Re: [RE-wrenches] NECPLUS Article

2010-08-06 Thread boB Gudgel
Joel Davidson wrote: Interesting news item, but the link does not connect to the fire fighter report. Does someone have the correct report link? In May 2010 the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF) completed a one-year research project addressing photovoltaic (PV) power systems. The repo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Voltage discrepancy

2010-08-14 Thread boB Gudgel
Drake Chamberlin wrote: I called her back just now, and the voltage readings on the Mate, MX and Trimetric all match. Humm. The batteries are 4, 4 1/2 year old, U.S. Battery L-16s wired in 24 volt configuration. It seems that I remember postings of Wrenches having problems with these batte

Re: [RE-wrenches] Voltage discrepancy

2010-08-14 Thread boB Gudgel
Drake Chamberlin wrote: boB, Thanks, I will check all connections when I get out there. Is there anyway a loose connection could cook the batteries? A loose connection, if it was like I described, would tend to under-charge the batteries. I would think that if there were ~that~ much of a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Voltage discrepancy

2010-08-19 Thread boB Gudgel
Jeff Oldham wrote: I have seen this on my last 3 MX60 controllers and it is very frustrating and looks to be a design flaw. I can calibrate the meters to be accurate at either the Absorb point OR the Float point but NOT both!! Not only that but the meter calibrations tend to drift a bit in jus

Re: [RE-wrenches] Dog controller conflict with Outback inverter.

2010-08-27 Thread boB Gudgel
On 8/27/2010 7:51 PM, wrote: Help! Has anyone delt with RF interference between a dog control device and GVFX3524. It seems that some frequency in the inverter (or maybe the FlexMax 80) is cancelling the emitted signal from a dog control device which shocks the dog when th

[RE-wrenches] RE Visio shapes files

2010-09-05 Thread boB Gudgel
Hello Wrenches. Do any of you know where to find shape library files for drawing RE pix in Microsoft Visio ?? Solar, Wind, batteries, etc... Thanks, boB ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: O

Re: [RE-wrenches] RE Visio shapes files

2010-09-05 Thread boB Gudgel
On 9/5/2010 9:32 PM, William Miller wrote: boB: I have a set of template and stencil files on my web site at: I never progressed beyond version 4.1T because it still works for me. You are probably using a newer version, but these files sh

Re: [RE-wrenches] RE Visio shapes files

2010-09-06 Thread boB Gudgel
*boB Gudgel *Sent:* Monday, September 06, 2010 12:44 AM *To:* RE-wrenches *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] RE Visio shapes files On 9/5/2010 9:32 PM, William Miller wrote: boB: I have a set of template and stencil files on my web site at: I

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter 1741 Listing Process

2010-10-08 Thread boB Gudgel
On 10/8/2010 6:04 PM, Matt Lafferty wrote: Hola Wrenches, Does anybody know off the top of their head if the /"5-minute-wait-to-interconnect"/ function is tested on 100% of inverters produced? /(i.e. every single inverter is tested with AC & DC within the start parameters of the unit for at l

Re: [RE-wrenches] Mac compatibility with Modsine

2010-10-09 Thread boB Gudgel
On 10/9/2010 3:07 PM, Carl Hansen wrote: Greetings, Does anyone know if newer Macintosh computers are still incompatible with Modsine inverters, and how about Mac loptops ? Thanks, Carl Hansen Hansen&Sun elect. My Mac Book Pro (from early 2009) worked off of a c

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter 1741 Listing Process

2010-10-18 Thread boB Gudgel
simply showing up on site and randomly selecting various aspects of the product for verification -- including the software. The overall UL1741 certification process is extremely complex, very time consuming, and quite expensive. Dan --- On *Fri, 10/8/10, boB Gudgel //* wrote: From: b

Re: [RE-wrenches] paralleling FM-60's

2010-10-20 Thread boB Gudgel
On 10/20/2010 12:16 PM, jay peltz wrote: Hi Jeff, Its not the voltage but amps, the apollo is only 80amps, and the old MX's you can push to 70 so no real advantage there. j I think that what he means is that by switching to a 48V battery you can have (add) twice as much array power ratin

