So my question is pretty simple and just looking for clarification. How should
this be read? 1) that there are 0 read_block_errors? Or 2) that the
read_block_error code is <<“0”>>.
Bryan Hughes
Go Factory
I am looking through the console.log, but there is nothing but some bitbask
merge messages.
Bryan Hughes
Go Factory
Thanks! That fixed it. We don’t usually use the HTTP API.
Bryan Hughes
Go Factory
Connecting the Internet of Things
On Aug 18, 2014, at 2:00 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> The problem is term_to_binary. I suspect that <<131, 100, 0, ...>
read is not completely clear on
what happens if the indexed value is updated when the value has such a low
degree of selectivity?
We have less than 512 partitions and are using the erlang client.
Thanks in advance - any insights will be much appreciated!
Bryan Hugh
enumerated over, versus a
key/list_of_values term? In other words, if I have 600K records where
foobar=barfoo, will this be 600K reads, or 1 read with a list of 600K entries
which are then enumerated over in memory?
Bryan Hughes
Go Factory
On Aug 29
to find two tuples: {page, Page}
and {page_size, PageSize}. The MapReduce spec would look like this
(to start at 1 and grab 10 results):
{reduce, {modfun, whisper_db, reduce_slice3}, [{page, 1},
{page_size, 10}, reduce_phase_only_1], true}
I hope that helps.
riak-users mailing list
or tweaking those queue sizes are not exposed in the MapReduce
Of course, none of this precludes some other bug causing trouble, but
if each of you could check your JS VM settings against the formulas
above, I'd be interested in hearing what you find.
reduce phases.
> 2 - Is it possible to check fast if A -> B -> A (still in Erlang)? ('->'
> represents Links)
The fastest way to do this is to fetch both A and B and look through
the links they contain.
t; A. You could
put a map or reduce phase between the two link phases to filter out
everything but B, but my bet is that simply fetching A and B
individually will be much faster than setting up and tearing down the
MR framework.
YMMV, always benchmark real data, etc.
during a link-changing
operation is your goal, my advice would be to use two objects: one for
your country data, and one for its links. This way you can change the
links object without touching the data object.
riak-users mailing list
$ curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json"
http://localhost:8098/mapred --data
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: M
And an example usage is:
{modfun, trend_riak, test, whatever},
[{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce,
map_object_value}, none, true}]).
Hope that helps,
riak-users mailing list
ttle bit of a long shot, since your timeout is so
long, but it's the only way I've been able to recreate such a
situation so far.
riak-users mailing list
communication. Reduce
phases, in particular, also benefit from ensuring that your function
is actually *reducing* (not accumulating an ever-growing result on
each invocation), and from tuning reduce_phase_batch_size or even
using reduce_phase_only_1.
ion is good, I think
this behavior is useful in more cases than resolving a
notfound. Hopefully what I've written above is enough to get one or
more of you started down a path.
riak-users mailing list
e of what this looks like can be found
in the riak_kv_mapreduce:map_object_value/3 function:
So, if you find the intermediate aggregation of that filtering reduce
to be a problem, you could consider migrating to Er
dying like this during a fold operation). Could you share more
details about what you meant by "crash", please?
Thanks for reporting this.
riak-users mailing list
> Is anyone familiar with this problem? How can I make it to work?
Hi, Matthew. I see you already found
https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/290. That i
to a different node in the cluster while testing "aliveness" with
ping/2 and an immediate timeout?
Bryan Hughes
/"Art is never finished, only abandoned. - Leonardo da Vinci"/
On 9/2/12 11:39 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
Hi Brysn ,
There have been at least four chunks of code released to handle
connection pooling ( in addition to poolboy);
object is given
two siblings. These writes could happen to the same node or different ones.
On 9/3/12 10:47 AM, Bryan Hughes wrote:
Thanks for the replies - this is very helpful. Our persistence
abstraction layer already sports a robust process pool as we do
support other
e 2 to node B (not concurrently) using two different protobuffer
client processes (<0.101.0> and <0.102.0> respectively)? Are there any
caveats to this approach?
