So, I have seen someone talk about those some time ago, but how is
their implementation going?
Both the step function u(x) and the impulse function delta(x) are
pretty useful in Engineering, specially when talking about Laplace and
Fourier transforms, so that could help a lot those who use Sage f
Obviously, the intent is not just to have the function for certain
values, but to employ other powers of sage, including differentiation
and integration (not forgetting that the step function is the
integrated delta function). There are, though some other problems with
implementing those, includin
I also believe the bottom graph looks noisy.
Maybe clipping only the first third of the graph and stretching it to
fill the ad's width could make it better?
Otherwise, it looks like a very quality work. What did you use to design
it? Inkscape?
Ronan Paixão
Em Qua, 2008-10-22 às 16:56
hat stands out is Mathematica, which uses
Qt itself but isn't GPL.
Ronan Paixão
Electric Department
Instituto Militar de Engenharia
Em Sex, 2008-10-31 às 08:41 -0700, William Stein escreveu:
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:35 AM, alunw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> &
7;s doing and that would not create a consistency
dilemma (with the added effect of making the novice user know the great
help an init file can provide).
Ronan Paixão
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don't know if this is "the right"(tm) way to do it, but it seems more
import os
[p for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(':') if os.path.exists('%s/%s' %
which should return a list with the paths in which the file 'p
believe, though could be easier to
push for a change in completion code.
Ronan Paixão
Em Ter, 2008-10-28 às 07:44 -0700, Tim Abbott escreveu:
> On Oct 28, 7:32 am, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -1 on the rename, too. It will cause massive problems without any
> >
Em Dom, 2008-11-02 às 16:26 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > don't know if this is "the right"(tm) way to do it, but it seems more
> > pythonic:
> >
> > impo
Em Dom, 2008-11-02 às 17:51 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Nov 2, 5:32 pm, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Em Dom, 2008-11-02 às 16:26 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Ronan Paixão &
an be hired as a contractor to receive compensation for that
patch, and to avoid litigation.
So, with that in mind, some stuff I said in previous e-mails may be
inaccurate (as some in this e-mail may also be, since IANAL).
Ronan Paixão
Would it be possible to create a repository of talks about sage?
Ronan Paixão
Em Ter, 2008-11-04 às 01:08 -0800, Craig Citro escreveu:
> Hey Martin -- this looks great! In fact, I'm giving an Intro to Sage
> talk at SD11 on Friday ... I'm tempted to just reuse your slides! :P
ook's authentication and
authorization schemas to know.
Ronan Paixão
Em Ter, 2008-11-04 às 07:09 -0800, Rob Beezer escreveu:
> Dan,
> Thanks for the reply. Yes, I looked closely at SageTex a couple of
> months ago. Its a great idea, but I think it maybe does the reverse
> of
:14 AM, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Would it be possible to create a repository of talks about sage?
> >
> > Ronan Paixão
> It would be good to add to this:
> William
> >
> >
Em Ter, 2008-11-04 às 18:56 -0600, Jason Grout escreveu:
> On the numpy list, there has been discussion on PEP225, which advocates
> for more custom inline operators in python, particularly to address
> matrix multiplication versus element-wise multiplication. Fernando
> Perez has put together
es" category.
At least sage does a good work with most docstrings, with helpful
examples, but sometimes it would be nice to have an easily searchable
database, because a lot of times I know what I want to do but I don't
know what function does it (and sometimes I don't even know th
Em Ter, 2008-11-04 às 17:44 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > There are no talks from 2008. Somewhere there should be instructions on
> > how to get files there (who to send to). I no
Em Ter, 2008-11-04 às 18:03 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Em Qua, 2008-11-05 às 12:07 +1100, Minh Nguyen escreveu:
> >> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Minh N
Em Qua, 2008-11-05 às 13:23 -0400, David Joyner escreveu:
> Should we consider creating our own "Sage documentation license"?
> As was pointed out, "public domain" not only doesn't exist in some
> countries, it also isn't a license technically speaking.
Just now I noticed on the CC page that in B
way I believe there would be a link to some license if the country
doesn't support public domain, yet allow free usage.
Ronan Paixão
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d be better to have all functions be declared like
$ f(x) = x^3 + x + 1 $ or just use python's def for functions and "*"
for multiplication to make all cases clear. After all, quoting import
this: "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do
c name is a function name (like f,g) does function
> application become the default. If I read in a paper:
f is not always a function name. In electric/electronic engineering, f
is also commonly used for frequency, which is usually a variable.