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery Placement

2010-10-22 Thread boB Gudgel
On 10/22/2010 10:25 AM, Allan Sindelar wrote: Ray, I don't think Robin has posted anything, it just came in a conversation we had. As I understand it, service equipment must have nothing interfering with designated working clearance, within a few inches of depth allowed. With Outback, Magnum,

Re: [RE-wrenches] 120 volt grid tie inverter

2010-11-16 Thread boB Gudgel
On 11/16/2010 11:20 AM, Richard Scott wrote: The KACO blueplanet 1502xi inverter has a minimum MPPT voltage of 125Vdc but cannot be connected to a battery. I would not recommend hooking a battery up to the input of just any grid tie inverter unless it was designed for it. The current from a ba

Re: [RE-wrenches] 120 volt grid tie inverter

2010-11-16 Thread boB Gudgel
K. Not the best way, just a quick and dirty way. And even then, it's not quite the same as a PV array. Just an approximation. boB From: [] On Behalf Of

Re: [RE-wrenches] Positive-ground question re Sunpower

2010-11-19 Thread boB Gudgel
On 11/19/2010 5:22 PM, Glenn Burt wrote: It has been my experience that if Sunpower modules are installed contrary to their manufacturer recommended positive ground configuration, that in a short time you will only be generating a few watts. I have seen this in more than one instance when the

Re: [RE-wrenches] Positive-ground question re Sunpower

2010-11-20 Thread boB Gudgel
On 11/20/2010 4:36 PM, Mark Frye wrote: From the 2006 white paper: * "Polarization * Incorrect grounding of SunPower modules can inducea surface charge which would lower the energyproduction. Previously SunPower has announced the discovery of the "surface polarization" effect which creates

Re: [RE-wrenches] Roofers installing solar = creative, new installation methods

2011-01-28 Thread boB Gudgel
On 1/28/2011 8:41 AM, Solar Energy Solutions wrote: Joel, Our company cannot survive without selling an entire system. When we help the unqualified and untrained we legitimize unsubstantiated pv businesses. We get a dozen phone calls a month from folks wanting us to install their systems.

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV voltage at Isc

2011-02-05 Thread boB Gudgel
On 2/5/2011 11:30 AM, Greg Egan wrote: Fellow Scientists, I got in a discussion with a wrench the other day. He is under the impression that when a PV module is at short circuit current there is no voltage. My understanding of electricity is that if there's no voltage there's no current bec

Re: [RE-wrenches] module / panel

2011-02-08 Thread boB Gudgel
On 2/8/2011 3:40 PM, David Brearley wrote: However, the term "panel" does appear in the NEC in the context of Article 690 "Solar Photovoltaic Systems." (You'll have to submit a proposal to the Code Making Panel to change the name of the Article, Michael.) Panel is defined a "collection of modules

Re: [RE-wrenches] Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

2011-03-19 Thread boB Gudgel
On 3/19/2011 7:53 AM, Drake wrote: Hello Wrenches, I had an inquiry concerning the effect of EMP on photovoltaic systems. We are heading for a period of solar activity that likely will produce this effect. According to a local AEP (American Electric Power) representative, the utility is spe

Re: [RE-wrenches] Small, non-UL listed direct PV grid-tie inverters and UL 1741

2011-03-26 Thread boB Gudgel
On 3/26/2011 9:32 AM, Dan Fink wrote: Mark; An example: and a whole home package! Even includes a Kill-Watt for all your energy production monitoring needs: And for an added bonus if you read now, one for a direct grid tie wind turbin

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase Inards - Any Guesses?

