issues here if we back feed
the Magnum with the second string? We can bypass it and feed the main panel
instead of the sub but will lose the second array output in a power failure.
Any help is appreciated.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc.
--- On Fri, 10/29/10, jay peltz wrote
The how and why is above my pay grade but there are those here who know the
Nathan Jones
On Fri Nov 5th, 2010 11:33 AM CDT Kent Osterberg wrote:
>I've got a customer that has a dual Xantrex TR2424 inverter system (not my
>installation) that comp
Lots of golf cars are 48 volt. Know a buddy with one that would let you borrow
his charger? Or maybe a repair shop would let you borrow/rent one for a day.
Just a thought.
Nathan Jones
On Wed Nov 17th, 2010 8:54 PM CST August Goers wrote:
>Hi All Battery Friendly Wrenches -
cases made both for and against
insulating batteries.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc.
--- On Mon, 12/13/10, jay peltz wrote:
From: jay peltz
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] To insulate a battery bank DEPENDS on a lot of
To: "RE-wrenches"
Date: Monday, Decem
whiff of the
sulfuric acid mist in the air. More effective than smelling salts. I bailed
from the cab and hit the ground running. The top half of the battery had
disintegrated into shrapnel.
Never, ever, think there is not tremendous explosive energy in a battery.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Sola
use it in
future requests/negotiations with utilities.
Good luck,
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address:
Options & settings:
We built a display for a Science Center shining a 350 watt halogen bulb onto a
20 watt module. We could get .4 amps out of the 12 volt panel. No matter how
large the array it can't be done with 60 lumens because the light disperses at
the same rate that the array surface area increases.
If the connections were not tight enough heat could have built up to melt the
bolt mount. It is not all that uncommon and confirms the importance of properly
torqueing all connections.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Wed Feb 9th, 2011 11:23 AM CST William Miller wrote:
I've seen lots of gensets wander that much and more. When inverters are
throwing full amperage at a battery bank during bulk charge and the genset is
set to 60hz it could easily be at 62hz at the tail end of the absorbtion charge
when the load has tapered off.
Nathan Jones
Power S
is simply no way to stop
a determined thief. We can only make it difficult enough that the end no longer
justifies the means but if they want it bad enough, it is just a matter of time.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Sun Mar 6th, 2011 9:45 AM CST jay peltz wrote:
>HI guys,
violent and
enterprising in their theivery.
My apologies for getting off topic on the list but as things unravel our
products will become increasingly targeted. Something we all will be faced with
sooner or later.
Nathan Jones
On Sun Mar 6th, 2011 11:49 AM CST jay peltz wrote:
>HI Nathan,
issue date.
Nathan Jones
On Wed Mar 16th, 2011 11:58 AM CDT August Goers wrote:
>Hi Off Grid Wrenches -
>I need to select a propane generator to provide a steady state load of
>approximately 8 kW for a offgrid Sunny Island system. The project is for
>an art studio and the loads ar
under heavy load the motor may run
well above 60HZ as the amps taper off and the clocks run fast instead of slow.
There may be adjustment on the fuel setting on the genset but he probably has
his choice of too fast or too slow depending on which charging phase he wants
at dead on 60HZ.
Nathan Jones
also. If you have problems finding
the pressure switch, should you need one let me know. I've got the series
numbers with all the range of pressure set points back at the office.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
417 827 0738
On Wed Apr 6th, 2011 3:55 PM CDT Kirpal Khalsa wrote:
>Hi all
CU200 stop command was being ignored by the
I don't think I know of any of the installs around here actually seeing the
240AC though but I think it was one of the engineers there who I discussed it
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
From: Allan Sin
this thing right so I don't have to field
Any input is appreciated as I have never used one of these units.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
417 827 0738___
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenche
have only been able to
make it work in full sunlight. Still working a few bugs out of it. Maybe these
guys would be interested?
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Tue May 17th, 2011 9:22 PM CDT Brian Teitelbaum wrote:
>Oh my
>This from their "news" tab:
I have a spare one you can use for a pattern but you have to send it back when
you are done with it.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Fri May 27th, 2011 3:47 PM CDT Jeff Oldham wrote:
>I can't find a DIY paper on making you're own SWI stacking interface cable
no stressing of the
delivery system.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Thu Jun 9th, 2011 2:30 PM CDT Kristopher Schmid wrote:
>I have an installation that is a ground mount on a berm with a man-made pond
>between the array and the BOS. The pond is about 4 feet deep. How
out of square. It
was a Y2K era install so it survived for 9 years before the wind got it.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
Springfield, Mo
On Wed Jul 27th, 2011 6:31 PM CDT Dana wrote:
>I have run into several 6” sched-40 poles that were “adapted” to 8” for a
>tracker i
sources of potential are bonded
back to source there is only shock hazard by getting between hot and neutral.
Also, if a fault does occur with proper bonding the system will drain itself to
dead fairly quickly and a summary diagnosis should find the fault as the
Nathan Jones
Power Source
s are the only discharge path for this surplus power now. So now
the issue is finding some way
to regulate that backfed current to protect the batteries. And that brings us
back to our discussion of frequency variation, dump loads, relays, etc.