Ronan Paixão
If one wants to keep the convenience of using f(5) at least it would be
better to only allow one substitution for x, since x already has an
established status (if one wants it even more generic, allow only
single-variable functions). That way calling f(5,3) would raise an error
and force
Em Sex, 2008-11-07 às 12:25 -0800, Georg S. Weber escreveu:
> Ahh,
> better call it "graduate mode" instead of "pedantic mode", at least in
> the documentation.
> :-)
> Cheers,
> gsw
I'd prefer blue-pill mode and red-pill mode :)
s an interesting read.
Yet, +1 to theora, even if it's not considered the technical winner, its
open nature should be valued.
Ronan Paixão
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> > sage: numpy.linalg.inv(a)
> >
> > array([[ 2.25125019e+15, -4.50250038e+15, 2.25125019e+15],
> > [ -4.50250038e+15, 9.00500077e+15, -4.50250038e+15],
> > [ 2.25125019e+15, -4.50250038e+15, 2.25125019e+15]])
> I get this:
> sage: scipy.linalg.inv(a)
> array([[
> I vote for 1j being the Python complex number. This is because the only
> people I can ever imagine using the notation "j" in Sage are numerical
> numpy-type users who would be very annoyed to get Sage complex numbers
> ever.
Actually, at least Electric/Electronic Engineering doesn't use i
> > Sometime in January, I plan to get a public notebook server going and
> > I'd like to have some PR material ready to go.
> When you do plan to get this server going, let me know. The new,
> which is just a 64-bit linux vmware machine, seems to be actually working
> extremely we
No need to complicate with another object.
Something like that would be nicer (if possible):
sum(sum([f(j%7) for j in (0..oo) if j>k]) for k in (0..oo)]))
using j and k, since i is parsed as the complex constant.
Ronan Paixão
Em Qui, 2008-11-13 às 19:35 -0800, kcrisman escreveu:
> Just a reminder that there could be a very big 'market' for Sage Lite
> if/when it appears... in the meantime sou
ould it be better to try check if the user used a
custom figure() with different axis or would it be better to add another
kwarg like log="xy" where "x" would make the x axis logarithmic and "y"
likewise for the y axis, avoiding the need fo
inuous domain to discrete.
Or Z-transform and stuff like that.
Or just plain numerical features.
Ronan Paixão
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For mo
since they know sage's internals much
better and may (or may not) give some advice). They are pretty open to
new ideas too :)
Well, that's just my \pi cents.
Ronan Paixão
I'm not a mathematician
Em Sáb, 2008-11-15 às 06:28 -0800, koffie escreveu:
> William asked me to post
Em Sex, 2008-11-14 às 16:22 -0200, Ronan Paixão escreveu:
> I recently thought about implementing more functions used by non-math
> people (I'm an Electronic Engineering student).
> I started by trying to make a Bode plot, but after a lot of digging to
> find how to make
> This is a pretty nice description of how to get into development.
> Ronan, I encourage you to submit a patch to the
> developer guide with some text as above. At the least, put
> something like that on the wiki.
> William
have also added a
link to this page from the wiki main page, in the Development section.
Ronan Paixão
Em Sáb, 2008-11-15 às 15:01 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Nov 15, 2:56 pm, "Georg S. Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > But I don
Em Sáb, 2008-11-15 às 15:56 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Nov 15, 3:18 pm, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I have recently opened up a page about getting started in Sage
> > development in the wiki, as a suggestion from Will
Em Dom, 2008-11-16 às 11:44 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> > Additionally, I think the Graphics wrapper should not be nearly as
> > heavy as it is. In particular, there's no way to get at and modify
> > the matplotlib subplot object. For example, I have some preliminary
> > code that would let
Em Qua, 2009-05-06 às 00:29 -0700, William Stein escreveu:
> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:57 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> wrote:
> > What about
> > publishing (collections of) worksheets under the CC license? Code
> > snippets in books? Are your books GPL compatible? (Maybe you could
> > claim fair use.)
I'm no expert in design, but from what I can get from my personal feel:
from the Mathematica site, what I think called the attention of the OP
is that it's red. Simply as that. From the wikipedia page on Marketing
(which by the way seems pretty informational):
Requirements of a good advertise
Em Qui, 2009-06-18 às 20:41 +0200, William Stein escreveu:
> My most important debugging tool is logical deduction using my brain.