2011-04-25 Thread boB Gudgel
On 4/25/2011 8:56 AM, Mark Frye wrote: Folks, I have an Enphase D380 micro inverter sitting on my workbench (such as it is). With my ohm meter I can detect continuity between the chasis and the AC equipment ground pin, between the chasis and the DC- pin, and between the AC equipment ground

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV powered music festival

2011-04-27 Thread boB Gudgel
On 4/27/2011 3:51 PM, benn kilburn wrote: Wrenches, I have been asked about sizing PV systems for a couple different music festivals that have been run solely off of generators in the past. The problem i'm having is determining the energy consumption of music/stage (amps, speakers, lights, et

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV powered music festival

2011-04-27 Thread boB Gudgel
On 4/27/2011 4:50 PM, Starlight Solar, Larry Crutcher wrote: Benn, I've had requests like this in the past and have found in EVERY case the customer has no idea that it will take a $$$multi-tens-of-thousands to replace the generator power. If you have the estimating experience, throw out a ver

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV powered music festival

2011-04-27 Thread boB Gudgel
Just as an aside, today's inverters are pretty much a Class D audio amplifier anyway. An inverter ~could~ actually be used for a subwoofer amplifer in some cases. I've always wanted to have an inverter with an audio jack on it just for that and actually did try that back a Trace Enginee

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-05-31 Thread boB Gudgel
OK, I've been hearing for years now that one battery string is best and maybe two but no more should be used. What is the reason for this fear ???What is the experience with multiple strings in parallel ?? If it is because of current sharing of the strings, that shouldn't be an insurm

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-06-01 Thread boB Gudgel
n was system reliability and redundancy and the idea of a single string failure was a big worry which is why I never would consider it. Tom *From:* boB Gudgel <> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 31, 2011 8:16 PM *To:* RE-wrenches <

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison, Why a single string?

2011-06-01 Thread boB Gudgel
is is done in the EV business. Larry Crutcher Starlight Solar Power Systems 11871 S Fortuna Road, #210 Yuma, AZ 85367 <> (928) 342-9103 On May 31, 2011, at 11:16 PM, boB Gudgel wrote: OK, I've been hearing for years now that one ba

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-06-01 Thread boB Gudgel
hot with the imager. I just wish they were cheaper ! boB boB Gudgel wrote at 01:00 AM 6/1/2011: This might be a good reason for an installer to have one of those FLIR (or similar) thermal imager cameras.  They're a bit on the expensive side, but could really be helpful for so m

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-06-02 Thread boB Gudgel
x I have one and used it for finding uninsulated spaces, but cannot attest to its durability or suitability for the other uses mentioned above. boB Gudgel wrote at 01:00 AM 6/1/2011: >This might be a good reason for an installer to have one of those FLIR (or similar) thermal

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-06-02 Thread boB Gudgel
ubject: Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison From: boB Gudgel>> Date: Thu, June 02, 2011 8:56 pm To: RE-wrenches>> Nobody mentioned this in this thread, but it occurs to me that the

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-06-30 Thread boB Gudgel
On 6/30/2011 8:35 PM, Nick Vida wrote: Hi wrenches. I had an interesting case today that I have been thinking about since it happened. I dont have all the details because the homeownter had to leave before I was done with the service call, but here is what I do know. SB5000 with 2 strings of

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-06-30 Thread boB Gudgel
0.798.6770 > > Mobile: +530.392.0356 > > *From:* > [] *On Behalf Of *boB > Gudgel > *Sent:* Thursday, June 30, 2011 10:19 PM > *To:* RE-wrenches > *Cc:* Nick Vida > *Subject:* Re: [RE-

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-06-30 Thread boB Gudgel
On 6/30/2011 8:35 PM, Nick Vida wrote: Hi wrenches. I had an interesting case today that I have been thinking about since it happened. I dont have all the details because the homeownter had to leave before I was done with the service call, but here is what I do know. SB5000 with 2 strings of

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-07-01 Thread boB Gudgel
On 6/30/2011 11:35 PM, boB Gudgel wrote: On 6/30/2011 8:35 PM, Nick Vida wrote: Hi wrenches. I had an interesting case today that I have been thinking about since it happened. I dont have all the details because the homeownter had to leave before I was done with the service call, but here is

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-07-01 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/1/2011 12:07 AM, boB Gudgel wrote: On 6/30/2011 11:35 PM, boB Gudgel wrote: On 6/30/2011 8:35 PM, Nick Vida wrote: Hi wrenches. I had an interesting case today that I have been thinking about since it happened. I dont have all the details because the homeownter had to leave before I

