[RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Feather River Solar Electric
Hey Folks, I came across an off-gridder yesterday whom was getting zero support from the dealer he had purchased his small system from, self installed, batteries in a lightly insulated box outside. When I inspected the electrolyte levels I discovered it was frozen in some cells, the

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Dan Fink
This chart from Trojan is very customer good education. Battery electrolyte is very close to water at low SOC. http://www.trojanbattery.com/pdf/WP_DeepCycleBatteryStorage_0512.pdf Also, note that many MPPT charge controllers won't "wake up" and start charging, even on a sunny day, if battery volta

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread mark
>>> Completely thaw them before attempting to charge them. << Date: Thu, December

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Luke Christy
I would echo Mark's comment. Some years ago I worked on a bank of 2V Telco batteries that had gotten frozen. Granted, they were not frozen solid, but after thawing and putting them back on charge they recovered. Hard to say how much capacity was lost, but the last time I checked in on them (la

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Steve Higgins
Bill, Not to be another Echo here but... Yes, make sure you thaw them completely before charging There is significant risk of explosion when attempting charging frozen batteries. When under charge, or load I would be wearing full protective gear... Full Face Mask, Rubber Apron, Elbow len

[RE-wrenches] ] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Jay
Hi bill 8 X golf cart around $1000. 1 day of your time screwing around, $600 Possibility of fix low Doesn't pencil out Jay Peltz power. > On Dec 3, 2015, at 6:00 AM, Feather River Solar Electric > wrote: > > Hey Folks, > > I came across an off-gridder yesterday whom was gett

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread d...@solarwork.com
My experience with frozen batteries has ranges from plates being pushed around and consequently shorting to literally the size of the battery being broken open. The first rule is never try to charge a frozen battery the battery needs to be thawed first before even attempting to charge I have sto

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Dan Fink
Yes, you MUST thaw them completely first before trying anything, Sorry, I thought that went without saying. Good point on the cost-benefit analysis, but when the cost of transportation of a new battery bank and removal of the old exceeds the retail price by 2 - 10x, it's worth trying. If the client

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread RE Ellison
Regarding thawing frozen batteries be real careful they can take an incredibly long time to thaw . Lotta lead there to get up to temperature it is not in a hurry Just my .02 ! Bob > On Dec 3, 2015, at 1:54 PM, Dan Fink wrote: > > Yes, you MUST thaw them completely first before trying anythin

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Tump
Well unfortunately he delt with a bad/ingorant installer OR a CHEAP owner. Off grid without any additional charging source. Got what he paid for.. not much. If you have a mind too and he IS willing to pay you remove the batteries thaw and charge for a week or so connected to the grid. Monito

[RE-wrenches] Flat roof in snow country - snow removal

2015-12-03 Thread Dana
For a flat roof, 35° rack mounted large array in snow country what have people done for snow removal other than hand shovel it out? We thought of a dark roof material to start, & we can’t snow blow as there will be sidewalks & people below on all 4 sides. We are trying think this out in advance!

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Jason Szumlanski
I think the point here is it will cost more to try to nurse the batteries back to health than to replace them, and the chance of success is low. This is where you have the heart transplant talk: "We can replace your heart, and the operation has a 95% success rate for 5 years, but you have to reall

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Starlight Solar Power Systems
Hi Bill, You did not mention the age but I would bet that the batteries have more of a problem from being deficit charged since the owner has no alternative charge source. So many DIY systems are poorly designed and usually underpowered. We see T-105’s murdered in just 2-3 years. Top that off w

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread frenergy
Larry, et al. Yes, good point< I should have mentioned the batteries are only 1 1/2 years old. There are many of the first time homeowner mistakes going on here...not a good site for winter sun due to tree shade, batteries in cold environment, didn't mention a recently sporadically w

Re: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

2015-12-03 Thread Ray Walters
Basically I would try to save the batteries and sell this guy what he really needs: a better system. Obviously there is no LVD, and so this whole sad story of 8 v out of 48v, and frozen electrolyte (more like just water). He needs a real inverter/ charger and put all his loads on AC or at least