[sage-edu] Re: matrix over the booleans

2008-05-14 Thread jason-sage
David Joyner wrote: > On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Pedro Patricio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> hi all... i am sure you can easily help me with this one. >> >> how can i define a matrix over the booleans? i know this is trivially >> done over ZZ and so forth. >> > > If by booleans

[sage-edu] Re: concentrated sage presentation (flier)

2008-05-14 Thread jason-sage
William Stein wrote: > 2008/5/14 kcrisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > >> >> On May 14, 2:08 am, "Jurgis Pralgauskis" >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> >>> Hello, >>> >>> I made a sage flyer with intro + examples >>> for my uni students conference (but some professors also got >>> interested)ht

[sage-edu] Re: matrix over the booleans

2008-05-14 Thread jason-sage
Pedro Patricio wrote: > ok, let me remake my question: how can i define a boolean matrix? > sure it is not over a ring, but in fact over a semi-ring. > let me quote a previous post: > "the key thing is to compute the reachability matrix of a digraph. an > awkward way to do it would be by computing

[sage-edu] Re: material for sage screencast

2008-09-16 Thread jason-sage
William Stein wrote: > On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> Sorry for the confusion regarding range(). >> >> Are there other idioms not in standard python that should be >> highlighted? >> >> Thanks! >> > > I'll take a shot at brief explanations for th

[sage-edu] Re: Interactive, online Calculus lessons

2008-09-19 Thread jason-sage
john_perry_usm wrote: > Hello all, > > A group member encouraged me to announce this here, so here goes. > > This past summer I worked on a project to develop interactive, online > lessons for Calculus I. (Calc II too as well, there's only so much > time in the day.) The general idea is that each

[sage-edu] Re: There is any way to be part of this community without being forced to have a google account

2008-10-08 Thread jason-sage
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote: > Hi All, > > Congrats for Sage and this mailing list. I'm using Sage + TeXmacs + > Connexions projects with my students to teach linear algebra and > differential calculus. I have made a Virtual version of Linux which runs > on Windows using Virtual Box and

[sage-edu] Re: Sage academic setup experiences.

2008-12-04 Thread jason-sage
lfmartins wrote: > I'd like to get input on how people has set up sage in academic > environments. To be more concrete, let me tell my ideas on how to set > up sage in my department, and what the problems are.. > > Currently, we have labs for exclusive use of the mathematics > department. Unfortun

[sage-edu] Re: Sage academic setup experiences.

2008-12-04 Thread jason-sage
Luiz Felipe Martins wrote: > I'd love to try that, actually. Could you send me what I need and, > perhaps, a few pointers? > Sure. I read Dan's instructions over again too. I set up bridged networking, so it's a tiny bit different than his way. I tried to make the image so that it could

[sage-edu] Re: numerical methods and Sage

2008-12-08 Thread jason-sage
David Joyner wrote: > On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Kaw, Autar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> Hello David: >> Thanks for your comments. >> >> I understand your concern about high cost of the computational packages, >> but most universities have license to one of them. It does force the >>

[sage-edu] Re: Seasonal SAGE poster

2008-12-13 Thread jason-sage
Georg Muntingh wrote: > I love the idea! I took it one step further and quickly hacked > together a Sage worksheet -- although it is basically just Python -- > that replaces each triangle with a picture: > > * Example: http://folk.uio.no/georgmu/ChristmasCard.png > * HTML: http://folk.uio.no/georg

[sage-edu] Re: sage worksheet's by Prof Cha

2009-01-06 Thread jason-sage
Luiz Felipe Martins wrote: > Here is a basic question: how to enter the HTML text between cells? Is > there a handy way to do it? The only thing I could figure out is to > jump back and forth from "Worksheet" to "Edit". > > (I also saw the LaTeX-Sage converter, but still have to experiment with it

[sage-edu] Re: sage worksheet's by Prof Cha

2009-01-07 Thread jason-sage
Luiz Felipe Martins wrote: > Before I start: to which Sage version should I apply this? Should I > download a development version? I noticed that current distributions > are "3.2", and in TRAC I see things like "3.3", "3.4". > I believe the last time I tested it, the patches applied cleanly to

[sage-edu] Re: Sage 3.2.3 32bit or 64bit? That is the question....

