On Keven's, there is a bit added on to the downtube shifter cable boss that
doubles the right cable stop--to accommodate a cable stop for the fd, it
appears. Anyone know what this part is?
Also, is an Appaloosa production run in the works?
• Perry
On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:54:
--with the big saddlebag weight resting forward of
the rear hub. Next, the front rack like he's got there (with bag or basket).
For extending touring, I wonder if a frame bag would work on that bike? That
would be one great mofo rig, IMO. It's all theoretical, of course.
• Perry
ymmv (or your wife's for
that matter).
• Perry
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Paul, I saw these at my lbs the other day and they looked really sharp. Only
10% wool though. Still, material had a very nice wool feel to it. For what it's
Good luck!
• Perry
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n all chainring
combinations on the stand...multiple passes. Listen for any problems and
observe whtether the deraileur want to shift on it's own in a particular gear.
That will give you a good clue about too loose/tight a cable is. Good luck.
• Perry
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Looks and more extension options. I believe the "mountain" type stem (like the
dirt drop) is an inherently stronger design. Maybe I'm wrong.
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Could be Alan and his wife who live out that way. Alan used to run the ecovelo
blog but has since moved on to other interests. I'm pretty sure that his wife
has a blue Betty and he has some model of orange riv with m-bars. Nice people,
• Perry
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x27;ve used various Weinman, Mafac, and DiaCompe, and they all
seem about the same for stopping power.
Me three.
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As nice as the bike is, I have to admit that a bike that size with 650b wheels
looks odd to my eye. Just a personal thing.
• Perry
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and the stiffness of a thick cable
does appear to effect shifting IME.
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uch…whatever the
too little/too much designations even mean.
I have to personally thank Grant here. I wouldn't have looked at a bike this
big in my lifetime had it not been for his well publicized opinions on the
matter. Really opened my eyes. So all this is just some more data which may
PS. If it makes a difference, I was workig from original inch PBH measurements
34-1/2" and 34-5/8" for all my conversions.
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Jose, I never heard back from you on the large sackville and h-bar tape. Should
I assume you don't want to ship?
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d not feel (too) badly about
missing it in the first go-round.
Whoever got it, enjoy.
• Perry
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This is a great looking bike and might even fit me but it is several orders of
magnitude above of my affordability league. That said, I can chalk up the
mismatched grip tape to wimsy but what's the deal with the mismatched brakes?
• Perry
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Pudge, that's what I figured. Btw, since you have one, can you tell us anything
about the sizing of this bike?
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Thanks! I don't have on hand. Was going to pick some up. Think I may try
the aluminum foil trick instead.
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John, good point and something I'd considered. I was planning to A. Try it
first on the part of th bar covered by the grips to test the results, and B. If
acceptable, apply to whole bar uniformly. I'll get back to you after I've had a
chance to try it.
• Perry
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I tried Nev-R-Dull and CLR polish. I also just tried the wet aluminum foil
trick. I really don't see any difference. But I decided I'm getting too fussy
and history tells me I'm headed to a bad place, so I'm just going to leave good
enough alone, it think.
• Perry
You guys/gals spend way too much time color matching/accessorizing. Not that
there's anything wrong with that. ;)
Perry "you can have any color cable housing as long as it's black and any color
ferrules as long as they're silver because that's what I buy and stock in
Surprised that the granny would need replacement without the cog set needing it
as well. Cogs are usually the first to go with a stretched chain--especially
the smaller ones.
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All I can say is that they (knee savers) are widely used and appreciated by
recumbent riders. A simple solution of they scratch your itch.
• Perry
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ol is a must if you're going to cut your own cables
and housing. Worth every penny new.
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"It works quite well his way." Should be, "It works quite well THIS way."
I just did search for the park tool and this came up. Can't vouch for it
personally but the price is right.
• Per
ectly though. If you want me to flag it
as well, let me know and state how to do so. I think numbers matter in such a
• Perry
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hatchet and bike content:
Tomahawk-throwing champion chases burglar from home with ax - latimes.com
• Perry
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, there are various options
to ponder. I did this about 11 years ago (can't believe it's been so long!) and
have the PDF of the blog post saved. Don't know if it helps but here it is.