Also, we are on 1.2.
On 9/3/12 1:37 PM, Kresten Krab Thorup wrote:
That comment is no longer correct sin
ct are also
included: https://github.com/basho/erlang_js/blob/master/priv/json2.js
riak-users mailing list
face, which does monitor the
connection state.
riak-users mailing list
falls back to others
if needed. (Though its current use case also gets to assume that the
node that started the query stays up for the entire duration of the
query, so there is a point that can tell when an input has been lost.)
riak-users mailing list
should be improved to give this warning as well. I've added an issue
to our new docs repo to track this improvement:
riak-users mailing list
ded-network case could prove interesting and
valuable, and regular benchmarking could just prove me wrong. Also,
Pipe could almost certainly benefit from such a behavior, since its
operations usually target one vnode at a time instead of N. That is to
say, please share your results if
u using? If this is the problem,
you'll probably see errors in your Riak node's logs about
riak_kv_js_vm crashing/exiting.
I've opened a new issue to track this problem here:
https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/403 . If you learn more about
the root cause, please reply either
3> [ riakc_pb_socket:put(S, riakc_obj:new(B, K, K)) || {B, K} <- BK ].
4> {ok, [{0,Result}]} = riakc_pb_socket:mapred(S, BK, [{map, {modfun,
riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value},undefined, true}]).
Can you see where my example differs from yours?
riak-users mailing list
this kind of unknown, unexpected breakage should not happen again.
Thanks for spending time tracking this down, and sending in the report.
riak-users mailing list
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8087
> sudo service iptables restart
Hope this helps...
On 10/30/12 11:39 AM, SWEENEY, JAMES wrote:
Hello, I am attempting to create a 4 node riak installation on 4 separate
CentOS servers. Ins
32. sudo service iptables restart
On 10/30/12 8:14 PM, SWEENEY, JAMES wrote:
Hey thanks for the reply Bryan, I did go through the instructions
below. Plus I had checked the iptables right away after I installed,
and iptables does not seem to be running on any of my centos
value to be tuned, such a patch would
trigger read-repair automatically. I have not yet heard of progress on
such a patch, though.
riak-users mailing list
ts, [{d, foo, 17}]}.
The rebar mailing list may have better answers:
riak-users mailing list
> And how do I print out some logging information from my map function? I
> tried using lager like I found in the riak code,
> lager:error("Arg is ~p", [IndexJson]),
> but I can't find the message in any of the Riak logs.
Lager requir
ould also help, since it will
be faster, and will not have the same sort of VM contention. But, I
understand, that's not as easy to using in early-stage development.
riak-users mailing list
> Is this a known issue or something we are doing wrong?
Hi, Nico. I believe this is a known issue:
It has been fixed on master, and it will be part of the next Riak release.
That fix was also merged into the 1.2 branch, if you&
verything works fine.
Fantastic. I'm glad it worked out.
> I will post your answer unter my question at Stackoverflow, if it is ok for
> you?
Please be my guest. I have little interest in maintaining an account
there myself.
> * How will riakc_pb_socket:get/3 behave when queue_if_disconnected is
> enabled? Will it fail immediately if the socket is disconnected or
> block until it has reconnected?
With queue_if_disconnected enable
7> riakc_pb_socket:put(S, O, [if_none_match]).
8> riakc_pb_socket:put(S, O, [if_none_match]).
riak-users mailing list
ts" field should be a JSON object like:
"key":"my exact match"}
the arg so we can
// reuse this same function for any range
if (da > arg.min && da < arg.max)
return [v.key]; // in range - keep result
return []; // out of r
:"function(v,a) { return
[v.length]; }","arg":{"reduce_phase_only_1":true}}}
Alternatively, you could replace both of those reduce phases with a single
phase calling the built in riak_kv_mapreduce:reduce_count_inputs/2, like so:
put list was large enough to fill pipe
processing queues in a preflist:
This issue has been fixed on master, and will be part of the 1.3 release.
riak-users mailing list
Hi, Brad. Your Javascript VM ran out of stack space. Raise the value
of `js_thread_stack` in your app.config, as detailed on
and that error should go awa
;/data/riak"}, in app.config.