2009-01-17 Thread jason-sage
A. Jorge Garcia wrote: > OK, I have a new lab with 25 dualcore 2GHz 64bit AMD Athlons. > However, I only have a 32bit OS installed (Knoppix DVD which is like > debian with lots of apps including R and Octave). > > Question 1: > With that setup, I should install the 32bit Sage tarball, right? > > Q

[sage-edu] Re: learning python

2009-01-17 Thread jason-sage
calcp...@aol.com wrote: > OOPS, I just added those colons and all is fine! > You posted a question on a Saturday of what is a holiday weekend here in the U.S. There were three answers in half an hour. Wow, good job guys. That's fantastic help! Jason --~--~-~--~~

[sage-edu] Re: draft of "Ani invitation to Sage"

2009-01-17 Thread jason-sage
David Joyner wrote: > I think if you have jsmath installed then you can display output as latex > in the notebook. > For those that don't know--- The jsmath package David refers to is a javascript package that is included in Sage--no extra installation needed. To see nice typeset output, f

[sage-edu] Re: Can you make @interact have a variable # of input boxes...

2009-01-22 Thread jason-sage
Jonathan wrote: > Thanks, this looks like it might do what I want. I have some > questions for below on exactly what you are doing. > > On Jan 22, 10:30 am, Luiz Felipe Martins > wrote: > >> This worked for me, but it is definitely hackish and cumbersome. You >> basically define the function

[sage-edu] Re: LaTeX -> SWS Prototype

2009-01-30 Thread jason-sage
Rob Beezer wrote: > Hi Offray, > > Your timing is very good - and I've been interested in your project as > well. ;-) I have written a 14-page primer on group theory, which is > doing double-duty as a test bed for conversion from LaTeX to Sage > worksheets. Most of the work is done by the tex4h

[sage-edu] Re: Sage graphical capabilities

2009-02-03 Thread jason-sage
marcos wrote: > Last time I checked I did not see anything regarding extensive 3D > visualization for SAGE. I was wondering whether it is something that > some one might be working on? Or whether this will be developed in the > future... More specifically, I would like to know whether SAGE will >

[sage-edu] Re: NSF report on math - tech part

2009-02-13 Thread jason-sage
kcrisman wrote: > The NSF has just put out a video series (five minutes each, maybe) on > the state of math ed in the country. It's actually somewhat > disappointingly vague in parts, but certainly has potential to get > people talking. > > Relevance to Sage: > http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_rep

[sage-edu] Re: Vector Calculus, Interact Demos

2009-02-16 Thread jason-sage
Rob Beezer wrote: > I took some time the past couple of days to learn the interact setup, > and built a couple of demos for Monday's session of multivariable > calculus. They are posted in the wiki at the end of the section at > > http://wiki.sagemath.org/interact/calculus > > The 2D example plot

[sage-edu] Re: Vector Calculus, Interact Demos

2009-02-16 Thread jason-sage
Carl Witty wrote: > On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 1:36 PM, wrote: > >> I found that vectors should be handled by fast_float to create callable >> vectors. I guess Carl is working on the fast_float code to do stuff >> like this (arrays in fast_float; I've CCd him in case he isn't >> subscribed here

[sage-edu] Re: How can I make a topographic map with Sage?

2009-02-20 Thread jason-sage
Ed M. wrote: > On Jan 30, 12:01 am, Jason Grout wrote: > >> David Joyner wrote: >> > ... > >> That said, it looks like we don't distribute the basemap extension to >> matplotlib by default. It's big (100MB tarball); it contains lots of >> data by default. It would be nice to have an

[sage-edu] Re: Vector Calculus, Interact Demos

2009-02-27 Thread jason-sage
Rob Beezer wrote: > Jason: Thanks for the tune-up. I'm not surprised that there are some > efficiencies to be had. I'll get the wiki, and other copies of the > worksheet, updated this evening. > I spent a lot more time working on this @interact (since I plan to use it in class today :), a

