On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Jimmy Ho <j...@jimmyho.com> wrote:
> inputs: [["user", "mathew"]],
> query: [ {map:... get a list of [[bucket, friend_key]] }
> What is the next phase to read the bucket/key values as the new inputs?

Hi, Jimmy. If that map phase is producing a list of [bucket, key]
pairs, as you describe, the only thing you need to do to use them as
inputs is to add another map phase right after that one. So:

   inputs: [["user", "mathew"]],
   query: [ {map:… get a list of [[bucket, friend_key]] },
            {map:… do something with a friend}

Riak will handle reading each object and passing it into the map
function for you.

The special thing you may have been thinking of is "link-walking". If
instead of storing the list of friends in the object (or in addition
to), you stored their names in the Link metadata, you could use:

   inputs: [["user", "mathew"]],
   query: [ {link: {bucket:"user", tag:"friend"}},
            {map:… do something with a friend}

The 'link' phase would do the bucket-key-pair production for you. You
still use a map phase right afterward to work with the objects that
were linked.

Or, if you just wanted the friend/user objects, instead of some piece
of them, you could use the URL




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