[sage-devel] Yoda 3d model

2008-05-19 Thread Joshua Kantor
The author of this http://www.davidson.edu/math/chartier/Starwars/ project wanted code to render a 3d model of yoda for a demonstration of rotation matrices. A worksheet that does this can be found at http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/jkantor/yoda.sws (it is large 3.5 M, it has a large at

[sage-devel] Re: Unable to get Notebook working on ubuntu 8.04 with firefox 3.0

2008-04-28 Thread Joshua Kantor
Thanks. Do you guys think it might be wise to temporarily change the banner to mention this. I had never heard of inotebook. On Apr 28, 4:01 am, Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 at 12:07AM -0700, Joshua Kantor wrote: > > So I upgraded a linux machine to

[sage-devel] Unable to get Notebook working on ubuntu 8.04 with firefox 3.0

2008-04-28 Thread Joshua Kantor
So I upgraded a linux machine to ubuntu 8.04. I knew that there would an issue with self signed certs. I found that I wasn't even able to add an exception. I went preferences->advanced/encryption->view certificates Then switched to the servers tab and clicked on add exception. I tried to get cert

[sage-devel] Re: Lorenz attractor

2008-01-30 Thread Joshua Kantor
nstall xppaut). The docs say it > > > > "is a tool for solving > > > > * differential equations, > > > * difference equations, > > > * delay equations, > > > * functional equations, > > > * boundary value problems, and &

[sage-devel] Lorenz attractor

2008-01-29 Thread Joshua Kantor
I was preparing a talk on solving ODE's in sage, and the culminating example is pretty neat so I thought I would post it. The following code will plot a little bit of the lorenz attractor sage: def lorenz(t,y,params): ... return [params[0]*(y[1]-y[0]),y[0]*(params[1]-y[2])- y[1],y[0]*y[1]-p

[sage-devel] Re: Implicit Plotting?

2008-01-19 Thread Joshua Kantor
I don't know for sure how other systems actually implement implicit plotting. I would think you might try to use that the gradient of F is orthogonal to the level set curves. In particular if (x_0,y_0) is a solution to F(x,y)=0, you know that to follow the level set curve you should move in a dir

[sage-devel] Random surface in 3d using jmol

2008-01-17 Thread Joshua Kantor
I've been working on a list plot that interpolates a surface from a list of 3-tuples. Here is an example where the points were randomly chosen (by sampling from a normally distributed random variable in x,y,z coordinates) and interpolated into a surface. http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/jk

[sage-devel] Re: anyone with osx 10.4 intel please test this for dvd

2008-01-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
Even in the original dmg that I used to make my dmg, there were no tex files. In devel there was only sage and sage-main, no doc and doc-main. Josh On Jan 7, 1:01 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Jan 6, 2008 10:44 PM, Justin C. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > >

[sage-devel] Re: anyone with osx 10.4 intel please test this for dvd

2008-01-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
I wanted to check that moving via finder work. So thats good. The tex issue may be because I created the binary dist from another binary dist. I was mostly worried about moving via finder because that did not work in the initial version. I have no idea why david joyner couldn't mount it, hopefu

[sage-devel] Re: anyone with osx 10.4 intel please test this for dvd

2008-01-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
David, can you test the md5sum of the downloaded .dmg file. At the terminal md5 On Jan 6, 11:48 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Jan 5, 2008, at 22:08 , Joshua Kantor wrote: > > > > > Hello. for the dvd we are including a dmg file. Th

[sage-devel] Re: error in compilation of numpy inside sage

2008-01-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
MAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > and what about the (linux2,gfortran) pair that I tried to force and > > that still does not seem to be accepted? > > best, > > Johann > > > On Jan 4, 2:57 pm, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Wel

[sage-devel] anyone with osx 10.4 intel please test this for dvd

2008-01-05 Thread Joshua Kantor
Hello. for the dvd we are including a dmg file. There was some problems with the initial version of this. I believe the following is working, but if anyone else could test that following the instructions works fine on their system that would be appreciated. Again this is osx 10.4 intel http://sag