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-07-01 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/1/2011 12:12 AM, boB Gudgel wrote: On 7/1/2011 12:07 AM, boB Gudgel wrote: On 6/30/2011 11:35 PM, boB Gudgel wrote: On 6/30/2011 8:35 PM, Nick Vida wrote: Hi wrenches. I had an interesting case today that I have been thinking about since it happened. I dont have all the details b

Re: [RE-wrenches] how would you measure a partial short circuit

2011-07-01 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/1/2011 10:04 AM, Bill Brooks wrote: Nick, If your voltage is low and there is no ground fault, either positive and negative are connected mid string, bringing the voltage down, or a bunch of modules never got connected in series. In either case, the Voc difference between the two string

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Car charging station without grid

2011-07-14 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/14/2011 1:43 PM, Allan Sindelar wrote: Wrenches, I'm stumped as to the best approach for a customer who wants a non-grid-tied, batteryless PV-powered EV charging station. See below, from one of our salespeople. Any ideas? Thank you, Allan So, does this car in the car charging station

Re: [RE-wrenches] 1987 NEC

2011-07-19 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/19/2011 2:34 PM, David Brearley wrote: Presumably the latter---added as part of the cycle of revisions initiated in 1987. The array shorting requirement must have gone away near 1993 or 1994 as I designed an opening and shorting of the array style GFPD version in 1994 while at Trace Engi

Re: [RE-wrenches] UL PV certification?

2011-07-21 Thread boB Gudgel
This is an interesting observation regarding this that we heard about. boB We have a friend from Washington State that also took the UL class. The instructor was not a UL employee, but rather a professional installer from Florida. His class was ok, but nothing in depth for anyone that al

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor (was Efficient step up, down transformers)

2011-07-26 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/26/2011 4:42 PM, Joel Davidson wrote: Power factor less than 1.0 can shorten the life of and damage equipment and reduce PV production. We installed a 200 kW PV system on a facility with a lot of 3-phase motors and monitored the PV and the grid. We measured around 0.7 PF being delivered by

Re: [RE-wrenches] 2 SW inverters on three phase

2011-07-28 Thread boB Gudgel
Do you just want to charge batteries and are these regular 120VAC SWs ?? 120/208 ?? If so, you should just be able to connect each SW from neutral to hot. No stacking necessary. A regular SW stacking cable won't work for delta connections because that assumes the phases are going to

Re: [RE-wrenches] 2 SW inverters on three phase

2011-07-28 Thread boB Gudgel
On 7/28/2011 12:32 PM, William Miller wrote: Friends: First of all, the inverters are PS series, not SW. Second, I have created a solution: I can acquire a transformer that will connect a primary across two of the 208 generator phases and create 120/240 off of the secondary. This will imbal

Re: [RE-wrenches] 2 SW inverters on three phase

2011-07-28 Thread boB Gudgel
Behalf Of *boB Gudgel *Sent:* Thursday, July 28, 2011 10:56 AM *To:* RE-wrenches *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] 2 SW inverters on three phase Do you just want to charge batteries and are these regular 120VAC SWs ?? 120/208 ?? If so, you should just be able to connect each SW from neutr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Large, off grid

2011-08-15 Thread boB Gudgel
On 8/15/2011 6:34 PM, Darryl Thayer wrote: Hi wrenches, I have been informed off list that my system is not a supported configuration, that one phase can be paralelled, but the other two can not, one only on each of the other legs. So unless Outback comes back with more info, I was wrong. (mi

Re: [RE-wrenches] Evergreen goes down

2011-08-18 Thread boB Gudgel
On 8/18/2011 11:10 AM, Marco Mangelsdorf wrote: Evergreen Solar, one of the last remaining independent U.S. module manufacturers, announced their plan to file for bankruptcy protection this week. Done in by plummeting module pricing no doubt. I'm sure you all are getting the same kind of so

[RE-wrenches] Louis Valenta / interisland Solar

2011-08-29 Thread boB Gudgel
I am sad to report that /Louis Valenta of interisland Solar in Hawaii has passed away in the last few days. Louis had a heart attack about a week ago and this is probably related to that. //He was a very good person, friend and also extremely knowledgeable in our industry. // We will re

Re: [RE-wrenches] unique battery bank design question

2011-09-03 Thread boB Gudgel
On 9/3/2011 7:57 PM, Darryl Thayer wrote: I have had one experiance with equalizers, the batteries be came very unequal. (over time of course) *From:* R Ray Walters *To:* RE-wrenches *Sent:* Saturday, September 3, 2011 5:55 PM *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] unique battery bank design question

Re: [RE-wrenches] Invert first?

