit : Yes, I downloaded via apt. The supporting python packages were also downloaded via apt. On Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 5:08 PM Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecr...@gmail.

Re: [sage-support] Function Field

2019-05-13 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Hello, It works for me and I obtain [Place (1/x, y), Place (1/x, y + 1), Place (x, x*y)] Could you describe the SageMath version you are using? Vincent Le 13/05/2019 à 10:10, Santanu Sarkar a écrit : Hi, This code works well. K. = FunctionField(GF(2)) R. = K[] f=y^2 + y + 1/x L. = K.exte

Re: [sage-support] Sage Crash Report

2019-05-14 Thread Vincent Delecroix -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1871 Apr 15 21:51 test_factory.pyc -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50516 Dec 7 2017 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51060 Apr 15 21:51 unique_representation.pyc On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 4:46 PM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote

Re: [sage-support] An unreliable decimal approximation using N(prec=)

2019-05-23 Thread Vincent Delecroix
This is not an issue. The numerical approximation function N simply evaluates the expression at a given precision. There is no guarantee on the overall result as cancellation may occur. If you want accurate results, use interval or ball arithmetic. If you note your symbolic expression "expr" you c

Re: [sage-support] The behavior of empty sums

2019-06-23 Thread Vincent Delecroix
The SageMath function sum accepts an optional "zero" argument precisely for this purpose sage: sum([], 0) 0 sage: sum([], 11) 11 sage: sum([], []) [] Le 17/06/2019 à 11:18, Peter Luschny a écrit : Hi, I think we should be confident that the sum of integers is again an integer, the sum of ratio

Re: [sage-support] ask.sagemath server error

2019-06-28 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Mark, I just created a login/password account without any problem. Please try again as it might have been a temporary problem. Best Vincent Le 27/06/2019 à 18:28, Mark Butler a écrit : I am hoping to write a package for Sage and have a few questions I would like to ask on ask.sagemath,

Re: [sage-support] Re: problem with matrix over finite field

2019-07-12 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 12/07/2019 à 11:56, Harald Schilly a écrit : I've no idea why this is happening on CoCalc. My first guess is there is an optional package installed, which is causing this. As Simon already said, there is meataxe installed. While Interestingly, this works: matrix(GF(16), [[1,0], [0, 1]]) w

Re: [sage-support] problem with matrix over finite field

2019-07-12 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Hal, For the time being, you can use the following workaround matrix(GF(25, a), [[1,0], [0, 1]], implementation='generic') Le 11/07/2019 à 23:20, Hal Snyder a écrit : This works on sage-8.5: sage: a = var('a') : matrix(GF(25, a), [[1,0], [0, 1]]) : [1 0] [0 1] but not on sage-8.

Re: [sage-support] Sage equivalent for GP's "padicappr"?

2019-08-01 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Fernando, PARI/GP is included in Sage so that you can at least do sage: R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x') sage: x = R.gen() sage: p = x^2 - 2 sage: pari.padicappr(p, pari('4 + O(7)')) [4 + O(7)]~ There might be some more convenient functions using the Sage native implementations of p-adic number

Re: [sage-support] Problem with factor in SymbolicRing

2019-08-04 Thread Vincent Delecroix
I confirm the bug on 8.9.beta5. It is most probably a bug in Pynac. Note that if you multiply by 2 it "works" sage: (2*num).factor() (16*r^6 - 32*r^4*x^2 + 16*r^2*x^4 + 32*r^4*y^2 + 32*r^2*x^2*y^2 + 16*r^2*y^4 + 80*r^2*x^2 + 16*x^4 + 16*r^2*y^2 + 32*x^2*y^2 + 16*y^4 - 16*x^2 - 16*y^2)*r^4/(r^6

Re: [sage-support] sage crash report

2019-09-02 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Oscar, You should tell precisely what is your installation of Sage that is broken. Looking at the crash report, I assume that you use Sage from the system. In this situation, you would better address your question to some Debian help forum or mailing list. For the bug you encountered, it ha

Re: [sage-support] Cannot load session create in another version of sage

2019-09-02 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 30/08/2019 à 12:54, Simon King a écrit : Hi Steve, On Friday, August 30, 2019 at 11:55:45 AM UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote: On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:48 PM 'SteveJJ' via sage-support > wrote: I saved a session when using sage 8.0. When I try to load that session into sage 8.8, I get er

Re: [sage-support] Re: Cannot load session create in another version of sage

2019-09-03 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 03/09/2019 à 09:07, Simon King a écrit : Hi Vincent, On 2019-09-03, Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: If I understand correctly, saving/loading individual objects is supposed to be backwards compatible. This is not correct. Saving individual object is not supposed

Re: [sage-support] Re: Cannot load session create in another version of sage

2019-09-03 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 03/09/2019 à 11:28, Simon King a écrit : Hi Vincent, On 2019-09-03, Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: I believe a CAS which doesn't even *attempt* to offer a way to store user data permanently and reliably is a failure. I'll rant more on it on the tick

Re: [sage-support] optional packages and binder

2019-10-29 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Enrique, It would be helpful to have the complete error message and the log of the failed build. And if you know how to do that, you can open a trac ticket. Also, it would be nice to have docker images for Sage with most (if not all) optional packages installed. Vincent Le 29/10/2019 à 05

Re: [sage-support] optional packages and binder

2019-10-30 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Estimado Enrique, If you want to compile anything, you should be using development docker image, that is sagemath/sagemath-dev (you can tag if 8.8 if you wish). Be careful that the image is twice bigger. See the documentation at Vincent Le 30