[sage-edu] Re: sagelet - calculus in two variables - differential

2009-03-09 Thread jason-sage
Carl Witty wrote: > On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Jason Grout > wrote: > >> I've noticed on this and several other interacts I've done where the >> tangent plane looks ugly because right around the point of tangency, >> jmol apparently gets confused with the two surfaces. >> >> Is this nume

[sage-edu] Re: sagelet - calculus in two variables - differential

2009-03-10 Thread jason-sage
ma...@mendelu.cz wrote: > > On 9 Bře, 16:03, Rob Beezer wrote: > >> Consider adding a screenshot and your code to the Interact/Calculus >> section of the Sage wiki. Jason or myself will eventually split off a >> multivariate section and then add in more of our own sagelets. >> >> > > Don

[sage-edu] Re: sagelet - calculus in two variables - differential

2009-03-11 Thread jason-sage
ma...@mendelu.cz wrote: > I think that parametric plot could work in this simple example. > > > r,phi,y=var('r phi y') > A=parametric_plot3d([r*cos(phi)+2,r*sin(phi)+3,(r*cos(phi)+2)^2+(r*sin > (phi)+3)^2],(r,0,2),(phi,0,2*pi),opacity=0.9) > B=parametric_plot3d([r*cos(phi)+2,r*sin(phi)+3,0],(r,0,2

[sage-edu] Re: sagelet - calculus in two variables - differential

2009-03-11 Thread jason-sage
ma...@mendelu.cz wrote: > >> I'm not sure how hard it would be to add one; it would involve figuring >> out how to clip triangles, separate a 3d plot into separate pieces, >> etc., I think. >> >> Jason >> >> > > Once I created this picture for absolute extremum: > http://user.mendelu.cz/ma

[sage-edu] Re: sagelet - calculus in two variables - differential

2009-03-11 Thread jason-sage
William Cauchois wrote: > Hello, > > William forwarded this thread to me. I've been working on the > parametric_plot3d code under his guidance, and I think I could > implement this feature, the option to specify points for exclusion > from a plot. Last night I investigated an implementation that s

[sage-edu] Re: some questions

2009-04-06 Thread jason-sage
William Stein wrote: > Hi Edgar, > > I'm cc'ing my response to sage-edu and a person at Sun Microsystems. > See below. > > On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Edgar Jasso > wrote: > >> Hello William... >> I am sure you met a lot of people at the AMA conference this >> weekend, so I >> believe

[sage-edu] Re: MathFest

2009-04-14 Thread jason-sage
kcrisman wrote: > I will not be attending, but with its (relative) proximity to Seattle > (Portland), some people might be interested in attending MathFest this > year. > > The reason I point this out is that the contributed paper deadline is > May 1, and the very first session listed (at > http:

[sage-edu] Re: 3d tubes in SAGE

2009-05-07 Thread jason-sage
Rado wrote: > Hello, > > To test the 3D plotting abilities of sage, I tried to implement some > basic tube plotting like the ones here > http://facstaff.unca.edu/mcmcclur/java/LiveMathematica/tubes.html > (mathematica handles those beautifully). > > The code is nice and short and I think the prett

[sage-edu] Re: Linear Algebra QuickRef

2009-05-11 Thread jason-sage
Rob Beezer wrote: > Jason, > > Thanks for all the suggestions and typos. With this format it is hard > sometimes to deal with some of the details. You'll notice I didn't > try to explain what symplectic_form() produces. ;-) I thought about > the case of not having enough eigenvectors to fill o

[sage-edu] Re: interactive visualizing cross-sections of solids ?