> -- William
Sounds very deep and witty. That's gotta become a quote on slashdot.
To post to th
Em Dom, 2008-11-16 às 19:53 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Mike Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Most other math packages out there (or at least Mma and Matlab) use
> >> frames instead of just axes. What I would recommend instead of using
> >> axes is t
7;red', aspect_ratio=[1,1,1])
show(W + S, figsize=8, viewer='tachyon')
Also, something with animate() would be nice to show off.
Ronan Paixão
Em Qui, 2008-11-20 às 15:28 -0500, David Joyner escreveu:
> Sounds like they want two paragraphs on Sage, plus picture or graph, in word.
& in sage. I don't see it at
It appears the newest version supports converting to/from numpy arrays:
Ronan Paixão
Em Sex, 2008-11-21 às 14:49 +1100, Alex Ghitza escreveu:
> There was also
> >
> > Ronan Paixão wrote:
> >> Hey, that's much more awesome! It lacks some antialiasing, though.
> >>
> >> Maybe we should add image manipulation support like those new
> >> Mathematica features:
> >> http://www.wolfram.
Em Sex, 2008-11-21 às 16:38 -0800, mhampton escreveu:
> Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hey, that's much more awesome! It lacks some antialiasing, though.
> That image was actually made with anti-aliasing turned on in tachyon,
> but there are some
print type(g)
You get:
Notice that when you explicitly use f(x) sage interprets that as a
function. Your scenario one works because when you use x**2 you're
applying an operation to a variable x and sage implicitly sees this
differently. Also, you still get something different:
happens with unresolved merges :(
The ideal would be if the upgrade process made the 'quiz' in the
beginning, so the user could answer everything up front.
Ronan Paixão
To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.
is somebody out there who has ever used the
> spkg/archive.
> I'm kind of guessing nobody has ever used it, in which case it seems
> completely
> pointless to support.
> William
A compromise option would be to delete all versions except the one
that's being
Em Dom, 2008-11-23 às 14:15 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Nov 23, 2:10 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sounds good to me.
> > Isn't it correct that only account holders can view the wiki page you
> > are planning?
> We could restrict the page to people with logins, but
Em Dom, 2008-11-23 às 03:13 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> Hello folks,
> we nearly ran out of space on /home for the first time in a while. The
> following accounts are using more than 1GB space and on case your name
> is one the list you should consider cleaning up unused files.
This should l
Em Seg, 2008-11-24 às 16:15 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Nov 23, 6:23 pm, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Em Dom, 2008-11-23 às 03:13 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:> Hello folks,
> Hi,
> > > we nearly ran out of space o
Em Seg, 2008-11-24 às 13:05 -0800, jrpick escreveu:
> For security, I just mean that if I have it running on a server, I
> don't want people to be able to do malicious things like play with the
> filesystem, send mail, or drop mysql tables. More than a sandbox,
> however: you shouldn't be able to
TypeError: unable to convert x (=1.) to an integer
Does that belong to a ticket?
Ronan Paixão
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> >> On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 12:30 PM, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Nov 27, 11:24 am, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> Ronan Paixão wrote:
> >>>>> I just found a problem with Integer(). It do
sion and force the user to use it. In my view,
there's nothing that much "automatic" behind the scenes, since the user
already specified he wants an integer, so I think there's no reason to
convert a float from one precision to another.
> Maarten
Then again, the problem is
> >
> > So all of the above leads me to believe that we must have a 100%
> > doctest coverage policy. As soon as we start giving out free passes
> > people will start to argue that their code should be exempted due to
> > BLAH BLAH BLAH and arguing with various people will take longer than
> > wr
and generate arrays of sage objects.
So far, I'm doing everything in pure python + numpy, for performance
reasons, though it would be nice to have some sage powers in the future.
Well, that's my 2 cents.
Ronan Paixão
To post to this g
think that makes some sense.
Ronan Paixão
Em Sáb, 2008-12-06 às 11:39 -0500, Paul Butler escreveu:
> Currently, taking the integral of a piecewise function in Sage gives
> you the definite integral. I've proposed on trac that the integral of
> piecewise functions be indefinite by
I've had the same problem for a long time now, since Sage 3.1.something
but when I complained in IRC everybody just said "you must use Sun's
java" when I'm already using it. I'm just using Tachyon now.
