On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Zabrane Mickael <zabra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've this in my makefile:
> compile:
>         @$(REBAR) compile -Dfoo=17
> How can I defined macro with value using rebar?

Hi, Zabrane.

It looks to me like the command line -D option for rebar does not
support defining values for macros. The makefile line above causes
rebar to define the 'foo=17' macro, not a macro 'foo' with value 17.

I think the only way to do what you want is by adding 'd' tuples to
your 'erl_opts' list in your rebar.config:

    {erl_opts, [{d, foo, 17}]}.

The rebar mailing list may have better answers:


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