In response to Williams sage-2.0 plan I wanted to describe what I had done
with using gsl to implement a numerical ode solver. I believe that the
patch containing this  will be applied after
doing a recent pull or upgrade but I'm not sure(is this true?). If not I
can send patches for people to play with. I have included the
documentation at the end so people can look at the syntax.

To see the documentation and examples

sage: ode_solver?

To be done

1. Testing/feedback: Is it easy to use compared to matlab,mathematica.
Any bugs or ways to crash it (unexpected input or user specified
functions that do weird things)?

2. More examples, doctests, improved documentation (I noticed a bunch of
typos just copying the documentation below)

3. Obvious additions people think would be useful. Currently it has a
plotting routine and a routine to produce an interpolated function from
the data points.

Ideas for extension:

1. It would be nice if there was some facility for automatically
converting a nth order ODE
to a system of first order ones.

2. It would be nice if there was some facility for automatically computing
the jacobian when the functions involved are rational functions and
elementary functions.

3. Numerically computing the jacobian: For the algorithms that require the
jacobian It would be possible to numerically compute the jacobian,
however I was wary of doing this by default. Does anyone have any knowledge
the benefits of this, can it cause instability (using the numerical
instead of the exact one).

Accuracy testing:

1. I believe there are standard batches of tests for ode solvers.
it would be interesting if some of these could be applied to compare the
accuracy with matlab for example. This ode solver will be slower than
matlab's on systems that require many function evaluations because we are
forced to use python functions and there is significant overhead in
calling these. Still comparisons would be interesting. There is a way to
use compiled functions describe in the documentation but requires
writing the functions in C and so isn't really suitable for
general users.


ode_solver is a class that wraps the GSL libraries ode solver routines
         To use it instantiate a class,
         sage: T=ode_solver()

         To solve a system of the form dy_i/dt=f_i(t,y), you must supply a
         vector or tuple/list valued function f representing f_i.
         The functions f and the jacobian should have the form foo(t,y) or
         params which is optional allows for your function to depend on
one or a tuple of parameters.
         Note if you use it, params must be a tuple even if it only has
one component.
         For example if you wanted to solve y''+y=0. You need to write it
as a first order system
         y_0' = y_1
         y1_1 = -y_0

         In code,

         sage: f = lambda t,y:[y[1],-y[0]]
         sage: T.function=f

         For some algorithms the jacobian must be supplied as well,
         the form of this should be a function return a list of lists of
the form
         [ [df_1/dy_1,...,df_1/dy_n], ..., [df_n/dy_1,...,df_n,dy_n],
         [df_1/dt,...,df_n/dt] ]. There are examples below, if your
jacobian was the function my_jacobian
         you would do.

         sage: T.jacobian=my_jacobian

         There are a variety of algorithms available for different types
of systems. Possible algorithms are
         "rkf45" - runga-kutta-felhberg (4,5)
         "rk2" - embedded runga-kutta (2,3)
         "rk4" - 4th order classical runga-kutta
         "rk8pd" - runga-kutta prince-dormand (8,9)
         "rk2imp" - implicit 2nd order runga-kutta at gaussian points
         "rk4imp" - implicit 4th order runga-kutta at gaussian points
         "bsimp" - implicit burlisch-stoer (requires jacobian)
         "gear1" - M=1 implicit gear
         "gear2" - M=2 implicit gear

         The default algorithm if rkf45. If you instead wanted to use
bsimp you would do

         sage: T.algorithm="bsimp"

         The user should supply initial conditions in y_0. For example if
your initial conditions are
         y_0=1,y_1=1, would do

         sage: T.y_0=[1,0]

         The actual solver is invoked by the method ode_solve.
         It has arguments t_span, y_0,num_points, params.
         y_0 must be supplied either as an argument or above by
         params which is optional and only necessary if your system uses
params can be supplied to ode_solve
         or by assignment.