2011-10-02 Thread boB Gudgel
On 10/2/2011 11:53 AM, wrote: If it were me (Depending on how big the back up loads are), I'd make the array direct grid tie, and then set up a smaller stand alone system (At the house) for critical loadsback up.. more like a big UPS.. (no DC in) db Dan Brown Foxfire E

Re: [RE-wrenches] nabcep executive director

2009-06-09 Thread boB Gudgel
paul wilkins wrote: congratulations, ezra Gee... I thought Ezra ~WAS~ already the head of all NAPCEP ?? Congrats anyhowz, Ezra ! boB ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & setting

Re: [RE-wrenches] Solar Boost Controller in Senegal

2009-06-26 Thread boB Gudgel
Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar wrote: If the SB50 is like other Solar Boost products, there is a zener diode on the PV input that will open if the voltage exceeds the Voc maximum. The controller will not "burn up" or be fried but you will have to replace the diode. Why it has not happened yet

Re: [RE-wrenches] Solar Boost Controller in Senegal

2009-06-27 Thread boB Gudgel wrote: Yes, it is a poor design. though you may not have any problems there with the heat de-rating of the panels. If the panel temperature gets under about 40C you may blow out the input. As long as you have a load on the output of the contgroller, it will keep the voltage down, b

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fisher Paykal on a MAGNASINE

2009-07-01 Thread boB Gudgel
Michael Welch wrote: According to a document I received from an F-P technician, here is what it takes to run their washers on an inverter: I passed this document on to the list late last year, so check your attachments folder for Using 120V Alternate Energy Generation.doc Are There Existing C

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter AM Interference

2009-07-15 Thread boB Gudgel wrote: This is a brand new 5000 US. EMT on all dc runs. The radio is a BOSE...and is 27 feet away. The interference is runs 24/7... so it must be AC related. Does the radio noise go away when you completely disconnect the SMA inverter ? boB __

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter AM Interference

2009-07-15 Thread boB Gudgel wrote: It disappears when the breaker is thrown. Pat Redgate OK, is that the AC breaker or the PV input breaker ? How about when you throw the PV input breaker (when not MPPTing) ? Does that help ? i.e. We know now that it's the inverter's auxiliary power supply, but is t

Re: [RE-wrenches] Trace non-volatile memory after market

2009-07-17 Thread boB Gudgel
Allan Sindelar wrote: Randy, We have a very clean, very early used takeout SW4024 (serial #255 or so) with Rev 1.0 firmware (and a few Rev. 4.01 chipsets to match yours). It appears to have worked flawlessly for 15 years (there’s a way to tell with the earliest ones). Contact me offlist if i

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Grounding on a glacier??

2009-07-23 Thread boB Gudgel
Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar wrote: Hi Jay, An interesting quandary indeed. This is another good example of an application that I was trying to grill Sunpower about --- as far as grounding their modules that need to be positive grounded in order to take advantage of their higher efficienc

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Grounding on a glacier, SunPower modules

2009-07-23 Thread boB Gudgel
On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:58 PM, boB Gudgel wrote: Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar wrote: Hi Jay, An interesting quandary indeed. This is another good example of an application that I was trying to grill Sunpower about --- as far as grounding their modules that need to be positive grounded

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Grounding on a glacier??

2009-07-24 Thread boB Gudgel
Darryl Thayer wrote: The reason for grounding to limit the hazards associated with fault conditions. If a utility source is unintensionally connected to high voltage the pair of wires can be at elevated voltage. example would be if a 13,000 volt line falls onto a 120 volt line, the 120 volt line

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Grounding on a glacier??

