
Not to be another Echo here but... Yes, make sure you thaw them completely 
before charging.... There is significant risk of explosion when attempting  
charging frozen batteries.   When under charge, or load I would be wearing full 
protective gear... Full Face Mask, Rubber Apron, Elbow length Gloves, Flush 
Kit... etc...

Also, I would start off very slowly... for the first ½ dozen cycles use 2.25 to 
2.3 volts per cells while monitoring temperature of all the cells.

If you see the temp of one or more cell rising very fast in comparison to the 
other, disconnect the charge and move the batteries on to the scrap yard...  If 
cell temps stay within 3-5 degrees of each other you're probably fine and they 
may recover.

Steve Higgins
Technical Services Manager
P: +1.902.597.4020
M: +1.206.790.5840
F: +1.902.597.8447
Surrette Battery Company
Exclusive manufacturer of

From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf 
Of Feather River Solar Electric
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:00 AM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Frozen T-105s

Hey Folks,

        I came across an off-gridder yesterday whom was getting zero support 
from the dealer he had purchased his small system from, self installed, 
batteries in a lightly insulated box outside.  When I inspected the electrolyte 
levels I discovered it was frozen in some cells, the voltage of the 48 volt 
pack was ~8 volts, I didn't check individual batteries due to these facts...I'd 
seen "enough".  Recently temps have been in the high teens, though we are back 
up to low 30's.

        He does not have a genny or battery charger! I have a DC genny which I 
could use to charge these batteries but should I waste my time and his money 
trying to save them?  Others' experience with this situation?




Feather River Solar Electric

Bill Battagin, Owner

4291 Nelson St.

Taylorsville, CA 95983


CA Lic 874049<>

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