Just a heads up: the Python folks debated immutable vs. mutable sets
at some length. A little google-fu might be in order to address the
issues they had with mutable sets and the language.
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PRO
I also have a patch for RDF.random_element. I've pasted it in below for
comparison to ideas other people have. The interface is still incomplete (I
wrote it in 5 minutes): I want to eventually provide an interface to all of
the probability distributions that GSL offers.
def random_element(se
He's been banned, reported, and the post removed from the archives.
On 4/13/07, Timothy Clemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Too bad google does not send spam to admins for review.
> On 4/13/07, www_ieshoes_com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Main Menu Search Basket Content Check
Too bad google does not send spam to admins for review.
On 4/13/07, www_ieshoes_com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Main Menu Search Basket Content Checkout Customer Service Order
> Tracking AddFavorite
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On 4/13/07, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you get libgd working,
> I did post a patch earlier. Should I submit it formally?
Could you just make a new version of the gdmodule spkg and
make that available to me?
> > I just
> > found a problem building real_mpfr.pyx in the SAGE libra
On 4/13/07, Kyle Schalm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> you mean something like
> >>
> >> s = Set([1,2,3],immutable=True)
> >>
> >> ? that would work for me.
> >
> > Yes, exactly. Also,
> > s = Set([1,2,3])
> > then
> > s.set_immutable()
> when would someone want to change a set from
How fast should a symbolic computation library be? What is the fastest
symbolic computation library?
On 4/13/07, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/13/07, Timothy Clemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If SymPy was written in C++ and had a Python interface in it what
> > would b
On 4/13/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks. I've added it to the milestone. In general, I strongly encourage
> people to ping me if their patches don't appear in official SAGE releases
> in a timely manner. Please continue to do so -- it's no problem.
> William
It doesn't
On 4/13/07, Timothy Clemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If SymPy was written in C++ and had a Python interface in it what
> would be the likely hood of it being the backend for symbolic
> computation in SAGE?
Are you talking about Yacas?
On 4/13/07, Kyle Schalm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> while i'm on the topic of sets, is the Set class intended to be immutable?
> >
> > No. The builtin Python set type isn't immutable, so it doesn't
> > seem sensible to make the SAGE one immutable. E.g., the
> > builtin set type has an add m
>> while i'm on the topic of sets, is the Set class intended to be immutable?
> No. The builtin Python set type isn't immutable, so it doesn't
> seem sensible to make the SAGE one immutable. E.g., the
> builtin set type has an add method:
ok, but there is no add method in the SAGE Set, nor
On Apr 13, 8:21 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for the work on cygwin. In the past we've packaged up
> whatever was needed from a cygwin install, e.g., cygwin1.dll
> and a bunch of other things, and it worked OK.
> If you get libgd working,
I di
Hi all,
I am the lead developer of SymPy and I just wanted to clarify a few
things about SymPy's motivations.
1) Speed is not a (top) priority. Rewriting it in C++ will maybe be
done in the future, but definitely not now, as we are still playing
with the design. However, I think that rewriting t
If SymPy was written in C++ and had a Python interface in it what
would be the likely hood of it being the backend for symbolic
computation in SAGE?
On 4/13/07, Timothy Clemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> me: There are several SAGE people who are playing around with SymPy
> and an optional packa
On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:08:43AM -0700, William Stein wrote:
> This is great news! Many thanks for the volunteering of help.
> Robert Bradshaw has also expressed interest in helping on the MacOSX
> packaging. So that makes two volunteers so far. Is anybody interested
> in helping with the L
me: There are several SAGE people who are playing around with SymPy
and an optional package of SymPy for SAGE has been requested by
Sent at 11:50 AM on Friday
Ondrej: I see
feel free to ask on the sympy mailing list
On 4/13/07, Bill Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On April 13, 2007 11
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the work on cygwin. In the past we've packaged up
whatever was needed from a cygwin install, e.g., cygwin1.dll
and a bunch of other things, and it worked OK.
