I can not reproduce (or I misunderstood your instructions). Please
provide a *complete* list of commands that lead to the problem. Here
is what I got
sage: a = SR.var('a')
sage: b = SR.var('b')
sage: f(r) = r^5*(1-r^2)/((1-2*a*r+r^2)*(1-2*b*r+r^2))
sage: assume( -1 < a < 1)
sage: assume( -1 < b < 1)
sage: integral(f, (r, 0, 1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Computation failed since Maxima requested additional
constraints; using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may*
help (example of legal syntax is 'assume(b^2-1.0>0)', see
`assume?` for more details)
Is b^2-1.0 positive or negative?
It is kind of silly that SageMath or Maxima can not make
deduction such as
-1 < a < 1 => a^2 < 1.
sage: assume(a^2-1 <0)
sage: assume(b^2-1 <0)
sage: g = integral(f, (r, 0, 1))
sage: h(t) = g.subs(a=cos(t), b=sin(t))
sage: integral(h, (t, 0, 2*pi))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Integral is divergent.
Le 24/10/2018 à 13:50, Chris Judge a écrit :
Hi Simon, The integral is sort of complicated. First integrate
f(r) = r^5*(1-r^2)/((1-2*a*r+r^2)*(1-2*b*r+r^2)) over [0,1]. Sage asked
for some assumptions and so I gave it these: assume( -1 < a < 1) assume(
-1 < b < 1) assume(a^2-1 <0) assume(b^2-1 <0) With these assumptions,
this first integral worked. But read on! The result of integration
g(a,b) depends on two parameters a,b. Now integrate g(cos(s),cos(t))
over s in [0,2pi]. The latter integral asks for assumptions. And so I
made the following assumptions. assume( 0< arccos(cos(s)) <2*pi) assume(
0< arccos(cos(t)) <2*pi) With these assumptions, the integrate command
produced "Is 1 zero or nonzero?" I wish I could find simpler example for
which produces this error message, but I really have no idea what's
happening here. Best wishes, Chris PS By the way, Sage is outputting
"acos" in error messages presumably because Maxima uses acos for arccos.
On 2018-10-24 4:35 a.m., Simon King wrote:
Hi Chris,
On 2018-10-23, Chris Judge<cjud...@gmail.com> wrote:
Appears to be a bug that comes when integrating expression.
Maxima asks "Is 1 zero or nonzero?" and then suggests using assume(1>0).
Then it fails to accept this assumption...
You just made my day...
Coincidally, this week I told my students about the trivial ring (where
In any case, in order to track down the bug you encountered, it would
help if you could give us the expression whose integration triggers the
Best regards,
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