I think the point here is it will cost more to try to nurse the batteries
back to health than to replace them, and the chance of success is low.
This is where you have the heart transplant talk: "We can replace your
heart, and the operation has a 95% success rate for 5 years, but you have
to really take care of it or we will be right back in the same position. If
you don't want a transplant, we can just give you some really expensive
medicine, but you'll probably still die soon anyway."

Harsh, but a fitting analogy.

​Jason Szumlanski

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 4:14 PM, Tump <t...@swnl.net> wrote:

> Well unfortunately he delt with a bad/ingorant installer OR a CHEAP owner.
> Off grid without any additional charging source. Got what he paid for......
> not much. If you have a mind too and he IS willing to pay you remove the
> batteries thaw and charge for a week or so connected to the grid. Monitor
> temps while charging, again low current hi voltage and see what happens. I
> doubt this will be an option due to the fact he has NO other power source.
> On Dec 3, 2015, at 9:00 AM, Feather River Solar Electric wrote:
> Hey Folks,
>         I came across an off-gridder yesterday whom was getting zero
> support from the dealer he had purchased his small system from, self
> installed, batteries in a lightly insulated box outside.  When I inspected
> the electrolyte levels I discovered it was frozen in some cells, the
> voltage of the 48 volt pack was ~8 volts, I didn't check individual
> batteries due to these facts...I'd seen "enough".  Recently temps have been
> in the high teens, though we are back up to low 30's.
>         He does not have a genny or battery charger! I have a DC genny
> which I could use to charge these batteries but should I waste my time and
> his money trying to save them?  Others' experience with this situation?
> TIA,
> Bill
> <FRS_working_logo, 50%.JPG>
> --
> Feather River Solar Electric
> Bill Battagin, Owner
> 4291 Nelson St.
> Taylorsville, CA 95983530.284.7849
> CA Lic 874049www.frenergy.net
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