titute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
From: Luca Lutterotti
To: "rietveld_l@ill.fr"
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Stacki
Dear Leonid,
On Apr 3, 2014, at 7:16, Leonid Solovyov wrote:
>Dear Luca,
>I'm glad to see your interest to the problem even after such a delay.
>>So in the end, your model for faulting as you describe:
>>"A more general model [J Appl Cryst (2000) 338] is included in DDM:" was
to use a trigon
> Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
> 660036, Akademgorodok 50/24, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
> http://sites.google.com/site/solovyovleonid
> *******
> - Original Message -
> From: Luca Lutterotti
> Â
> - Original Message -
> From: Luca Lutterotti
> To: Leonid Solovyov
> Cc: Luca Lutterotti ; "rietveld_l@ill.fr"
> Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 1:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Stacking faults and antiphase boundary
> Sorr
Glad the discussion is opening a bit.
Actually the Ice case is a bit different from the point of view of the
defects. These are turbostratic planar defects (in the case of close
packed alloys you have twins and intrinsic and extrinsic deformation
faults). Now it is true that there is not a big dif
John is correct, be careful that you are trying to compare same quantities but
in a completely different units and definitions. I discover by myself that you
cannot mix scattering factors, absorption factors, photo absorption etc. coming
some from the diffraction community and some from the spec
gh improved sample preparation) than to try to
> model it.
We actually use preferred orientation (texture) to help structure solution, and
I found more easy to model them than to eliminate them. But may be is just me.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
k will appear soon on such page. For
the moment you will find only the scientific program information, dates and
Best regards,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universita' di
Best regards,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universita' di Trento,
via Sommarive, 9, 38123 Trento, Italy
e-mail address : l
Sorry, here is the direct link to the journal article if you have the
wizard works with the option on.
Best regards,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universita' di Trento,
via Sommarive, 9, 38123 Trento, Italy
e-mail address : luca.luttero...@uni
With 3 atoms, as Larry and Alan explain it cannot be done unless you have
additional info (e.g. chemical info). In our lab, if the three atoms or at
least 2 are in the range for XRF, we do a combined XRD+XRF refinement.
oot on the original code.
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: http://maud.radiographema.com <http://maud.radiograph
st regards,
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: http://maud.radiographema.com <http://maud.radiographema/>
cellphones (I have a prototype running there).
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: http://maud.radiographe
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: http://maud.radiographema.com <http://maud.radiographema/>
from a database (even
the speedy ones) than to re-calculate everything.
So I am glad we both made use of each other models/ideas!
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123
developed it without in reality ;-)
Thanks Reinhard for the explanation of WPF related to Search-match. I can only
see the advertisement/brochure and I didn’t know what exactly they do or mean
with it.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Inge
To be more clear, they did not ask for anything except that such a paper should
never be published!
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-R
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: http://maud.radiographema.com <http://maud.radiographema/>
> On 13 Jan 2024, at 07:39, A
That’s the best message of the year!
I should remember it.
> On 16 Jan 2024, at 15:22, Alan W Hewat wrote:
> Ha ! When Terry Sabine proposed to call it Rietveld Refinement, I told him
> that Rietveld was already "refined".
> Dr Alan Hewat, Neu
- first the plot is at iso-error. In the residual you can easily
distinguish statistical errors from model errors.
- small peaks are more visibles. Try it on the quartz; you will not need
anymore to zoom the plot on the other peaks.
Just my 0.2 cents,
best regards,
Let me stress the audience about that; may be is that I am an engineer and
not a physicist or chemist.
best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
---Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita' di Trent
sis are in L. Lutterotti & P. Scardi, Adv. in X-ray Anal.
35, 577.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
-------Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita' di Trento,
via Mesiano 77, 38
because I remember Von Dreele
presenting something on anysotropic broadening two years ago. May be others
program are availables too.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
---Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Luca Lutterotti
---Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita' di Trento,
via Mesiano 77, 38050 Trento, Italy
e-mail address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home page : http://www.ing.unitn.it/~luttero
for the very fast help,
Luca Lutterotti
---Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita' di Trento,
via Mesiano 77, 38050 Trento, Italy
e-mail address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home page :
to account film saturation,
but the results were equivalent to a normal diffractometer.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
---Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita
(a.k.a Warren theories for
twin, stacking faults and/or antiphase boundary). Maud can be used in this
case but the actual general model only works for bcc, fcc, hcp structures.
No general approach available up to now.
Probably you may give some more information about the
peak width but also asymmetry, peak shift and
splitting. See Warren book for more. or try Maud.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
>> >>
>> >> Dear All,
>> >>
>> >> I am trying to carry out Rietveld refineme
ect it not to change on the 4 digit in
Angstrom. So what it's certified by NIST? The accuracy of the Silicon
standard or the precision of the NIST machine used for the measurement?
Should we need a round robin on SRM 640c to decide what it could be the
acceptable mean parameter value
Sorry for the question, but I personally and philosophically don't think we
can measure absolute values..
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
---Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Inge
nt to see some comment on that....