If you get libgd working, I just
found a problem building real_mpfr.pyx in the SAGE library, which
you'll run into
On Apr 13, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Robert Miller wrote:
> sage: A = Matrix( GF(2), [[]] )
> sage: B = Matrix( GF(2), [[0]] )
> sage: A
> []
> sage: B
> [0]
> sage: A.block_sum(B)
> [0]
> [0]
> sage: A = Matrix( GF(2), [] )
> sage: A
> []
> sage: A.block_sum(B)
> [0]
I don't understand the problem.
On 4/13/07, Nick Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's not a paradox. The point is that SAGE is
> > very much *not* only a volunteer committee. I hire four undergrads
> > at 19/week to work on SAGE -- they are not volunteers at all -- SAGE
> > is their job, and have hired a grad student
Reagarding the patch: I just found out the hard way that for gdmodule
one has to patch Setup.py.cygwin. Now it actually works if one
invokes "make" in SAGE_ROOT:
--- Setup.py.cygwin.orig2007-04-13 20:05:02.43750 +0200
+++ Setup.py.cygwin 2007-04-13 20:05:17.31250 +0200
@@ -1,
sage: A = Matrix( GF(2), [[]] )
sage: B = Matrix( GF(2), [[0]] )
sage: A
sage: B
sage: A.block_sum(B)
sage: A = Matrix( GF(2), [] )
sage: A
sage: A.block_sum(B)
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> An anoymous person wrote:
>> > SAGE is such a paradox. How are these things going to get done by a
>> > volunteer community? Especially the boring things. I can't figure it
>> > out. But then I can't figure out how any project like this gets off
>> >
On 4/13/07, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. installation went fine on suse 10.1amd64
Thanks. Please check that when you type version() from
in sage, it says 2.4.2. On one of my upgrades the problem
with that missing file that was messing up cloning also messes
up upgrading. If yo
Ok, the problem is not in gdmodule, but libgd ask for symbols that
were in libfl and libfontconfig (at least on my box ;)
I am not working with hg yet (this is planned for the weekend), so
this is just a "classic" diff:
< import os
< if os.uname()[0][:6] == "CYGWIN":
< want_libs
On 4/13/07, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried to get started with 2.4.2, but that got sidelined by gdmodule
> not linking properly. I will look into that next. If nobody else wants
> to do it I will give packaging SAGE with cygwin a shot. I can also
> help out with the app bundles on
On 4/13/07, Pablo De Napoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sorry for the inconvenience, I've sent it again since it was not mentionated
> in the sage-2.5 milestone.
> (And so.. I didn't know if you had received it or perphaps it was lost with
> the spam..)
Thanks. I've added it to the milestone.
sorry for the inconvenience, I've sent it again since it was not mentionated
in the sage-2.5 milestone.
(And so.. I didn't know if you had received it or perphaps it was lost with
the spam..)
On 4/13/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/13/07, Pablo De Napoli <[EMAIL PROT
> - MS Windows: We need a .msi installer that installs cygwin and
> SAGE together to a uers's directory. Gary Zablackis used to make one
> of this, but he is no longer contributing to SAGE, unfortunately.
I just did a little googling and I could not find anything specific
about t
On 4/13/07, Pablo De Napoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear William:
> I've sent you a patch for improving the rational numbers and
> integer implementations, more precisely:
> Have you received it?
> Just in case, I sent here an updated version, both as a patch (clear text)
> and as a bun
On April 13, 2007 11:02 AM William Stein wrote:
> On 4/13/07, Mike Hansen wrote:
> > I definitely agree that SAGE's goals are quite a bit higher
> > and more ambitious than those outlined on the SymPy project.
> > While looking over the SymPy website, I was just surprised
> > because I had neve
An anoymous person wrote:
> > SAGE is such a paradox. How are these things going to get done by a
> > volunteer community? Especially the boring things. I can't figure it
> > out. But then I can't figure out how any project like this gets off
> > the ground at all.
