On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Nico Meyer <nico.me...@adition.com> wrote:
> The following errors appear in the log of the node that handles the
> MapReduce query:
> 2012-11-14 17:49:57.660 [error] emulator Error in process <0.32658.1777> on
> node 'riak@' with exit value:
> {{badmatch,{'EXIT',timeout}},[{riak_core_vnode_proxy,call,2,[{file,"src/riak_core_vnode_proxy.erl"},{line,52}]},{riak_pipe_vnode,queue_work_send,4,[{file,"src/riak_pipe_vnode.erl"},{line,331}]},{riak_pipe_vnode,queue_work_erracc...
> 2012-11-14 17:49:57.798 [error] <0.258.0> Supervisor riak_pipe_builder_sup
> had child undefined started with {riak_pipe_builder,start_link,undefined} at
> <0.32653.1777> exit with reason no match of right hand value
> {'EXIT',timeout} in riak_core_vnode_proxy:call/2 line 52 in context
> child_terminated
> Is this a known issue or something we are doing wrong?

Hi, Nico. I believe this is a known issue:


It has been fixed on master, and it will be part of the next Riak release.

That fix was also merged into the 1.2 branch, if you're willing and
able to rebuild locally.


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