[sage-devel] Re: Sage 2.9.2 binaries available

2008-01-05 Thread Joshua Kantor
Also when I do start sage I get an exception "Unable to determine current branch" On Jan 5, 2:23 pm, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I tried the osx 10.4 dmg. It mounts correctly as a volume. > > However, when I drag the sage folder over, > about ha

[sage-devel] Re: Sage 2.9.2 binaries available

2008-01-05 Thread Joshua Kantor
I tried the osx 10.4 dmg. It mounts correctly as a volume. However, when I drag the sage folder over, about halfway through I get a dialog (You cannot copy "singular" to the destination because its name is the same as the name of an item on the destination except for the case of some characters)

[sage-devel] Re: error in compilation of numpy inside sage

2008-01-04 Thread Joshua Kantor
t;> import os > >>> os.name > > 'posix' > > so sys.platform is fine. The problem is that numpy/distutils/fcompiler/ > __init__.py is *not* using sys.platform to initialize platform > variable, but rather os.name.. > Johann > > On Jan 4, 2:

[sage-devel] Re: error in compilation of numpy inside sage

2008-01-04 Thread Joshua Kantor
Another thought. Please go into sage-2.9*/local/bin and do ./python to start the local python what does import sys sys.platform output. (it should be something like linux2, but I wonder if it might come out posix for you) Josh On Jan 4, 1:22 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED] dortmund.de> w

[sage-devel] Re: error in compilation of numpy inside sage

2008-01-04 Thread Joshua Kantor
We modify numpy so that it is supposed to use sage_fortran, which wraps either the g95 fortran we include or a fortran compiler the user specifies. The point of this is to avoid problems with the user having multiply incompatible fortran compilers (since there are a bunch) Unfortunately somethin

[sage-devel] Re: error in compilation of numpy inside sage

2008-01-02 Thread Joshua Kantor
Hmm. That is very weird that it saw your system as posix and not linux. Out of curiosity what does uname -a output on your system. On Jan 2, 5:34 pm, Johannct <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi, > I downloaded sage-2-9-1-1 and I am running on the following system : >UNAME: Linux localhost.lo

[sage-devel] Re: Sparse SVD

2007-12-15 Thread Joshua Kantor
We currently have no way to compute svd of sparse matrices. Scipy has an experimental wrapper of arpack http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/ which can computes eigenvalues of sparse matrices and svd which is now built with sage, however, only the eigenvalue functionality is wrapped. Spars

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE made it to SlashDot

2007-12-08 Thread Joshua Kantor
I was making that statement relative to the general level of intelligence of slashdot comments. Josh On Dec 8, 11:51 am, "John Cremona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 08/12/2007, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE made it to SlashDot

2007-12-08 Thread Joshua Kantor
but the comments are pretty good. On Dec 8, 11:12 am, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The articles summary is pretty absurd. > >Josh > > On Dec 8, 10:40 am, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > &

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE made it to SlashDot

2007-12-08 Thread Joshua Kantor
The articles summary is pretty absurd. Josh On Dec 8, 10:40 am, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Dec 8, 2007, at 8:41 AM, William Stein wrote: > > > On Dec 8, 2007 7:39 AM, Ondrej Certik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> On Dec 8, 2007 4:13 P

[sage-devel] Re: matlab / toolbox replacements?

2007-12-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
I would be interested in helping with a PDE toolbox. I didn't want to work on it alone as I'm pretty sure I'd make some stupid design choices. It would be nice to start some work on PDE functionality in SAGE. On Dec 6, 6:40 pm, Tim Lahey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I can't help with SPM, but I c

[sage-devel] Re: experimental spkg for wxPython

2007-12-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
Actually, don't use the spkg-install I posted. It seems to work but near the end of the compile there are some weird missing symbols problems on OSX. I need to play around a bit more, I'll post again when I have it actually working on OSX. Josh On Dec 6, 2:53 am, Joshua Kant

[sage-devel] Re: experimental spkg for wxPython

2007-12-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
Wow, this pacakge is HUGE. I didn't realize it was this large. I hope by cutting out extraneous stuff (docs, examples) we can make this much smaller. Marshall: if you (or anyone) want to build this on a mac use this spkg-install http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/jkantor/spkgs/spkg-install.w