2009-05-15 Thread jason-sage
Robert Bradshaw wrote: > I don't believe we have anything like this yet, but it seems it could > be (relatively) easily built on top of the new and very cool 3d > implicit plotting functionality. > Also, the region parameter should be very useful for this (which basically implements nice

[sage-edu] Re: Creating Random Student Worksheets using LaTeX and Sage

2009-08-01 Thread jason-sage
M.Olson wrote: > I am a Sage Newbie and looking to create randomly generated exercise > worksheets (not a sage worksheet) using both LaTeX and Sage. I create > random arithmetic sheets using OpenOffice Calc, but they are not very > aesthetic. However, with the power to be able to incorporate the

[sage-edu] Re: weighted edge digraph

2009-08-15 Thread jason-sage
docfleetwood wrote: > Hello folks, > > Very new to this and I'm looking for some help getting started. I > want to create a weighted edge directed graph. Then I want to add an > interactive slider where the student can remove one of the vertices > and the graph redraws. Then they can move a sec

[sage-edu] Re: weighted edge digraph

2009-08-18 Thread jason-sage
docfleetwood wrote: > Thanks, I have looked at a number of interact examples. > > I suppose what I should really say is that I still need to figure out > how to 'program' an interactive that will get the job done. > Does the examples at http://sagenb.org/home/pub/733/ help more? I just notice

[sage-edu] grant proposal season

2009-08-25 Thread jason-sage
William posted a post on sage-devel that could use feedback from the crowd here. Please reply to sage-devel (or reply here and we'll forward to sage-devel) if you have ideas. Thanks, Jason Williams post: Hello, Grant proposal season is upon us, and things are in the works. Imagine somebo

[sage-edu] Re: Creating Random Student Worksheets using LaTeX and Sage

2009-08-27 Thread jason-sage
kcrisman wrote: > For those of us who have yet to take the leap into SageTex, some VERY > explicit examples posted somewhere (Wiki?) would be very helpful. I > would love the ability to create random questions for certain parts of > my exams using Sage, but don't feel comfortable with the program

[sage-edu] Re: inequalities

2009-09-21 Thread jason-sage
michel paul wrote: > Hi, > > I'm a high school math teacher experimenting with getting kids to use > SAGE. My situation - high school math in a department that rigidly > believes either that > > 1. graphing calculators provide sufficient technology for > contemporary math classrooms or that >

[sage-edu] Re: minicourses etc.

2009-10-14 Thread jason-sage
Rob Beezer wrote: > At the meetings in San Diego a few years ago I had a discussion with > some of the folks who are part of the program committee apparatus and > approved topics for MAA sessions, panels, etc. and I was asking about > proposing a panel or session on open textbooks. I got the dist

[sage-edu] Re: Jmol in web pages

2009-11-13 Thread jason-sage
Jonathan wrote: > Some things related to this. > > 1) The Jmol application already has the ability to make customizable > web pages, that would not depend on the SAGE server, but just a plain > vanilla web server. To use this facility you would just need to > download the file that contains the i

Re: [sage-edu] Re: Advice on adopting Sage in undergrad teaching?

2009-11-17 Thread jason-sage
kcrisman wrote: > For the second one I use .row_space().matrix().rows() and .column_space > ().matrix().rows(), or whatever is appropriate. I agree that is > cludgy. It would also be nice to have an automatic "orthogonal > complement" or "perp" function, e.g. for getting the perp of a kernel > wi

Re: [sage-edu] Re: Advice on adopting Sage in undergrad teaching?

2009-11-17 Thread jason-sage
jason-s...@creativetrax.com wrote: > > I wrote an orthogonal complement function a long time ago; I'm surprised > to not be able to find it in Sage now. I thought it was merged in at > least a year ago. > > > Here's a quick shot at one, using the fact that the orthogonal complement of t

Re: [sage-edu] Solving Word Problems with Sage

2009-11-20 Thread jason-sage
Timothy Clemans wrote: > On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:14 AM, William Stein wrote: > >> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Timothy Clemans >> wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I created a rudimentary word problem solver, see >>> http://sagenb.org/home/pub/1096/ What improvements are needed in order >

Re: [sage-edu] Solving Word Problems with Sage

2009-11-20 Thread jason-sage
jason-s...@creativetrax.com wrote: > Timothy Clemans wrote: > >> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:14 AM, William Stein wrote: >> >> >>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Timothy Clemans >>> wrote: >>> >>> Hi, I created a rudimentary word problem solver, see ht

Re: [sage-edu] Restricting the field used when solving equations.