I agree that this does look suspicious, but it's actually normal. The
`platform_data_dir` setting controls where generic vnode operational
data is stored. The setting controlling where your application's data
is stored is controlled by the `data_root`
he content of that
file is run every time the Erlang VM starts, and this has been known
to cause problems with Riak startup.
riak-users mailing list
doesn't know what to do. You will need to either
include an initial value as a second parameter, like:
values.reduce(function(acc, item) { ... },
{}) //initial empty object
Or check to see if `values` is empty before reducing, like the Riak JS
`riak_client`, luke-based version,
and only the pipe-based version remains.
riak-users mailing list
bout how many keys are in this bucket?
4. About how many keys do you expect to match the index query?
riak-users mailing list
> After that all work fine.
Excellent! That was exactly the hunch I was hinting at. I wasn't using
the prereduce phase, and that is why I couldn't reproduce exactly what
you were seeing.
I like your solution. Please do submit a pull request for it. Thank
you for digging!
er data to be passed to the function, as usual. Some
of the built-in functions in riak_kv_mapreduce.erl need to be updated to
support an arg in this format; sorry for the mixed message.
riak-users mailing list
On Feb 26, 2013, at 9:16 AM, Bryan Fink wrote:
>> {"reduce":{"language":"erlang",
>> "arg":{"do_prereduce":true,
>> "reduce_phase_batch_size": 250
I should have also mentioned that `d
size of binary data that can be stored, as well as performance of
reads? I recall Mark suggesting to limit binary data to 10MB.
I am curious where this limitation comes from?
Bryan Hughes
*Go Factory*
ta centers.
Does this help?
On 3/6/13 4:14 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:
Just curious, what is the typical size and the overall range of sizes
for your image data?
On Mar 6, 2013, at 6:08 PM, Bryan Hughes <mailto:br...@go-factory.net>> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
change for the next version of
Riak that lowers that message from 'error' to 'debug' level.
Look forward to less noise in your logs soon.
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Bhuwan Chawla wrote:
> Thank you very mu
o work with the objects that
were linked.
Or, if you just wanted the friend/user objects, instead of some piece
of them, you could use the URL
eys to a client less punishing by requesting
just a few keys at a time from the '$bucket' index. This capability is
committed on our master branches, linked from
riak-users mailing list
Sorry if this has been asked before, spent some time Googling around and
didnt find anything.
How do I pass in "-s cryto -s bcrypt" when running eunit tests with rebar?
Bryan Hughes
*Go Factory*
/"Internet Class, E
Bryan Hughes
*Go Factory*
This is on a dev cluster with an out-of-the box configuration using bitcask.
On 7/7/13 2:51 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
Hi Bryan,
I remember s
is is data lost, how
did it happen. I ran fsck on all the disks and checked the health of
the system - which is all good.
The later information was included for completeness.
On 7/8/13 12:49 AM, Andrew Berman wrote:
What version of Erlang? You should check this out:
Hi John,
Thank you! Can you give any insight as to what is the cause of the
problem, or point me to any Basho Documentation detailing this?
On 7/8/13 8:22 AM, John Caprice wrote:
Hey Bryan,
This indicates a problem with the Bitcask data file. That data file,
according to
OTP's 'supervisor' module (see
my last comment on riak_pipe issue #49 [1]). The fix requires more
restructuring than we had time to do for the 1.4 release. Despite the
'error' level of the log (which is set by code we don't control), the
race is harmless, and the correct l
and it pulls the dependencies ok. I then type 'rebar compile', and it
compiles ok. When I step up to the top level project directory, it
still craps out on the riak_pb dependency directory. I have our
rebar.config output below the error message.
==> Entering directory
Hi Sean,
Thanks! I just realized that. It resolved my issue -- and thank you for
the super quick reply. Its always very comforting to know that you guys
are always so fast to respond. Much appreciated!