2009-07-25 Thread boB Gudgel wrote: "If neither pole is grounded then both must be treated as potentially hot." _Only with regard to the other hot wire._ If you do not reference one conductor to ground than the other one will not present any danger unless you are referenced to its mate... as in

Re: [RE-wrenches] CBI circuit breakers

2009-07-27 Thread boB Gudgel
Kent Osterberg wrote: Allan, I've had trouble with breakers opening when they shouldn't. On an array of two strings of Mitsubishi 175s (Isc = 7.9A) I had two 15-A breakers open. Last week, I had a low-power call from a customer with three strings of Evergreen 190s (Isc = 7.1A); one 15-A bre

Re: [RE-wrenches] CBI circuit breakers

2009-07-27 Thread boB Gudgel
Allan Sindelar wrote: Dan, My understanding is that CBI breakers aren't based on a temperature-related mechanical action, but a "magnetic-hydraulic" function. I recall that this was marketed (by Outback? Robin?) as superior to thermal-trip mechanisms as it was not prone to heat-induced nuisance t

Re: [RE-wrenches] CBI circuit breakers

2009-07-29 Thread boB Gudgel
Nick Lucchese wrote: Wrenches, While we're on the subject of CBI breakers does anyone know a sure way to distinguish between the AC and DC versions? Depending on the order we get our stock from both Outback (or Outback vendors) as well as directly from Midnite. It's obvious with Midnite's 150

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel
Ron Young wrote: Ok, so all seem to be in agreement more or less. How do I break it to British Columbia Hydro? :-| I think they must be misunderstanding what they are asking for but the question is in the section for PV and on the same line as the total output in Kwh of the PV. Power Factor %

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel
ants Power factor to be close to 1. Obviously there isn't PF on DC, and it is my understanding that most inverters can operate at most power factors. Not 100% sure, but I think GT inverters would help not hurt the PF problem in most situations. Correct me on any and all of this, Oh fellow w

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel
boB Gudgel wrote: >>So, because of the different ways of specifying PF, it is always best to think of Power Factor as being the ratio of real (in phase) power, or VA to reactive power >>(VARS or "Volt Ampere Reactive"). That will work in all cases. OOOps ! See,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel
hink not), a motor starter problem or an inverter issue? I have to admit to being somewhat baffled by this one because it ran the pump once, but not after. Matt T boB Gudgel wrote: boB Gudgel wrote: >>So, because of the different ways of specifying PF, it is always best to th

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel
oltage drops to zero or at least very low. boB boB Gudgel wrote: Matt wrote: Possibly a PF question, or maybe one for Magnum - boB, One of the guys at work is (almost) running a 3/4 hp sub pump with a Magna AE 48. Or rather, he isn't. According to him when he first

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel
CBI breaker ? boB On Jul 30, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Matt wrote: Unh - hunh, but it will run on the generator. If it didn't, I would go for the bad starter or motor, but it "seems" like the PF could be an issue?? Matt T boB Gudgel wrote: Matt wrote: Possibly a PF ques

Re: [RE-wrenches] Starting 3/4 Sub Pump (was Power Factor)

2009-07-30 Thread boB Gudgel] On Behalf Of boB Gudgel Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 4:45 PM To: Matt Cc: RE-wrenches Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor Matt wrote: Possibly a PF question, or maybe one for Magnum - boB, One of the guys at work is (almost) running a 3/4 hp s

Re: [RE-wrenches] Surge protector update?

2009-07-31 Thread boB Gudgel
North Texas Renewable Energy Inc wrote: August I made a service call to a residential PVinstallation several years ago that I did not install. The vintage Trace, size I don't recall, had quit working. The Delta surge suppressor had actually ruptured along it's radial seam, a result I had alway

Re: [RE-wrenches] solid vs stranded AC vs DC

2009-07-31 Thread boB Gudgel
jay peltz wrote: Hi Darryl, But what are the differences and when do they come into play? Question interruptus and my 2 cents worth, Jay... Except for REAL long lines, like utility transmission lines, the AC skin effect, which is what I think you might be referring to here, is probably not

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor

2009-08-01 Thread boB Gudgel
a power factor deficit,(I think not), a motor starter problem or an inverter issue? I have to admit to being somewhat baffled by this one because it ran the pump once, but not after. Matt T boB Gudgel wrote: boB Gudgel wrote: >>So, because of the different ways of specifying PF,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum inverters (not really a power factor issue)