Em Sáb, 2008-12-06 às 12:51 -0800, David M. Monarres escreveu:
> Hello,
> When doing
> This makes sense for compactly supported functions.
> How do you do that for something like f(x) = max(1,floor(x))?
sage: f(x)=max(1,floor(x))
sage: f(10)
sage: type(f)
huh, there are some problems with this function, first because it always
return 1 and second because it's not built wi
e beginning of the first
> On Dec 7, 3:39 pm, Jaap Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > William Stein wrote:
> > > On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Ronan Paixão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> I've had the same problem for a long time now, since Sag
Em Seg, 2008-12-08 às 05:50 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> > > As I saw matplotlib/pylab being mentioned, in combination with
> slowdowns, I
> > > thought I'd mention that plotting in pylab itself goes
> progressively slower.
> > > On a system here, running the following:
> >
> > > import pylab
Em Seg, 2008-12-08 às 12:25 -0200, Ronan Paixão escreveu:
> Em Seg, 2008-12-08 às 05:50 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> >
> > > > As I saw matplotlib/pylab being mentioned, in combination with
> > slowdowns, I
> > > > thought I'd mention that plotting i
> It would be interesting to figure out how to build binaries on
> sage.math that don't require SSE. I have no clue how to do this?
> Does anybody have any ideas?
> After searching around for a while, my best idea is to ask Clint
> Whaley how to build Atlas in such a way that it doesn't u
It would be nice to see how that ad will impact sage's site measures.
Em Sex, 2008-12-12 às 16:12 +0100, Jaap Spies escreveu:
> Harald Schilly wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 13:52, Jaap Spies wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Today the postman delivered the journal! See my scan.
> >>
> >
> > Very c
Actually, I prefer the theme as it is.
Probably, a lot of other people won't like the new one, specially
because it doesn't use white as a background (which also
uses). It seems to be tiresome to the eyes in my opinion.
Ronan Paixão
Em Sex, 2008-12-12 às 15:44 -080
I also prefer the second one. As a business card it's a bit more
cluttered, but I think it's useful for people to try online before
downloading hundreds of megabytes.
At least this way it's explicit that they have that option.
Em Sáb, 2008-12-13 às 06:47 -0800, mhampton escreveu:
> One
Is there some way to do the sage logo in sage code? That would make
Em Sáb, 2008-12-13 às 08:16 -0800, mhampton escreveu:
> I did try to work in the "official" png, but the resolution wasn't
> good enough. I was wondering about that aspect - i.e. keeping a
> consistent sage "brand"
I preferred having the three links (with support), but this is nice
For the mug, does 1662 pixels mean the picture loops around the mug or
does it only cover the front or something like that?
Em Sáb, 2008-12-13 às 20:46 -0800, mhampton escreveu:
> OK, version four is up at:
> h
Those look beautiful, specially the colored latex.
But the html version is displaying the formulas with a 1-pixel border in
> It would be neat if the worksheet could be generated from the .tex
> source, with perhaps extra examples, so the author doesn't have to do
> something totally separate/manually keep them in sync. But perhaps
> you're already thinking along these lines.
> - Robert
I see many ideas i
Em Qui, 2009-01-08 às 14:41 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> The gcc memory requirements are not consistent, i.e. gcc 3.4.x does
> compile the LinBox extension using about 350 MB peak or so. For gcc
> 4.x it seems that maybe 750 MB is peak consumption. So I am not sure
> what to do, i.e. if we make
Em Dom, 2009-01-25 às 18:04 -0800, kcrisman escreveu:
> Will there be a sage.exe file (or something like that) that my
> students can download straight from and use right away on
> a Windows machine?
I believe this is the big point of the whole thread. Even though sage's
users cur
Em Seg, 2009-02-02 às 15:56 -0800, Roman Pearce escreveu:
> A new version of Maple is only released every year, and there are lots
> of people who expect their 10 year old code to run. It's almost a
> Microsoft-like situation. And since people have to pay for upgrades
> there's an entirely diff
> Hmm, do you mean SSE only, i.e. no SSE2 or higher or no SSE at all. No
> SSE2 or high might be doable once I revamp the build system via #2999-
> #3001 by tightly controlling CFLAGS and friends. But honestly while
> doing #2999-#3001 is a medium priority at the moment doing a SSE only
> build o
> Of course, concerns about security and usability may well restrict the
> privileges to a specific subset of Sage's commands and fraction of
> server resources. Still, it would be great if Wikipedia entries, say,
> could include pertinent, pedagogical "gadgets" to illustrate concepts
> which ar
Em Qua, 2009-02-04 às 17:44 -0800, William Stein escreveu:
> > You are of course welcome to believe this, but the major competition
> > for Mathematica
> > is probably not Sage, but Matlab.
