
I've released sage-2.4.2.  This is just a fairly minimal
bugfix release, though there are number of important optimizations
in it.  There are probably about 10-15 patches from people
in my patch inbox that I haven't included yet due to a
lack of time.  Those will be in the next SAGE release,
which is planned for Sunday:

Here's the high-level changelog for this release:

         * r bradshaw: very very fast sagex new implementation of
graph plotting code.
         * t boothby: added compression of javascript so notebook
loads more quickly.
         * r miller: optimization to graph automorphism code
         * k minola and m albrecht: build fixes to linbox and sage_c_lib.
         * y qiang: transitioned dsage to use sqlite; many minor bugfixes
         * w stein: wrote a MuPAD interface for SAGE.
         * w stein: added restore and reset commands to SAGE, to (mostly)
                    reset the state of SAGE and all interfaces very very
                    quickly without having to quit and restart SAGE.
         * w stein: p-adic L-series (numerous improvements)
         * c witty (referee by r bradshaw): improvements to floating
           point <---> rational conversions.

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