Re: [sage-support] Mixing GP and @interact inside Sage Cell

2020-01-13 Thread Vincent Delecroix
If you want to interact with PARI/GP it is much better (= faster and more reliable) to use the cypari interface. Namely sage: s = pari('square(x)=x^2') sage: s(20) 400 If you want to convert the output of s(20) (a "Gen") then use sage: s(20).sage() 400 sage: type(s20) sage: type(s(20).sage())

Re: [sage-support] sagemath 9 + Graph

2020-01-25 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Jean-Francois, When you do report an error having to do with the SageMath installation (and not about "how to use SageMath"), it is strongly advised to state precisely what is your setup. SageMath installs on dozens of operating systems in half dozen ways. Each installation setup comes with

Re: [sage-support] Output in characteristic 2

2020-02-03 Thread Vincent Delecroix
The command sage: P. = GF(2)[] is *not* declaring variables x0, x1, etc to be elements in GF(2) but rather *assigns* x0, x1, etc to be generators of a poynomial algebra. sage: P. = GF(2)[] sage: (x0 * x1 + x3 + 1)^2 x0^2*x1^2 + x3^2 + 1 If you want to use elements of GF(2) simply do sage: K =

Re: [sage-support] TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

2020-02-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear Bertrand, Where is "the code below"? Vincent Le 16/02/2020 à 15:44, Bertrand Cayzac a écrit : Hello, The code below worked happlily each time I launched it in SageMathCell until recently. It now exits with the error below in a call to scipy.optimize.newton while I didn't make any change;

Re: [sage-support] TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

2020-02-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
;black', linestyle='dotted') S=S+IPA (axes=true,aspect_ratio=1) if showmaths : show ('nipple coordinates : x = ', nipple_x, ' y = ', nipple_y-r) show ('areola / breast circle intersection coordinates : x = ', areoint_x, ' y = ', nipple

Re: [sage-support] TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

2020-02-16 Thread Vincent Delecroix
) I open to track the issue. Vincent Le 16/02/2020 à 23:59, Vincent Delecroix a écrit : As a start you can notice that SageMath cell has switch to Python 3. To see that, run the following two lines in a cell import sys print(sys.version) In particular you

Re: [sage-support] Re: Approximating integral with infinite bounds

2020-02-29 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 29/02/2020 à 21:41, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit : You may try to separate the real and imaginary part of your function, and sample from these part. Look at Stan and the companion R package bridgesampling

Re: [sage-support] Optional package cunningham_tables unavailable (version 9.0)

2020-03-12 Thread Vincent Delecroix
What is your setup? Le 12/03/2020 à 14:15, 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support a écrit : Calling the example from sage.rings.factorint import factor_cunningham factor_cunningham(2^257-1) from the docs yields the message that the Cunningham tables should be installed via ``sage -i cunningham_tables

Re: [sage-support] Problem of Sage 9.0 and Maxima powerseries

2020-03-24 Thread Vincent Delecroix
What is this syntax maxima(f, x) intended for? Just use sage: maxima(f).powerseries(x,0) 'sum(_SAGE_VAR_x^i3,i3,0,inf) I hardly understand why it worked in previous versions. Le 24/03/2020 à 14:13, mendes a écrit : Dear all, In previous versions of Sagemath, this worked fine: f= 1/(1-x) prin

Re: [sage-support] Re: Slow Computations in Quotient Rings

2020-04-06 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Dear rana-aere, If you think this is an issue, then *you* should be working on it. Every SageMath developers is a volunteer that does not take orders and think by herself or himself what is relevant to do. Note that helping others is indeed a concern for most of them. As a start: - you can chec

Re: [sage-support] sage compilation: Error running the postinst script for pplpy-0.8.4

2020-04-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Thanks for your report. The postinstall script for pplpy just compiles and installs the documentation. For now, you can use the workaround $ export SAGE_SPKG_INSTALL_DOCS="no" $ make I don't quite understand what is happening. From your log usage: sphinx-build [OPTIONS] SOURCEDIR OUTPUTDIR [

Re: [sage-support] sage compilation: Error running the postinst script for pplpy-0.8.4

2020-04-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
think that maybe interfering? I am eager to get this working. I am trying to add my Sim plificator to the symbolic package. --Carlos. On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 5:56 AM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: Thanks for your report. The postinstall script for pplpy just compiles a

Re: [sage-support] sage compilation: Error running the postinst script for pplpy-0.8.4

2020-04-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
20 à 13:15, Carlos Rodriguez a écrit : No. I did a "printenv | grep omega0" and "printenv | grep SPHINX" and nothing showed up. On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 7:06 AM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: Hi Carlos, There is indeed some interference between sphi

Re: [sage-support] sage compilation: Error running the postinst script for pplpy-0.8.4

2020-04-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
Le 11/04/2020 à 13:28, Vincent Delecroix a écrit : Could you also check if $MAKE is in the environment? and $O as well (this is a shortcut used by sphinx default Makefile) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To unsubs

Re: [sage-support] sage compilation: Error running the postinst script for pplpy-0.8.4

2020-04-11 Thread Vincent Delecroix
running the compilation failed again! something about in dochtml.log (attached) I'll try what you suggested also... am I going to be able to compile this beast? On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 7:29 AM Vincent Delecroix <> wrote: Could you also check if $MAK

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