
If you want to get more verbose logging information, you could perform the 
following to change the logging level, to debug, then run `repair-2i`, and 
finally switching back to the normal logging level.

- `riak attach`
- `(riak@nodename)1> SetDebug = fun() -> {node(), 
lager:set_loglevel(lager_file_backend, "/var/log/riak/console.log", debug)} 
- `(riak@nodename)2> rp(rpc:multicall(erlang, apply, [SetDebug,[]])).`
(don't forget the period at the end of these statements)
- Hit CTRL+C twice to quit from the node

You can then revert back to the normal `info` logging level by running the 
following command via `riak attach`:

- `riak attach`
- `(riak@nodename)1> SetInfo = fun() -> {node(), 
lager:set_loglevel(lager_file_backend, "/var/log/riak/console.log", info)} end.`
- `(riak@nodename)2> rp(rpc:multicall(erlang, apply, [SetInfo,[]])).`
(don't forget the period at the end of these statements)
- Hit CTRL+C twice to quit from a the node

Please also see the docs for info on `riak attach` monitoring of repairs.

Repairs can also be monitored using the `riak-admin transfers` command.

Best Regards,

Bryan Hunt 

Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies Limited - Registered 
Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431

On 6 Aug 2014, at 12:53, Effenberg, Simon <> wrote:

> Hi Engel,
> I tried it yesterday but it was the same:
> 2014-08-05 17:53:14.728 UTC [info] 
> <0.24306.9>@riak_kv_2i_aae:repair_partition:257 Acquired lock on partition 
> 548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616
> 2014-08-05 17:53:14.728 UTC [info] 
> <0.24306.9>@riak_kv_2i_aae:repair_partition:259 Repairing indexes in 
> partition 548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616
> 2014-08-05 17:53:14.753 UTC [info] 
> <0.24306.9>@riak_kv_2i_aae:create_index_data_db:324 Creating temporary 
> database of 2i data in /var/lib/riak/anti_entropy/2i/tmp_db
> 2014-08-05 17:53:14.772 UTC [info] 
> <0.24306.9>@riak_kv_2i_aae:create_index_data_db:361 Grabbing all index data 
> for partition 548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616
> 2014-08-05 17:58:14.773 UTC [info] 
> <0.24305.9>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>        Total partitions: 1
>        Finished partitions: 1
>        Speed: 100
>        Total 2i items scanned: 0
>        Total tree objects: 0
>        Total objects fixed: 0
> With errors:
> Partition: 548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616
> Error: index_scan_timeout
> Can't we use some erlang commands to execute parts of this manually to check 
> where the timeout actually happens? Or at least who is timing out?
> Cheers
> Simon
> On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 10:21:57AM -0400, Engel Sanchez wrote:
>>   Simon:  The data scan for that partition seems to be taking more than 5
>>   minutes to collect a batch of 1000 items, so the 2i repair process is
>>   giving up on it before it has a chance to finish.   You can reduce the
>>   likelihood of this happening by configuring the batch parameter to
>>   something small.  In the riak_kv section of the configuration file, set
>>   this:
>>   {riak_kv, [
>>      {aae_2i_batch_size, 10},
>>      ...
>>   Let us know if that allows it to finish the repair.  You should still look
>>   into what may be causing the slowness.  A combination of slow disks or
>>   very large data sets might do it.
>>   On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:24 AM, Russell Brown <>
>>   wrote:
>>     Hi Simon,
>>     Sorry for the delays. I'm on vacation for a couple of days. Will pick
>>     this up on Monday.
>>     Cheers
>>     Russell
>>     On 1 Aug 2014, at 09:56, Effenberg, Simon <>
>>     wrote:
>>> Hi Russell, @basho
>>> any updates on this? We still have the issues with 2i (repair is also
>>> still not possible) and searching for the 2i indexes is reproducable
>>> creating (for one range I tested) 3 different values.
>>> I would love to provide anything you need to debug that issue.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simon
>>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 09:22:56AM +0000, Effenberg, Simon wrote:
>>>> Great. Thanks Russell..
>>>> if you need me to do something.. feel free to ask.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Simon
>>>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 10:19:56AM +0100, Russell Brown wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Simon,
>>>>> I'm going to spend a some time on this day.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Russell
>>>>> On 30 Jul 2014, at 10:05, Effenberg, Simon
>>     <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Russel,
>>>>>> still one machine out of 13 is on wheezy and the rest on squeeze
>>     but the
>>>>>> software is the same and basho is providing even the erlang stuff.
>>     So
>>>>>> their should no real difference inside the application.
>>>>>> And the errors are almost the same (except the async_write/read
>>>>>> difference).
>>>>>> I paste them:
>>>>>> ---------- node 1 -----------
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.728 UTC [info]
>>     <0.14871.336>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>      Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Speed: 100
>>>>>>      Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>      Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>      Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>> Partition: 125597796958124469533129165311555572001681702912
>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.728 UTC [error] <0.1525.0> gen_server
>>     <0.1525.0> terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.324.211123>, <<>>,
>>     [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97
>>>>>> ,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}], []) in
>>     eleveldb:write/3 line 155
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.728 UTC [error] <0.1525.0> CRASH REPORT Process
>>     <0.1525.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.324.211123>, <<>>,
>>     [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,11
>>     1,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.728 UTC [error] <0.1517.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.1517.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.1525.0> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call
>>>>>> to eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.324.211123>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in context child_terminated
>>>>>> ---------- node 2 -----------
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.791 UTC [info]
>>     <0.8083.314>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>      Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Speed: 100
>>>>>>      Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>      Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>      Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>> Partition: 622279994019798508141412682679979879462877528064
>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.791 UTC [error] <0.1884.0> gen_server
>>     <0.1884.0> terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.318.96628>, <<>>,
>>     [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,
>>>>>> 116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}], []) in
>>     eleveldb:write/3 line 155
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.791 UTC [error] <0.1884.0> CRASH REPORT Process
>>     <0.1884.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.318.96628>, <<>>,
>>     [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111
>>     ,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:07.792 UTC [error] <0.1875.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.1875.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.1884.0> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call
>>>>>> to eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.318.96628>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in context child_terminated
>>>>>> ---------- node 3 -----------
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:17:42.679 UTC [info]