[sage-devel] Re: trying to define a function and find an approximation

2007-11-15 Thread Joshua Kantor
scipy has an error function that takes complex arguments sage: import numpy, scipy sage: from scipy import special sage: j=numpy.complex(0,1) sage: -j*float(sqrt(pi))*special.erf(2*j)/2 (16.45262776550727+0j) Unfortunately numpy and sage's complex numbers are not compatible yet. On Nov 15, 1

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [sage-support] sage-2.8.12 build report

2007-11-08 Thread Joshua Kantor
AIL PROTECTED] dortmund.de> wrote: > On Nov 9, 3:14 am, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi Josh, > > > Yeah. the missing symbol is because its linking against libblas in / > > usr/lib, which was compiled with some other probably older fortran > > (w

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [sage-support] sage-2.8.12 build report

2007-11-08 Thread Joshua Kantor
Yeah. the missing symbol is because its linking against libblas in / usr/lib, which was compiled with some other probably older fortran (why oh why can't all the fortrans get along). I'm curious about what people think is a good solution here. If they have a libblas in /usr/lib thats broken lik

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [sage-support] sage-2.8.12 build report

2007-11-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
About the cvxopt problem Now the package checks sage_fortran -v and uses a setup.py that links against f95 if you have g95 and a setup.py that links against gfortran otherwise. (this package is in my spkgs cvxopt-0.8.2.p5.spkg) I have tested it with both g95 and gfortran. Josh On Nov 7, 3:

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [sage-support] sage-2.8.12 build report

2007-11-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
Ok, then I'll look at sage_fortran --version. On Nov 7, 1:00 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 7, 2007 12:52 PM, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Thats expected, since the fix I made was for g95 builds and it

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [sage-support] sage-2.8.12 build report

2007-11-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
Thats expected, since the fix I made was for g95 builds and it worked by linking in f95, which won't be around using gfortran. Should be easy to add a test for gfortran. I was going to test whether or not $SAGE_FORTRAN was set and use an appropriate setup.py depending on whether or not this is tr

[sage-devel] Re: vtk optional package

2007-11-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 7, 2007 1:00 AM, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > The problem is that on Linux, if you don't have the opengl libraries > > (typically libgl1-mesa-dev) then vtk won't build but the package exits

[sage-devel] Re: vtk optional package

2007-11-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
The problem is that on Linux, if you don't have the opengl libraries (typically libgl1-mesa-dev) then vtk won't build but the package exits successfully. I guess I need to add my own tests for open gl libraries on linux like I do for tcl/tk. Josh On Nov 5, 10:09 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PR

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: ode_solver

2007-10-14 Thread Joshua Kantor
Good to see that you got things sped up. The factor of 30 or so slowdown is consistent with my experience comparing to matlab. I believe the issue is that due to the way the interface to gsl works explanation: The gsl ode solver is a c function that requires a C function pointer to be passed to

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE download stats -- how to increase SAGE usage?

2007-08-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
Pretty pictures. Seriously if you look at Mathematica's website you see lots of crazy pictures of crazy graphs and such. The maple website shows a video with 3d models of a robot walking along. Does it matter whether those pictures have any mathematical content, NO. I know that this has been talk

[sage-devel] Re: real eigenvalues (& documentation)

2007-08-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
; > > > sage: f = R('x^2') > > > > sage: f.factor() > > > > --- > > > >Traceback (most recent call > > > > last) > > > > /Volumes/HOME/robert/sage

[sage-devel] Re: ams notices opinion column

2007-08-06 Thread Joshua Kantor
In reading the article some thoughts I had. 1. The example about the paper on the infinite group seems like a very weak example to me. It seems the problem is not that the programs used are proprietary, but that the author of the paper gave no code. If she used SAGE but didn't give code, then the

[sage-devel] Re: real eigenvalues (& documentation)

2007-08-03 Thread Joshua Kantor
The eigen routine uses numpy. If you do p,e=m.eigen() then p is an array of eigenvalues and e is a matrix whose columns are eigenvectors. The documentation works fine in my local install not sure why it fails on sage.math Josh On Aug 3, 2:43 pm, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE 2.7 Upgrade/Build Failures

2007-07-20 Thread Joshua Kantor
There are two levels of problems 1. We can't include 64 bit compilers because we have no binaries that work for them. 2. The ar extracting hack is because we are tricking numpy's distutils into doing what we want. (More detailed explanation: Numpy's distutils has python classes for different

[sage-devel] Interactive Fortran (and C) in SAGE

2007-07-20 Thread Joshua Kantor
SAGE now includes f2py which auto-generates python wrappers for fortran code. We have a magic %fortran command that allows one to write fortran directly in the notebook. We also include weave, which does the sage things but for C (we've had that for a while). I have written some notes that give e

[sage-devel] Complex numers in symbolic expressions.