         t_span is the time interval on which to solve the ode.
         If t_span is a tuple with just two time
         values then the user must specify num_points,
         and the system will be evaluated at num_points equally spaced
points between t_span[0]
         and t_span[1]. If t_span is a tuple with more than two values
than the
         values of y_i at points in time listed in t_span will be

         Error is estimated via the expression

         D_i = error_abs*s_i+error_rel*(a|y_i|+a_dydt*h*|y_i'|)

         The user can specify  error_abs (1e-10 by default),  error_rel
(1e-10 by default)
         a (1 by default),  a_(dydt) (0 by default) and s_i (as
scaling_abs which should be a
         tuple and is 1 in all components by default).
         If you specify one of a or a_dydt you must specify the other.
         You may specify a and a_dydt without
         scaling_abs (which will be taken =1 be default)

         h is the initial step size which is (1e-2) by default.

         ode_solve solves the solution as a list of tuples of the form,

         This data is stored in the variable solutions


         Consider solving the Van der pol oscillator x''(t) +
ux'(t)(x(t)^2-1)+x(t)=0 between t=0 and t= 100.
         As a first order system it is
         Let us take u=10 and use initial conditions (x,y)=(1,0) and use
the runga-kutta prince-dormand

         sage: def f_1(t,y,params):
         ...      return[y[1],-y[0]-params[0]*y[1]*(y[0]**2-1)]

         sage: def j_1(t,y,params):
         ...      return [ [0,
1.0],[-2.0*params[0]*y[0]*y[1]-1.0,-params[0]*(y[0]*y[0]-1.0)], [0,0] ]

         sage: T=ode_solver()
         sage: T.algorithm="rk8pd"
         sage: T.function=f_1
         sage: T.jacobian=j_1
         sage: T.plot_solution()

         The solver line is equivalent to
         sage: T.ode_solve(y_0=[1,0],t_span=[x/10.0 for x in
range(1000)],params = [10])

         Lets try a system


         We will not use the jacobian this time and will change the error

         sage: g_1= lambda t,y: [y[1]*y[2],-y[0]*y[2],-0.51*y[0]*y[1]]
         sage: T.function=g_1
         sage: T.y_0=[0,1,1]
         sage: T.scale_abs=[1e-4,1e-4,1e-5]
         sage: T.error_rel=1e-4
         sage: T.ode_solve(t_span=[0,12],num_points=100)

         By default T.plot_solution() plots the y_0, to plot general y_i
         sage: T.plot_solution(i=0)
         sage: T.plot_solution(i=1)
         sage: T.plot_solution(i=2)

         The method interpolate_solution will return a spline
interpolation through the points found by the solver. By default y_0 is
         You can interpolate y_i through the keyword argument i.

         sage: f = T.interpolate_solution()
         sage: plot(f,0,12).show()
         sage: f = T.interpolate_solution(i=1)
         sage: plot(f,0,12).show()
         sage: f = T.interpolate_solution(i=2)
         sage: plot(f,0,12).show()
         sage: f = T.interpolate_solution()
         sage: f(pi)

         Unfortunately because python functions are used, this solver is
slow on system that require many function evaluations.
         It is possible to pass a compiled function by deriving from the
class ode_sysem and overloading c_f and c_j with C functions that
         specify the system. The following will work in notebook

         cimport sage.gsl.ode
         import sage.gsl.ode
         include 'gsl.pxi'

         cdef class van_der_pol(sage.gsl.ode.ode_system):
             cdef int c_f(self,double t, double *y,double *dydt):
                 return GSL_SUCCESS
             cdef int c_j(self, double t,double *y,double *dfdy,double
                 return GSL_SUCCESS

         After executing the above block of code you can do

         sage: T=ode_solver()
         sage: T.algorithm="bsimp"
         sage: vander=van_der_pol()
         sage: T.function=vander
         sage: vander=van_der_pol()
     sage: T.ode_solve(y_0=[1,0],t_span=[0,2000],num_points=1000)

     sage: T.plot_solution(i=0)

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