On 2/8/14, 2:40 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
Hi Bryan,
You'll want to use
maxfiles65536 65536
There are only 372 files in the data bitcask directory:
bryan@yetitron:/opt/riak-1.4.2$ ls data/bitcask/*/* | wc -l
Here is the message repeated many times from the error.log
2014-03-01 10:38:55.080 [error] <0.15839.0> gen_server memsup
Hi Matthew,
It is on. Here is the file count:
bryan@yetitron:/opt/riak-1.4.2$ ls data/anti_entropy/*/* | wc -l
Also note, this was happening when I was running our eunit test suite.
After taking a break I reran the tests and it is no longer crashing.
On 3/1/14, 11
Redhat variants the equivalent commands would be
sudo yum install openssl-devel
./configure --enable-m64-build
sudo make install
On 20 May 2014, at 17:06, Hector Castro wrote:
> Rachana,
> This appears to be an issue with how the Erlang you are trying to run
`riak-admin transfers` and see if there are
any active transfers happening.
Bryan Hunt
On 27 Jun 2014, at 16:15, Zsolt Laky wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Exactly the same with beta1.
> brg
> Zsolt
> On Jun 27, 2014, at 13:25, Christian Dahlqvist wrote:
You might find it initially useful to interact with Riak using the curl client:
Best Regards,
Bryan Hunt
On 30 Jun 2014, at 12:59, Sangeetha wrote:
> could someone help me
Hello Chaim,
How big is the object you are trying to index? Are siblings (allow_mult)
enabled? What type of object is it? CRDT, binary blob, text? Can you paste
the output from riak-admin member-status and ring-status. Also riak status.
On 27 Jul 2014 04:55, "Chaim Solomon&qu
Sounds like disk corruption to me.
Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies Limited - Registered
Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
On 29 Jul 2014, at 13:06, Effenberg, Simon wrote:
> Said to say but the issue stays the same.. even after
Hi Simon,
Does the problem persist if you run it again?
Does it happen if you run it against any other partition?
Best Regards,
Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies Limited - Registered
Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
On 29 Jul
lso be monitored using the `riak-admin transfers` command.
Best Regards,
Bryan Hunt
Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies Limited - Registered
Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields Londo
Hi Sebastian,
Wow that’s a really old version, I know with modern versions the ring file can
be nuked at the expense of a ton of transfer activity when you join the nodes
back into a single cluster, shouldn’t lose data though. Anyone want to chime in
with an opinion on this version ?
This hasn't been tested in ages.
Consider migrating to RiakCS instead.
riak-users mailing list
I am somewhat clueless on OSX, but I use the following command when
starting Riak, and it seems to work for me:
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 65536
ulimit -n 65536
On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:54 AM, Toby Corkindale wrote:
> Are you trying to use Riak CS for file storage,
Hi Spiro,
What version are you running, If you don’t mind me asking?
On 14 Sep 2014, at 21:34, Spiro N wrote:
> Hi Bryan, thanks for your response. I had used the same commands with the
> same settings you used before I raised it to no avail. After inspecting the
> process
Short of running virtual machines, or docker instances this is not
currently possible.
On 11 Nov 2014 22:01, "Andrew Zeneski" wrote:
> I have a cluster of RHEL 6 test servers currently running 1.4.10. I'd like
> to install 2.0.2 on these servers along side of 1.4.10, without building
> from sourc
or are you just encountering siblings which
were generated prior to your bucket-type properties change?
> On 1 Dec 2014, at 17:37, Jason Ryan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a simple riak 1 node install on a VM for development - I created a new
> bucket type,
erage queries,
meaning that typically they will hit 1/3 of your nodes.
On 9 Dec 2014 16:55, "Alexander Popov" wrote:
> Stats when recent spike happens for 15 minutes around it
> get (826)
> save (341)
> listByIndex (1161)
> mapReduce (621) //Input is IDs l
I can't even get the gui to initialize on osx. I've been using the viewer
from R17 with success. I use kerl to maintain multiple erlang versions on
my system.
