Jonathan wrote:
> Thanks,  this looks like it might do what I want.  I have some
> questions for below on exactly what you are doing.
> On Jan 22, 10:30 am, Luiz Felipe Martins
> <> wrote:
>> This worked for me, but it is definitely hackish and cumbersome. You
>> basically define the function in a string, exec the string to create
>> the function, and then use the function interact, instead using the
>> decoration @interact. (I've read it is frowned up, but...)
>> # first cell
>> fields = ['a','b','c','d','e']
>> init_values = [10,15,31,14,-5, 6]
>> fields_def = ','.join(['%s=%d' % t for t in zip(fields,init_values)])
> What is the zip(...) doing?  Does this change the type of the values
> or is it a sneaky way of
> indexing both values at once?

zip is just a way of combining two lists, element-wise:

sage: zip([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
sage: zip?
Type:        builtin_function_or_method
Base Class:    <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
String Form:    <built-in function zip>
Namespace:    Python builtin
    zip(seq1 [, seq2 [...]]) -> [(seq1[0], seq2[0] ...), (...)]
    Return a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the i-th element
    from each of the argument sequences.  The returned list is truncated
    in length to the length of the shortest argument sequence.
Class Docstring:
    <attribute '__doc__' of 'builtin_function_or_method' objects>


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