2007-06-11 Thread Joshua Kantor
I noticed that dealing with complex numbers doesn't work as well as I would expect. Simple example, how do you get sage/maxima to perform complex division sage: 1/(1+I) output 1/(1+I) I couldn't find any way to simplify other than CC(1/(1+I)) which probably isn't want you want. also It doesn

[sage-devel] Problem with sage-2.6 OSX binaries.

2007-06-05 Thread Joshua Kantor
I just downloaded the sage-2.6 OSX intel binaries. They ran fine but when I tried to clone a repository and do -ba I got the errors usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols: ___gmpn_add_n referenced from libntl expected to be defined in /Users/ was/tmp/sage-2.6.alpha1/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib ___gmpn_addmul_

[sage-devel] Re: C question

2007-06-05 Thread Joshua Kantor
ishes this. Josh On Jun 5, 8:43 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Jun 5, 2007, at 01:18 , Joshua Kantor wrote: > > > > > Thanks, I had forgot about that sort of thing and it might work. I'm > > not sure because some of the libra

[sage-devel] Re: C question

2007-06-05 Thread Joshua Kantor
Thanks, I had forgot about that sort of thing and it might work. I'm not sure because some of the libraries linked in are static. My python module links against libsuperlu.a which is static which links against libblas. Because libsuperlu.a is static I'm not sure whether the static or dynamic

[sage-devel] C question

2007-06-04 Thread Joshua Kantor
This is a C question, I was hoping someone had some advice on. Many linear algebra libraries such as lapack, and blas have an error handling routine called xerbla_ that is called if there is an unrecoverable error. Unfortunately this often calls exit which cannot be caught so sage exits. If one

[sage-devel] Re: Sparse Block Diagonal Matrices

2007-06-03 Thread Joshua Kantor
ve used the netlib SparseBLAS C reference implementation with > GSL before, and it worked pretty smoothly. > > --Mike > > On 6/2/07, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > I am implementing a sparse matrix class for real doubles (finite > &g

[sage-devel] Re: Sparse Block Diagonal Matrices

2007-06-02 Thread Joshua Kantor
I am implementing a sparse matrix class for real doubles (finite precision real numbers.) The storage format I am using is called compressed sparse column. This is the standard format used by all sparse matrix libraries as well as matlab http://www.netlib.org/linalg/html_templates/node92.html It

[sage-devel] Re: How does symbolic algebra work

2007-04-30 Thread Joshua Kantor
Luckily I have been learning lisp on the side for fun for a while. I'll have to take a look at that. Josh On Apr 30, 10:39 am, Nick Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I am actually interested in the in

[sage-devel] Re: How does symbolic algebra work

2007-04-30 Thread Joshua Kantor
ement.pyx > > see the method: > > RingElement.__mul__() > > and RingElement.__add__() and the documentation at the top of the module. > > Ondrej > > On 4/30/07, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > I am actually interested in the inte

[sage-devel] Re: How does symbolic algebra work

2007-04-29 Thread Joshua Kantor
stinction between > evaluation and simplification. Evaluation replaces > variables by their values. Simplification replaces > an expression by an equivalent one, independently of > variable bindings. > > Somewhat strangely evaluation is not recursive which > sometimes leads to counterint

[sage-devel] How does symbolic algebra work

2007-04-29 Thread Joshua Kantor
Disclaimer: I think this may have more or less been covered in the earlier mega-discussion on symbolic computation. Also the whole reason we use maxima is to avoid dealing with the problems I'm describing but I still would like to think about it a bit and am curious if anyone has any insight. I