> For many engineering applications Matlab blows Mathematica out of the
> water, and I wouldn't even cons
Em Ter, 2009-01-27 às 06:13 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Jan 26, 11:35 am, Robert Bradshaw
> wrote:
> > I saw there was discussion of the Windows port at SD12. It doesn't
> > look like the wiki page has been updated, is there a good summary of
> > what the status is?
> I f
Em Sex, 2009-01-23 às 09:49 -0800, rjf escreveu:
> On Jan 22, 6:26 pm, mhampton wrote:
> ...
> > A python/
> > cython/javascript spreadsheet for the Sage notebook would be great -
> > unfortunately I'm not going to write one. I think it would be hard to
> > do it right.
> >
> > -M. Hampton
Em Sex, 2009-02-06 às 22:18 +0200, ahmet alper parker escreveu:
> One more comment on the subject. As we were trying to solve a
> Sturm-Lioville boundary value problem by finite difference method, we
> calculated eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some matrices on matlab and
> mathematica. In both of
Em Sex, 2009-02-06 às 12:59 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Feb 6, 9:53 am, Ronan Paixão wrote:
> > Em Ter, 2009-01-27 às 06:13 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> Hi Ronan,
> > I'm against all that SUA stuff. I completely agree it's a grea
Em Sáb, 2009-02-07 às 11:52 +1100, Minh Nguyen escreveu:
> Hi folks,
> Paul Zimmermann delivered a talk on Sage on 2009-01-19. This
> information has been added to the Sage talks wiki at
> Thank you, Paul, for your effort in spreading the word about Sage.
Em Sáb, 2009-02-21 às 07:57 -0800, Maurizio escreveu:
> I admit that I've never heard of Pynac.
Actually there are two Pynac's out there, one of them is a sage insider
project to replace Maxima as a symbolics backend, since that greatly
impacts performance and builds.
> > > I am wondering what
I'm not a mathematician, but a good idea could be improving Piecewise functions.
Em Qua, 2009-02-25 às 14:38 -0600, Francisco Veach escreveu:
> I'm planning a semester-long project for the fall that will involve
> implementing/improving algebra related functions of Sage. I'm taking
> this
lement be more understandable using S[n] ?
Ronan Paixão
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Personally I'd vote for making all files utf-8 encoded. That would
increase accuracy in names and would also enable easier translations for
"all languages under the sky".
Em Sex, 2009-02-27 às 13:57 -0800, mabshoff escreveu:
> On Feb 27, 1:44 pm, John Cremona wrote:
> Hi John,
> +10
> This is why I copied the notebook section as an example from the list
> for 2008. Even though I would expect Google to be interested in funding
> open source implementations of maths, I think it would be better if we
> focus on the computer science/engineering side of things.
> I
Em Seg, 2009-03-09 às 11:11 -0700, Robert Bradshaw escreveu:
> On Mar 9, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:14 AM, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> On 03/08/09 19:19, William Stein w
Em Dom, 2009-03-15 às 17:11 -0700, kcrisman escreveu:
> > Wouldn't it be clearer if the error message read
> >
> > NameError: name 't' is not defined, try var('t') beforehand
> >
> > or something similar?
> >
> > Perhaps as Carl deprecates common anticipated behaviors he'd be open
> > to havi
Since I've touched the subject, how is the Windows port going? Can I help in
any way?
Thanks for listening,
Ronan Paixão
Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscado
De: William Stein
Para: sage-devel ; Minh Nguyen
Enviadas: Domingo, 21 de Março de 2010 15:14:55
Assunto: [sage-devel] Annual Spies Prize Winner Announced!
After much discussion, a secret committee has made the following anno
One question: will Pari 2.4 be here to stay? If so, then it's (eventually)
inevitable that a port will have to be made. However, I'm not familiar with
Pari's development, so I don't know if the new API is stable enough yet to
justify a port.
De: Hamish
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