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
Ps - Even if I am in Italy, I also have paid for the ICSD when it was selling much
less copies but the cost is still the same now.
---Luca Lutterotti--
ask to Bill,
Luca Lutterotti
-------Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita' di Trento,
via Mesiano 77, 38050 Trento, Italy
e-mail address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
structure broadening
of intermetallics and I know that anisotropic models (like Popa, that's
included also) don't work sufficiently well with this kind of broadening
(that's the reason I have included the Warren theory previously
Best regards,
Analysis without internal standard (for example for bulk materials) can
be done with Maud for glasses of other common amorphous phases.
there is one example, plus a publication on line.
Luca Lutterotti
On May 6, 2004, at 4:56 PM, Robert Mauricot
On Jul 21, 2004, at 2:02 PM, Alan Hewat wrote:
... Of course, this is just some-one impersonating me
Armel, we know you are ;-))
when I see still today these attachments sold around to
reduce texture effects I cannot avoid to think about it (and laugh).
Luca Lutterotti
On Sep 9, 2004, at 16:30, Omotoso, Oladipo wrote:
Dear Andreas,
This may not be an option for your sample but grinding the s
Luca Lutterotti
On Nov 23, 2004, at 10:08, Nicolae Popa wrote:
Good answer Davor, but why you are avoiding to say that if the size
(15a, 21, 22) from JAC(2002)35, 338-346 (used in 3.1 of RR paper)
would be
implemented in the Rietveld codes these
Directly the distributions (both) using Fourier Transform (an FFT).
Sufficiently fast, implementing it the correct way.
On Nov 24, 2004, at 12:14, Leonid Solovyov wrote:
actually I implemented the size and strain distributions (both) in my
Rietveld code (Maud) and I demoed it
Even if the sample has a rolling (orthorhombic) sample symmetry, in a
Bragg-Brentano pure experiment you see it as a cylindrical symmetry as
you cannot distinguish between rotations around the normal to the
sample. If you use a lower symmetry some of the spherical harmonic
coefficients will not
Dear Nasser Afify,
the problem is due to the fact that in the first case you are using a
strong physical constraint, the nanocrystalline approximation. In the
second one there are no restraints; the number of degrees of freedom
are much more and you will always get a better fit.
The real problem
Indeed it is possible to get at end some size-strain data, but quite
hard as you have to do all correction later and out of the program. So
it is like using GSAS for peak fitting, so better to use a peak fitting
dedicated program.
Best wishes,
Luca Luttero
should be clarified).
I would like to know what there is inside GSAS for crystallite size and
microstrain analysis in particular.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
On Mar 25, 2005, at 12:55, Andreas Leineweber wrote:
Dear all,
I think the statement that one ca
- Original Message -----
From: Luca Lutterotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 25, 2005 3:31 pm
Dear Apu,
I know I will start up a "good" debate here, but size-strain
with GSAS is a non-sense. The pr
connections. Otherwise is just a black box that may lead to more errors
than corrections.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
On Apr 1, 2005, at 17:44, P. Bhuv wrote:
I would like to discuss a couple of questions raised by a referee;-(
I am not sure if it is ethical
Because you are collecting just in Bragg-Brentano condition, or if
not for every collection you just see only one direction in the
sample, not all together. And if you homogenize all together you will
only observe a broadening of the peaks.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
ovide a standard way to present the results for the benefit of
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
if it is trivial to plot in the square root I presume it is already
available in Topas as well GSAS and Fullprof just to mention few. And
if it is so trivial and already available as a button options why no
one is using it. Why every time I look at a paper with a Rietveld
-Original Message-
From: Luca Lutterotti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:59 PM
To: rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: Re: Powder Diffraction In Q-Space
if it is trivial to plot in the square root I presume it is already
available in Topas as well GSAS and
quate in most
cases but
for analysis the conversion should be done properly; a point missed
by many.
-Original Message-
From: Luca Lutterotti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 22 February 2007 6:59 AM
To: rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: Re: Powder Diffraction In Q-Space
ve in case some specifications, files and
what we need to just finalize and optimize it in the shortest time as
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, Alan Hewat wrote:
Now this sounds interesting. Certainly the raw data should be
hases scale factors)
no density involved.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
On Mar 10, 2007, at 11:52 PM, Mr. Tony Raftery wrote:
can anyone send me description (or reference) for the conversion of
weight percent to volume percent for a (solid) mixture - volume
percent is favor
d the axis normal to the sample surface is not
a valid change in orientation as nothing will change for texture; you
have to change the sample inclination instead (omega or chi).
Best Regards,
Luca Lutterotti
That's the simple test. Let us know what you find
be related to sample preparation.
Luca Lutterotti schrieb:
On May 8, 2008, at 12:30 AM, May, Frank wrote:
You can check for texture effects (preferred orientation) by
obtaining multiple patterns of the material. It's realistic to
expect some differences, but preferred orientat
Nope, I checked what I have and I use Xraylib now in Maud but also there is
only B neutral. Maybe someone can calculate them?
Ciao Luca
Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +3
56 matches
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