2009-08-01 Thread boB Gudgel
Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar wrote: Hey Matt, I sure wish their techie's would get to the bottom of it. I am getting gun-shy about selling Magnum and they are about the best available for small 12 volt systems. I have spend hours trying to solve the problem. My customer is still not a happ

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum inverters (not really a power factor issue)

2009-08-01 Thread boB Gudgel
g the peak DC voltage seen at the inverter terminals due to L-C resonance. boB --- On Sat, 8/1/09, boB Gudgel wrote: From: boB Gudgel Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum inverters (not really a power factor issue) To: "RE-wrenches" Date: Saturday, August 1, 2009, 6:22 PM

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum inverters (not really a power factor issue)

2009-08-01 Thread boB Gudgel
Matt Tritt wrote: The next time I'm up there I'll take another tech with me, plenty of meters and go through every DC and AC connection (they all looked good first time around) to try and get to the bottom of the problem prior to taking a harder look at Magnum. I have to say, though, that I hav

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum inverters (not really a power factor issue)

2009-08-01 Thread boB Gudgel
pretty fundamental cabin, so the TV and DVD player are the most exotic things plugged in. The run to the pump is adequately sized - - - - - in other words, it all seems run of the mill, except that the pump only ran successfully one time and not on any further attempts. Golly.. Matt boB Gudge

Re: [RE-wrenches] solid vs stranded AC vs DC

2009-08-03 Thread boB Gudgel wrote: See The practical effects of running a single wire in 98% of the systems that any solar installers will ever see is probably just about zero, and it also only applies to AC currents (or rapidly varying DC, which is not common). Wo

Re: [RE-wrenches] solid vs stranded AC vs DC

2009-08-03 Thread boB Gudgel
Matt Tritt wrote: Darryl, Say what?! This would seem to indicate that solid core is actually better for DC than stranded wire. Can this possibly be true?? Matt The reason that stranded is higher resistance than solid is that there is more "air" in between the strands. Solid wire doesn't

Re: [RE-wrenches] utility line voltage issues

2009-08-16 Thread boB Gudgel
Marv Dargatz wrote: Check out the following link. Just ONE example of what the utility must deal with. I'm not defending the utilities. They definitely have their faults (argh, argh), but they have some severe challenges that

Re: [RE-wrenches] power factor

2009-08-19 Thread boB Gudgel
Drake Chamberlin wrote: One question about power factor: We know it is the ratio of the real power to the apparent power, and that most utility meters only register real power (watts). Reactive power doesn't dissipate as heat like power loss through a resistor. The question is: What is the

Re: [RE-wrenches] power factor

2009-08-20 Thread boB Gudgel
's active, electronic PFC.I probably won't be around to see, but I bet that high temperature superconductors will play a big roll in reducing all losses. boB Brian Teitelbaum AEE Solar -Original Message- From: [mailto:re-wrenches

Re: [RE-wrenches] Helix Wind

2009-08-22 Thread boB Gudgel
Keith Cronin wrote: Anyone have any feedback on these? Thanks You might as Mick Sagrillo. He's evidently doing some consulting for them. Although, I bet that Helix Wind will have anybody working for

Re: [RE-wrenches] raintite box mounting angle

2009-08-26 Thread boB Gudgel
Conrad Geyser wrote: We always fill any conduit at the point of building penetrations for air sealing. Otherwise in winter, not only will the conduit get house moisture condensing inside of it, but it will act a a nice thermo siphon for pulling warm air out of the house….. Just a note her

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum Battery Charger Question

2009-09-27 Thread boB Gudgel
Jason Lerner wrote: Hi Bob, I put on an old Todd charger with Voltage regulation, but not absorb and float. I can change the voltage up or down as needed. Changing out the remote is a good idea. I do have another Magnum inverter at another location, but was trying to avoid another couple

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum Battery Charger Question

2009-09-27 Thread boB Gudgel
boB Gudgel wrote: Jason Lerner wrote: Hi Bob, I put on an old Todd charger with Voltage regulation, but not absorb and float. I can change the voltage up or down as needed. Changing out the remote is a good idea. I do have another Magnum inverter at another location, but was trying to