It's not a paradox. The point
Dear William:
I've sent you a patch for improving the rational numbers and
integer implementations, more precisely:
-fixing multiplicative_order so that it returns +Infinity instead
of raising an exception.
- fixing bugs (still present in sage-2.4.2) like
sage: a=1/2
sage: a.is_one()
FYI, this is still present in 2.4.2
-- Forwarded message --
From: didier deshommes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 19, 2007 6:45 PM
Subject: [sage-devel] log_html() crashes
{{{log_html}}} crashes because of undefined variable:
sage: log_html ()
On 4/13/07, Kyle Schalm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> while i'm on the topic of sets, is the Set class intended to be immutable?
No. The builtin Python set type isn't immutable, so it doesn't
seem sensible to make the SAGE one immutable. E.g., the
builtin set type has an add method:
> sage: a =
On 4/13/07, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looks like a very good roadmap (for widespread use). I've got some
> comments and questions on distributions.
> On Apr 13, 2007, at 12:05 AM, William Stein wrote:
> > - OS X: We need an .app bundle for SAGE, i.e., a way to create a
> > .
I have talked with Ondrej Certik many times. He wants a pure Python
library for symbolic computation. Bobby has SymPy in his sage.math
directory. I am very impressed with how well that project is going. I
just think it will actually be useful. Bobby has worked very hard to
make the exact kind of f
On 4/13/07, Mike Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I definitely agree that SAGE's goals are quite a bit higher and more
> ambitious than those outlined on the SymPy project. While looking over the
> SymPy website, I was just surprised because I had never heard of the project
> and their scope s
On Apr 13, 10:04 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've released sage-2.4.2. This is just a fairly minimal
> bugfix release, though there are number of important optimizations
> in it. There are probably about 10-15 patches from people
> in my patch inbox that I haven
while i'm on the topic of sets, is the Set class intended to be immutable?
this does seem to be the intent, since there is no method on the object
itself which can be used to change its value. however,
In [58]: x=[1,2,3]
In [59]: s=Set(x)
In [60]: x[1]=5
In [61]: s
Out[61]: {1, 3, 5}
i pro
i discovered a bug when i tried to use a Set as a dictionary key. i've
included a patch below. i have also created a test case illustrating the
bug -- in the future, where do i put this in the code/docs so it can go in
the patch too?
here is the test case:
In [72]: d={Set([2*I,1+I]):1}
On Friday 13 April 2007 02:03, William Stein wrote:
> On 4/12/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > many classes in SAGE implement and test for is_zero. I think these
> > > methods should be replaced with __nonzero__ methods, as this is the
> > > standard way of
I definitely agree that SAGE's goals are quite a bit higher and more
ambitious than those outlined on the SymPy project. While looking over the
SymPy website, I was just surprised because I had never heard of the project
and their scope seemed to be much wider than I had initially thought
I've released sage-2.4.2. This is just a fairly minimal
bugfix release, though there are number of important optimizations
in it. There are probably about 10-15 patches from people
in my patch inbox that I haven't included yet due to a
lack of time. Those will be in the next SAGE releas
On 4/13/07, Mike Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just browsing around and saw that there are three Google Summer of
> Code projects (through the Python Software Foundation) for work on SymPy --
> a CAS written in Python. Their goals seem to be very close to the goals of
> SAGE with the
I was just browsing around and saw that there are three Google Summer of
Code projects (through the Python Software Foundation) for work on SymPy --
a CAS written in Python. Their goals seem to be very close to the goals of
SAGE with the exception of being "lightweight".
I was wondering if anyon
Within one year, I would like to push for SAGE to have at least ten thousand
serious users instead of only a few hundred users (I estimate there are < 400
users of SAGE in the world today). I think the following are the main
if we want to make this happen:
1. Installation:
47 matches
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