Hope this helps.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
It can be done using AC coupling with the battery bank and battery based
inverter added later.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc.
On Thu Oct 27th, 2011 10:36 AM CDT wrote:
>Never heard of anything like that...a solar "urban myth" perhaps? At l
think that if
something like this was in development someone on the list would be aware of
it. But then again,maybe they aren't talking.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Thu Oct 27th, 2011 11:35 AM CDT Gary Willett wrote:
>Like you, I'm unaware of an inverter tha
before I might still
be trying to figure that one out. I think it would be worth ruling out as a
possibility at this point.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 10:55 AM CST mac Lewis wrote:
>Hello wrenches,
>I am having an interesting grid-tied issue and woul
If this is correct
then the SW should be capable of being used in an AC coupled arrangement just
like a Magnum for instance. If this is not the case please correct me.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
Springfield, MO
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 5:33 AM CST Kirk Herander wrote:
>PS - Richard,
m a GTI in event of a grid failure. That
question is unknown to me and has not been specifically answered yet. Any one
have an answer to that?
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
Springfield, Mo
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 6:08 AM CST Bill Loesch wrote:
>Fellow Wrenches,
ng to spring for the higher cost of the
Sunny Island yet.
I live off grid using the venerable old SW 5548 and appreciate the history of
this inverter and its lasting impact on inverter design being posted here.
Hope this clears up any mis communication on my part.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
ttery issues come up yet and a couple of
these systems have been through a couple of weeks of off grid operation due to
ice storms wrecking the local grid.
I have followed this thread with interest and was glad for the repost and
subsequent discussion.
Nathan Jones
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 11:
. Parallel battery strings are
eliminated, or at least held to two. Wire sizing might be reduced on the low
voltage side of things. And much easier future expansion possibilities, too.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 10:56 AM CST Mark
same wattage. Larger conductors are
>needed if the loss is to be the same in
>the 24V as in the 48V configuration.
>Sr. Engineer
>--- On Tue, 1/17/12, Nathan Jones wrote:
>> From: Nathan Jones
>> Subject: Re: [RE
like the savings in battery
capacity alone would more than offset the price of the kit.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:04 PM CST Brian Teitelbaum wrote:
>Alan and Larry,
>My Franklin Motor book says that a 230VAC single-phase
I have a customers Trace SW4048 in the shop with a melted main transformer.
Does anyone have a transformer set available for sale. Please contact me off
list if you can help.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc.
the west side of the barn. None
survived. Still have the work truck (pics on request). Have used the truck as
an example of what the modules can go through and survive several times over
the years.
Good luck,
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10
describing although there is
only one J box.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 9:19 PM CDT Kent Osterberg wrote:
>A customer dropped off an unusual PV module a couple days ago. It's not a
>design that
That description sounds like some old modules I used to have. I thought they
were from the ARCO project. Same circumstances I think. As I recall the modules
were Tri Lams (not sure on the proper name for them) but they were also 3 in
series for 12 volt nominal. At least the ones I had
you are using the batteries in a cycling application and INMHO the flooded lead
acid batteries are much better suited for this.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Sat, May 5, 2012 1:35 PM CDT Phil Theis wrote:
>Does anyone have experienc
any pertinent settings that
apply to that system.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc.
On Tue, May 15, 2012 3:44 PM CDT Glenn Burt wrote:
>Hello wrenches,
>I am quoting a job to do a simple battery bank replacement on an e
situation. Anyone have any thoughts as to what is going on here? I am 140 miles
from the site and this will be my third trip to sort this situation out.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
Springfield, MO
List sponsored by Home Power
place as I am. No idea.
Hard to believe we have 4 of their controllers over several months with the
same gremlin.
Battery connections are tight with the inverter pulling around 160 amps DC for
its duty function which is about 3 minutes in duration.
Nathan Jones
yet it is so perplexing. Keeps me humble.
Nathan Jones
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 11:19 AM CDT Mick Abraham wrote:
>Hi, Nathan~
>Your pesky overcharge situation sounds like a real pain given the long
>commute. 15.6 volts on a "12 volt"
the controller which does lower absorb and float voltage
to Morningstars published settings with the one controller I attempted it with.
Nathan Jones
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 3:41 PM CDT John DeBoever wrote:
>Maybe the devil is in the detai
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar Inc.
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 4:58 PM CDT John DeBoever wrote:
>Interesting controller situation...
>I recommend you contact Morningstar tech support center , (215) 321-4457 for
meter is spot on. I would have
expected higher numbers than STC but did not know it would be that much.
Others may have a multiplier to use with STC for altitude that could confirm
your numbers.
Nathan Jones
Power Source Solar
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 12:26 PM CDT R Ray
divides the rising column of air around the ball. It
remains suspended above the tube perfectly and is guided back into the tube by
the falling pressure of rising air surrounding it.
A neat little display that lets kids (and adult kids) see instant cause and
effect of the power of light.
Nathan Jones
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