>>     <0.15746.299>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>      Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Speed: 100
>>>>>>      Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>      Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>      Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>> Partition: 291158529312015815735890337767697007822080311296
>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:17:42.679 UTC [error] <0.975.0> gen_server <0.975.0>
>>     terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.2075.159423>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:17:42.679 UTC [error] <0.975.0> CRASH REPORT Process
>>     <0.975.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.2075.159423>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:17:42.679 UTC [error] <0.969.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.969.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.975.0> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.2075.159423>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in context child_terminated
>>>>>> ---------- node 4 -----------
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:10.004 UTC [info]
>>     <0.28895.382>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>      Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Speed: 100
>>>>>>      Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>      Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>      Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>> Partition: 319703483166135013357056057156686910549735243776
>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:10.004 UTC [error] <0.1580.0> gen_server
>>     <0.1580.0> terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.367.155781>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:10.004 UTC [error] <0.1580.0> CRASH REPORT Process
>>     <0.1580.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.367.155781>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:10.005 UTC [error] <0.1570.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.1570.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.1580.0> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.367.155781>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in context child_terminated
>>>>>> ---------- node 5 -----------
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.191 UTC [info]
>>     <0.15985.355>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>      Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Speed: 100
>>>>>>      Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>      Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>      Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>> Partition: 833512652540280570538039006158505159647524028416
>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.191 UTC [error] <0.1601.0> gen_server
>>     <0.1601.0> terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_get(#Ref<0.0.351.26505>, <<>>,
>> <<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,101,116,...>>,
>>     []) in eleveldb:get/3 line 143
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.191 UTC [error] <0.1601.0> CRASH REPORT Process
>>     <0.1601.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_get(#Ref<0.0.351.26505>, <<>>,
>> <<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,101,116,...>>,
>>     []) in eleveldb:get/3 line 143 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.192 UTC [error] <0.1598.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.1598.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.1601.0> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call to eleveldb:async_get(#Ref<0.0.351.26505>,
>>     <<>>,
>> <<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,101,116,...>>,
>>     []) in eleveldb:get/3 line 143 in context child_terminated
>>>>>> ---------- node 6 -----------
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.154 UTC [info]
>>     <0.32042.379>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>      Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>      Speed: 100
>>>>>>      Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>      Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>      Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>> Partition: 34253944624943037145398863266787883273185918976
>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.154 UTC [error] <0.4086.0> gen_server
>>     <0.4086.0> terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_get(#Ref<0.0.2698.198008>, <<>>,
>> <<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,101,116,...>>,
>>     []) in eleveldb:get/3 line 143
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.154 UTC [error] <0.4086.0> CRASH REPORT Process
>>     <0.4086.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_get(#Ref<0.0.2698.198008>, <<>>,
>> <<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,101,116,...>>,
>>     []) in eleveldb:get/3 line 143 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>> 2014-07-30 06:16:09.154 UTC [error] <0.4085.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.4085.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.4086.0> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call to eleveldb:async_get(#Ref<0.0.2698.198008>,
>>     <<>>,
>> <<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,101,116,...>>,
>>     []) in eleveldb:get/3 line 143 in context child_terminated
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 09:50:22AM +0100, Russell Brown wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>>>>> So the earlier "this is on wheezy, rest are on squeeze" thing is
>>     no longer a factor?
>>>>>>> Any and all 2i repair you do ends with the same error?
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Russell
>>>>>>> On 30 Jul 2014, at 07:29, Effenberg, Simon
>>     <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I tried it now with one partition on 6 different machines and
>>     everywhere the same result: index_scan_timeout and the info: bad
>>     argument in call to eleveldb:async_get (2x) or async_write (4x).
>>>>>>>> Von Samsung Mobile gesendet
>>>>>>>> -------- Urspru:ngliche Nachricht --------
>>>>>>>> Von: "Effenberg, Simon"
>>>>>>>> Datum:30.07.2014 07:49 (GMT+01:00)
>>>>>>>> An: bryan hunt
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Betreff: AW: repair-2i stops with "bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write"
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I tried it on two different nodes with one partition each. Both
>>     multiple times before the upgrade and after the upgrade.
>>>>>>>> I will try it on other machines in a minute but because I tried
>>     it already on two different nodes and one of them is 2 weeks old and
>>     stored on a HP 3par I bet that this is not a disk corruption issue..