Re: [RE-wrenches] AC Coupled Re-visited

2009-10-21 Thread boB Gudgel
Jeff Yago wrote: There have been some good advice related to battery bank sizing and a better description of how Sunny Islands work with SunnyBoys, but I am afraid we are getting away from my original post that started this and that was: Since a battery based inverter has a battery charging se

Re: [RE-wrenches] SW Parallel stacking cable

2009-11-04 Thread boB Gudgel
Brian Teitelbaum wrote: William, The SW Parallel Stacking Interface (SWI/PAR) was much more than just a cable (like the Series Stacking Cable -SWI). it was a separate box, like the Grid Tie Interface (GTI) unit was. It retailed for about $345.00 Good luck finding one. Brian Teit

Re: [RE-wrenches] Strings and series of batteries with reverse return linkup

2009-12-05 Thread boB Gudgel
Antony Tersol wrote: Assume 3 parallel battery stings, with identical batteries of internal resistance r. Assume identical wire leads of resistance R. Then when the batteries have the same state of charge and their internal resistances are equal, one can solve for the current in each string.

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power Factor and Grid Tied PV

2010-01-08 Thread boB Gudgel wrote: Thanks to all who responded, The article Marco references, is the one referenced in the tinyurl in my original post. I did not find anything of significance in the previous Solar Pro issues. Based on the responses it seems there is no good data out there to answer

Re: [RE-wrenches] kW/MW v. kWh/MWh

2010-01-19 Thread boB Gudgel
Ian Woofenden wrote: This is one of my pet peeves too... A few snippets and observations from my frequently given electrical terms presentation: If I asked you "How far is it to Vancouver?" and you answered "45 miles per hour," everyone listening would know that someone was confused. But w

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter causing migraine?

2010-02-04 Thread boB Gudgel
Dan Fink said: "That's a tricky situation. There are only two possibilities for what's causing the problem; sound or electromagnetic radiation" I'm betting that it's sound. Remember how you could hear televisions singing away at 15 kHz ?? That still gives some people headaches. How old i

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter causing migraine?

2010-02-04 Thread boB Gudgel
e sound of an ultrasonic alarm system back when I was in my 20's & 30's - now I just hear ringing in my ears. Ron On 4-Feb-10, at 1:30 AM, boB Gudgel wrote: Dan Fink said: "That's a tricky situation. There are only two possibilities for what's causing t

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter causing migraine?

2010-02-05 Thread boB Gudgel
nfluences but this inverter is quiet, just the usual fan sound occasionally. I used to be able to hear the sound of an ultrasonic alarm system back when I was in my 20's & 30's - now I just hear ringing in my ears. Ron On 4-Feb-10, at 1:30 AM, boB Gudgel wrote: Dan F

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter causing migraine?

2010-02-05 Thread boB Gudgel
tances of people experiencing distress from inverter operation just to rule out the possibility -or take it into account. I know that some people are becoming more sensitive to environmental influences but this inverter is quiet, just the usual fan sound occasionally. I used to be able to hear

Re: [RE-wrenches] anti islanding?

2010-02-13 Thread boB Gudgel
--- On Sat, 2/13/10, August Goers wrote: From: August Goers Subject: [RE-wrenches] anti islanding? To: "RE-wrenches" Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 10:29 AM Hi Wrenches, Does anyone know where I can go to read about general information on how grid tied inver anti islanding works? I

Re: [RE-wrenches] Kohler Generator Issues

2010-03-30 Thread boB Gudgel
Nick Soleil wrote: Hi Jeff: I have had some similar issues with the Kohler generators in recent years, after installing hundreds of air cooled and water cooled generators from them. I have heard that they are less reliable now, and the company is harder to deal with now. Recently, I t

Re: [RE-wrenches] Kohler Generator Issues

2010-03-30 Thread boB Gudgel
tartar with that fish, please. Thanks guys. boB Jason Szumlanski Fafco Solar Southwest Florida Original Message Message: 3 Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 12:07:28 -0700 From: boB Gudgel To: RE-wrenches Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Kohler Generator Issues Message-ID: <4bb24bf0.7000...@midniteso

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