>Dear All,
>I am planning to do Rietveld studies starting from X-ray film data. I am
>especially interested in techniques which allow the study of very small
>amounts of material, such as the Gandolfi camera mounting (we have it in our
>laboratory), or other.
>Suggestions/hints/references warmly welcomed. Thanks in advance for your
We have done in the past some Rietveld refinements on X-ray films coming
from a Gandolfi and Debye-Scherrer cameras and comparison with
Bragg-Brentano diffractometers.
L. Lutterotti, A. Gualtieri, S. Aldrighetti, "Rietveld refinement using
Debye-Scherrer film techniques", Mat. Sci. Forum, vols 228-231, pp. 29-34,
You may notices that Aldrighetti is from the Officina Elettromeccanica di
Tenno, the famous producer of the original Gandolfi camera.
You need a special Rietveld program to take into account film saturation,
but the results were equivalent to a normal diffractometer.
Best regards,
Luca Lutterotti
-----------------------Luca Lutterotti----------------------------
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universita' di Trento,
via Mesiano 77, 38050 Trento, Italy
e-mail address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home page : http://www.ing.unitn.it/~luttero
Mirror: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/lutterotti/~luttero/
Phone number :+39-0461-88-2414
-Fax : +39-0461-88-1977-----------------------------------------