2009-12-10 Thread jason-sage
jason.t.stein wrote: > I am a high school teacher in Turtleford, SK Canada and am thinking > about using sage in some of my teaching. The one problem I have right > now is all of the complex roots found when solving an equation. Is > there a way to restrict the returned solutions to the Reals? >

Re: [sage-edu] Re: hardware/software requirements for a local Sage server

2009-12-11 Thread jason-sage
Byungchul Cha wrote: > This discussion is very relevant to me, as I am also in the process of > working with our IT people at my campus in order to set up a sage > server for my college. > > My IT person suggests that I run a sage server in a virtual machine. > Are there any helpful tips in install

Re: [sage-edu] Re: hardware/software requirements for a local Sage server

2009-12-12 Thread jason-sage
Dana Ernst wrote: >>> 8GB RAM and at least 4 cores. Get something that runs Linux well. >>> >> How many students are you planning on supporting? (I mean simultaneous >> Sage sessions, where each worksheet open counts as a Sage session). >> > > Initially, I think we would never have m

Re: [sage-edu] How using Sage for high school math effectively?

2009-12-19 Thread jason-sage
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote: > >* Installing the cyn.in software _also_ inside the university's > severs (at this moment it is in a local free software community server). >* Prototyping low cost touch boards with Wii controls, so we can have > them everywhere. >* Integrating M

Re: [sage-edu] Re: what should be taught?

2010-01-01 Thread jason-sage
calcp...@aol.com wrote: > I like all your points. However, I think the statement: > > "it is neither necessary nor sufficient" > > a bit redundant. I would remove that statement, it does not really add > to the argument IMHO. > > BTW, if its not necessary, how can it be sufficient? > > Here'

Re: [sage-edu] converting notes to a Sage notebook

2010-01-05 Thread jason-sage
D.C. Ernst wrote: When I attended the Sage education day at the Clay Math Institute, I had a brief conversation with Rob Beezer about how he was converting his linear algebra textbook into a Sage notebook (maybe I'm not saying that quite right). I have lots and lots of notes for various courses

Re: [sage-edu] Re: converting notes to a Sage notebook

2010-01-05 Thread jason-sage
Rob Beezer wrote: 7. There has been discussion about writing in ReST and using Sphinx to produce worksheets. This converts the TeX to images (which don't scale nicely, etc), but this is another process to consider. Sphinx can also use jsmath to format tex. I think we use images by defa

Re: [sage-edu] Re: converting notes to a Sage notebook

2010-01-07 Thread jason-sage
kcrisman wrote: hide the whole cell. A %auto will execute a cell when you open the worksheet (IIRC). I think the %hide always has to be first. Some combination of these might lead to appealing worksheets with diagrams visible and code hidden, but executed. Experiment. Yes. However, I

Re: [sage-edu] Re: what should be taught?

2010-01-09 Thread jason-sage
michel paul wrote: On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 7:37 AM, > wrote: Then in Analysis class we hit matrices this week, and Sage was perfect for this. I was able to show the kids how a matrix is just a list of lists, and I showed how simple it is to create a 'dum

[sage-edu] Meetup at the AMS/MAA Joint meetings

2010-01-14 Thread jason-sage
William has set up a time for people interested in Sage to get together at the AMS/MAA Joint Meetings. If you have questions about Sage or just want to meet some Sage people, this would be a good place to come. Here is the relevant part of the thread on the sage-devel email list: Let's plan

Re: [sage-edu] Numerical Analysis text

2010-02-08 Thread jason-sage
Dana Ernst wrote: I'm almost hesitate to ask this question on here in fear of being overwhelmed with responses:) (Jason Grout has already heard me ask similar questions to those that follow, so I apologize to him in advance.) I'll be teaching a Numerical Analysis course for the first time in

Re: [sage-edu] easy question

2010-02-08 Thread jason-sage
Dana Ernst wrote: Forgive my ignorance and for asking such a silly question... Today in Calc II, I'm introducing the natural log as an integral. I'd like to show the graph of y=1/t from say 0 to 8 and have the area under the graph shaded from say 1/2 to 1. Doing the following seemed natural