I have talked with Ondrej Certik many times. He wants a pure Python
library for symbolic computation. Bobby has SymPy in his sage.math
directory. I am very impressed with how well that project is going. I
just think it will actually be useful. Bobby has worked very hard to
make the exact kind of functionally easy to access in use in a Python
environment. I think SAGE will simply blow SymPy out of the water.

On 4/13/07, Mike Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I definitely agree that SAGE's goals are quite a bit higher and more
> ambitious than those outlined on the SymPy project.  While looking over the
> SymPy website, I was just surprised because I had never heard of the project
> and their scope seemed to be much wider than I had initially thought
> (quantum field theory calculations, a port of grtensorii, Groebner bases
> calculations, symbolic linear algebra, etc.)   While there may be a limited
> (if any) amount we could benefit from their current codebase, I thought it'd
> be good just to be aware of any other work done with computer algebra in
> Python.
> --Mike
>  >

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