> - MS Windows: We need a .msi installer that installs cygwin and
> SAGE together to a uers's directory. Gary Zablackis used to make one
> of this, but he is no longer contributing to SAGE, unfortunately.
I just did a little googling and I could not find anything specific
about the toolchain that was used in the past. The doc I found is at
There is also
http://www.sagemath.org:9002/sage_trac/ticket/93 - but that touches
colinux, not cygwin. If you have any more docs or even better old
scripts please point me to them.
> Nobody has volunteered to take over. Creation of this installer
> should be as automated as possible, optimally do-able entirely from
> SAGE/Cygwin by typing a command in SAGE or from Cygwin.
I do package CoCoA on Windows (among other platforms) and have some
experience with MSI and also packaging apps depending on cygwin. Do
you intent to only put in the minimal bits of cygwin (i.e.
cygwin1.dll) or should cygwin be actually part of the MSI package?
I tried to get started with 2.4.2, but that got sidelined by gdmodule
not linking properly. I will look into that next. If nobody else wants
to do it I will give packaging SAGE with cygwin a shot. I can also
help out with the app bundles on MacOSX, creation of DMGs and also
universal binaries if you would like me to.
> William
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