[sage-devel] Re: Python/C API

2007-02-21 Thread Joshua Kantor
There is no reference counting in C because C does not do automatic garbage collection, you have to do that yourself when you write C. If you don't free memory you allocated you just get a memory leak it won't automatically notice because it has no way of knowing whether or not that memory is act

[sage-devel] Re: IPython parallel update

2007-02-17 Thread Joshua Kantor
Hey Brian, I think all the issues I've come across are ones I've told you about. To recap 1. Add capability so multiple groups of engines and remote controllers can operate on one machine without conflicting. 2. Keep track of the worker and controllers (PID)/clean up spawned processes graceful

[sage-devel] Re: Memory leaks

2007-02-15 Thread Joshua Kantor
Perhaps related (and maybe already fixed). But I noticed the following do M=MatrixSpace(ZZ,1000) then repeatedly do m=M.random_element();get_memory_usage() You should see the memory usage go up by around 16 mb per execution and it doesn't appear to ever go down, If you do the same thing with RD

[sage-devel] Parallel Computation Talk

2007-02-14 Thread Joshua Kantor
http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/jkantor/talks/ --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.co

[sage-devel] Re: sage.math down?

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
ROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > I've got sudo, and a class at 9:30 -- I'll take care of it. > > > > On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Joshua Kantor wrote: > > > > > I'll try to get in the server room tomorrow to look unless someone > > > > else gets t

[sage-devel] Re: sage.math down?

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
; wrote: > On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 23:27:33 -0700, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > It appears as of around 10:30 p.m. feb 7 that sage.math and > > modular.math are down and unpingable. > > Those machines are completely different; the only things they have

[sage-devel] sage.math down?

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
It appears as of around 10:30 p.m. feb 7 that sage.math and modular.math are down and unpingable. Josh --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For mor

[sage-devel] Determining the number of CPUs

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on good (platform independent) ways to figure out the number of CPUs a computer running sage has available, (short of asking the user). Josh --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googleg

[sage-devel] Re: parallel computation

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
I was planning on talking and hadn't decided what I was talking about. I would be willing to do this unless somewhat else wants to. I assume that yi will talk about distributed sage so I would mostly focus on chainsaw and threading issues. Jos On Feb 2, 2:36 pm, David Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: Re: sage and high school students (rsi)

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua Kantor
Are you doing anything with the SIMUW program again. Josh On Feb 6, 5:34 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Just to possibly spark discussion of ideas for SAGE summer development > projects > > --- Forwarded message --- > From: "Jennifer S. Balakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROT

[sage-devel] ode_solver

2007-01-03 Thread Joshua Kantor
In response to Williams sage-2.0 plan I wanted to describe what I had done with using gsl to implement a numerical ode solver. I believe that the patch containing this will be applied after doing a recent pull or upgrade but I'm not sure(is this true?). If not I can send patches for people to pla

[sage-devel] Re: sage-

2006-12-17 Thread Joshua Kantor
That worked, thanks. Josh --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http:/

[sage-devel] Re: sage-

2006-12-17 Thread Joshua Kantor
I tried to do sage upgrade, everything appeared to succeed but when I try to start sage I get. Traceback (most recent call last) /home/jkantor/sage-1.4/local/bin/ in () /home/jkantor/sage-1.4/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/all_cmdline.py in () > 1 from sage.all import *

[sage-devel] Algorithms from other systems/Clean Room

2006-10-29 Thread Joshua Kantor
I was at a conference this weekend where someone presented a maple package they had been writing for doing certain differential geometry computations. His packages is mostly independent of anything maple specific however it does use their PDE solver intensively. This PDE Solver is a part of maple

[sage-devel] Re: functions

2006-10-24 Thread Joshua Kantor
This idea is probably totally naive as my understanding of the exact mechanics of shared object libraries is still somewhat black boxish. Say I have a routine that takes a pointer to some C function. I define a shared object library of C function wrappers. Say it just has a C function foo. Then s

[sage-devel] Re: PyDX - announcement]

2006-10-22 Thread Joshua Kantor
Its hard to tell, the documentation is at the moment sparse and doesn't really illustrate much. I looked over the api and it seems to be very very specialized to General Relativiy research. They don't give any examples of curvature computations and it doesn't seem to have that capability. Still it