On 12 Feb 2015 11:16, "Simon Hartley" wrote:
> I am attempting to use the Erlang crash dump viewer application
> (erl5.9.1\lib\observer-
Good tip, thanks Scott!
Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies Limited - Registered
Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
> On 17 Feb 2015, at 02:18, Scott Lystig Fritchie
> wrote:
> Hi, Bryan, sorry to jump in so late. Have yo
our documentation - http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/advanced/mapreduce
I haven't looked at the Python PB API in a while, but I'm reasonably certain it
supports the invocation of MapReduce jobs.
> On 10 Apr 2015, at 13:51, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Also, I forgot
applicable to any business critical
computer system.
> On 9 Apr 2015, at 14:10, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Hi there,
> One theoretical question; what happens when a node (or more) hits a 100% HD
> usage?
> Riak can easily scale horizontally adding new nodes to the
Hi Syed. I can't comment upon UGameDB but generally speaking you will need
to set a content-type header indicating the mime type. For a JPEG image
that type would be image/jpeg for a PNG it would be image/png. Riak just
regards data as opaque blobs so it is probably defaulting to text/plain.
Take a
Didn't realise Chris and Christopher had already replied to this.
On 12 May 2015 13:25, "Bryan Hunt" wrote:
> Hi Syed. I can't comment upon UGameDB but generally speaking you will need
> to set a content-type header indicating the mime type. For a JPEG image
> that t
Hi Daniel, do you have reasons not to upgrade to the latest driver. I know
the semantics have changed somewhat. Are you running a fork of the client?
On 12 May 2015 00:40, "Daniel Iwan" wrote:
> Hi all
> Am I right thinking that v1.1.4 does not support headOnly()
Also ensure ulimit is set according to the recommendations on
docs.basho.com. ulimit set too low is a common cause of node termination.
On 5 May 2015 21:23, "Jason Golubock" wrote:
> Scott - thanks for the response,
> yes i've used all those tools at one point, but i'm not sure
> exactly what i
Hi Amit. Did you resolve your issue?
On 23 Apr 2015 16:46, "Amit Anand" wrote:
> Hi all Im very new to Riak CS so please bear with me! Finally managed to
> get Riak, Riak CS and Stanchion all running and now Im trying to add the
> admin user. When I run my curl command I get nothing back and in t
Hi Alex,
Slight confusion in the last response. Just zip up the log files from that
node and email them directly to me.
We’ll take a look.
> On 15 Jun 2015, at 15:50, Matthew Brender wrote:
> Hey Alex,
> The best place to start on troubleshooting behaviors like the one you
> saw i
2.0.1 is way, way, old. I’d recommend a jump to 2.0.6, it’s a much more stable
release, or 2.1.1 for the latest hotness.
Best Regards,
Bryan Hunt
> On 15 Jun 2015, at 17:25, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Hi Bryan
> Thanks for your help :
For the second error increase the ulimit for the riak user to 20 via /etc/security/limits.conf or equivalent.
tages) +
(number of map stages with pre-reduce enabled) +
(number of reduce stages)
Multiply that sum by the number of MR jobs you want to have in-flight
concurrently. That will give you an overestimate of the worker_limit to use
(because not all stages use a worker on every vnode). The defau
If you're familiar with Python's HTTP
libraries, you should be able to make it play pretty quickly.
riak-users mailing list
not its key qualifies, you'll
need to code your logic in an Erlang function instead of Javascript.
If you need something closer to the Javascript function in your
example (which could be used to produce a count of the filtered keys,
instead of
w tree.
A flush will only occur when a stream closes, unless your program
explicitly calls luwak_put_stream:flush/1.
riak-users mailing list
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On 2/23/2011 9:11 AM, Bryan Fink wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:54 PM, Les Mikesell
>> wrote:
>>> What happens if there is a read of the object while it is in the process
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Joseph Blomstedt wrote:
> For protocol buffers there are client libraries that support
> connection pooling. Of the top of my head I know riak-js does, and [...]
My Haskell client does, too: https://github.com/mailrank/riak-haskell-client
It also supports r
1 - 100 of 223 matches
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