>>>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>>> Von Samsung Mobile gesendet
>>>>>>>> -------- Urspru:ngliche Nachricht --------
>>>>>>>> Von: bryan hunt
>>>>>>>> Datum:29.07.2014 18:21 (GMT+01:00)
>>>>>>>> An: "Effenberg, Simon"
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Betreff: Re: repair-2i stops with "bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write"
>>>>>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>>>>>> Does the problem persist if you run it again?
>>>>>>>> Does it happen if you run it against any other partition?
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Bryan
>>>>>>>> Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies
>>     Limited - Registered Office - 8 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg
>>     07970431
>>>>>>>> On 29 Jul 2014, at 09:35, Effenberg, Simon
>>     <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> we have some issues with 2i queries like that:
>>>>>>>>> seffenberg@kriak46-1:~$ while :; do curl -s
>>     localhost:8098/buckets/conversation/index/createdat_int/0/23182680 |
>>     ruby -rjson -e "o = JSON.parse(; puts o['keys'].size"; sleep
>>     1; done
>>>>>>>>> 13853
>>>>>>>>> 13853
>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>> 557
>>>>>>>>> 557
>>>>>>>>> 557
>>>>>>>>> 13853
>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> So I tried to start a repair-2i first on one vnode/partition on
>>     one node
>>>>>>>>> (which is quiet new in the cluster.. 2 weeks or so).
>>>>>>>>> The command is failing with the following log entries:
>>>>>>>>> seffenberg@kriak46-7:~$ sudo riak-admin repair-2i
>>     22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
>>>>>>>>> Will repair 2i on these partitions:
>>>>>>>>>     22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
>>>>>>>>> Watch the logs for 2i repair progress reports
>>>>>>>>> seffenberg@kriak46-7:~$ 2014-07-29 08:20:22.729 UTC [info]
>>     <0.5929.1061>@riak_kv_2i_aae:init:139 Starting 2i repair at speed 100
>>     for partitions [22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984]
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:20:22.729 UTC [info]
>>     <0.5930.1061>@riak_kv_2i_aae:repair_partition:257 Acquired lock on
>>     partition 22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:20:22.729 UTC [info]
>>     <0.5930.1061>@riak_kv_2i_aae:repair_partition:259 Repairing indexes in
>>     partition 22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:20:22.740 UTC [info]
>>     <0.5930.1061>@riak_kv_2i_aae:create_index_data_db:324 Creating temporary
>>     database of 2i data in /var/lib/riak/anti_entropy/2i/tmp_db
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:20:22.751 UTC [info]
>>     <0.5930.1061>@riak_kv_2i_aae:create_index_data_db:361 Grabbing all index
>>     data for partition 22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:25:22.752 UTC [info]
>>     <0.5929.1061>@riak_kv_2i_aae:next_partition:160 Finished 2i repair:
>>>>>>>>>     Total partitions: 1
>>>>>>>>>     Finished partitions: 1
>>>>>>>>>     Speed: 100
>>>>>>>>>     Total 2i items scanned: 0
>>>>>>>>>     Total tree objects: 0
>>>>>>>>>     Total objects fixed: 0
>>>>>>>>> With errors:
>>>>>>>>> Partition: 22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
>>>>>>>>> Error: index_scan_timeout
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:25:22.752 UTC [error] <0.4711.1061> gen_server
>>     <0.4711.1061> terminated with reason: bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.10120.211816>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:25:22.753 UTC [error] <0.4711.1061> CRASH REPORT
>>     Process <0.4711.1061> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad argument
>>     in call to eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.10120.211816>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
>>>>>>>>> 2014-07-29 08:25:22.753 UTC [error] <0.1031.0> Supervisor
>>     {<0.1031.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with
>>     {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.4711.1061> exit with
>>     reason bad argument in call to
>>     eleveldb:async_write(#Ref<0.0.10120.211816>, <<>>,
>> [{put,<<131,104,2,109,0,0,0,20,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,95,115,101,99,114,...>>,...}],
>>     []) in eleveldb:write/3 line 155 in context child_terminated
>>>>>>>>> Anything I can do about that? What's the issue here?
>>>>>>>>> I'm using Riak 1.4.8 (.deb package).
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> riak-users mailing list
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> riak-users mailing list
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Simon Effenberg | Site Op | GmbH
>>>>>> Phone:    + 49. 30. 8109. 7173
>>>>>> M-Phone:  + 49. 151. 5266. 1558
>>>>>> Mail:
>>>>>> Web:
>>>>>> Marktplatz 1 | 14532 Europarc Dreilinden | Germany
>>>>>> ______________________________________________________
>>>>>> Gescha:ftsfu:hrer: Malte Kru:ger
>>>>>> HRB Nr.: 18517 P, Amtsgericht Potsdam
>>>>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kleinmachnow
>>>>>> ______________________________________________________
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> riak-users mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> Simon Effenberg | Site Op | GmbH
>>>> Phone:    + 49. 30. 8109. 7173
>>>> M-Phone:  + 49. 151. 5266. 1558
>>>> Mail:
>>>> Web:
>>>> Marktplatz 1 | 14532 Europarc Dreilinden | Germany
>>>> ______________________________________________________
>>>> Gescha:ftsfu:hrer: Malte Kru:ger
>>>> HRB Nr.: 18517 P, Amtsgericht Potsdam
>>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kleinmachnow
>>>> ______________________________________________________
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> riak-users mailing list
>>> --
>>> Simon Effenberg | Site Op | GmbH
>>> Phone:    + 49. 30. 8109. 7173
>>> M-Phone:  + 49. 151. 5266. 1558
>>> Mail:
>>> Web:
>>> Marktplatz 1 | 14532 Europarc Dreilinden | Germany
>>> ______________________________________________________
>>> Gescha:ftsfu:hrer: Malte Kru:ger
>>> HRB Nr.: 18517 P, Amtsgericht Potsdam
>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kleinmachnow
>>> ______________________________________________________
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> riak-users mailing list
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     riak-users mailing list
> -- 
> Simon Effenberg | Site Op | GmbH
> Phone:    + 49. 30. 8109. 7173
> M-Phone:  + 49. 151. 5266. 1558
> Mail:
> Web:
> Marktplatz 1 | 14532 Europarc Dreilinden | Germany
> ______________________________________________________
> Geschäftsführer: Malte Krüger
> HRB Nr.: 18517 P, Amtsgericht Potsdam
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kleinmachnow
> ______________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> riak-users mailing list

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