Oh, and about the op, albas. All. The. Way! ;) It's ymmv thing, of cours
Set the splitters up correctly from the start and here is no problem whatsoever
with shifting and switching is easy peasy. Did it for a quite a while.
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The problem/advantage to the big ball of twine is that I end up using twine for
many such applications. It's like I'm looking at all my bikes and thinking,
"where can I add some twine to this bad boy?" Cable management is a no-brainer.
• Perry
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Leave some extra length in cable runs and don't finish off handlebars. Ride it
for a while like that and once satisfied with handlebar/stem, come back for
final trim tape, etc.
• Perry
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ing a downpour. 2" wide
inner tube is about perfect. Of course, this will most definitely offend anyone
who believes that a bike without full fenders is an abomination. ;)
• Perry
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feeling perfectly comfortable entering some swanky shop or restaurant without
feeling like a freak or Tour de France wannabe. (Just my personal preference.
No judgement intended on others or their choices.)
• Perry
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ean up. It would be well worth some bucks
to have them well fitted by a tailor afterwards.
• Perry
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Marlene Zuk is a fool but Sisson we should listen to? Patrick, I love you man,
but step away from the cool aid.
• Perry
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• Perry
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. Last option, if the bike has
enough desirable bits and pieces mounted, I part out the bits I don't want,
keep the ones I do, and sell the frame. It's easier to ship this way and no
matter what the frame sells for, I usually make more cash this way.
Good luck!
• Perry
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Please excuse all typos and such in previous post. Not up to my standards but
it's been a rough day.
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The tomato is a veggie. Not because of the Supreme Court, tariffs, seeds, or
any other reason. It is a veggie because it's calorie density is most similar
to veggies. Unless of course, you believe that not all calories are alike.
• Perry
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's supposed to fit onto a dispenser but I just pop the lid and scoop it out.
It's lasted me for years of occasional use but I'm just about ready for a new
• Perry
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Just a general idea of sizing (i.e., compared to a better known riv). So, for
example, "A 60cm Rambo fits me perfectly, and my Appaloosa is ___cm."
• Perry
On Oct 19, 2013, at 9:44 AM, "Allingham II, Thomas J"
> Sure, what do you want to know? The only thing
The most impressive bike cooperative I've come across is Bikas in
Tucson, http://bicas.org/
And I second the drive down Bisbee for the Bicycle Brothel. It's a
great old mining town anyways, full of character.
On Jan 24, 1:58 pm, Bill Gibson wrote:
> In 10 years of living i
Anyone wanting to part with Dia Compe aero levers NOS or very little
use. For new vintage style Randonneur build.
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To post to th
Hello- Fairly new to this group and I have been quite happy with the
content and tone very pleasant Like minds I guess.
Would anyone have to sell or know where I can get a HG 70 or 50 or 90
13/30 cassette silver or grey preferable, new or very "slightly used".
You received this
The back-side of the kick stand has measurements in millimeters on it.
That's the distance from the center of the BB to the ground. With the
bike standing straight, measure down. Then cut where the numbers
correspond to the measurement. Take off about a 1 cm more if you are
putting the black rubber
Steve Rex in Sacramento
On Jun 21, 3:49 pm, J L wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am at the point with my Saluki that I would like to travel with the bike.
> I have decided that pros and cons weighted the best option for me is to use
> S&S couplers. I am in San Francisco, what are peoples recommendation
The boy next door, about 2.5 years old now, has been riding one of the scoot
bikes for a long time. I picked up a kids bike from somewhere for free and
everytime he comes over, he checks it to see if he's grown enough to ride
it. He's just about able to make it go but can't quite handle the coaster
I just bought my Clem L in green, but apparently I didn’t get the necessary
approval from the boss before making the purchase. So I’m selling it. It’s
brand new. 20 miles at most on it. I added a Clem rack on back too. Prefer a
local pickup here in Stamford CT, but have all the shipping mat
Hi all. New member here. I thought I'd share my thoughts on a 64cm Clem L
that I got last night. I also have a 62cm Appaloosa. The Clem L is a
trip! The frame flexes noticeably compared to the Appaloosa (which I
suppose some might view as a negative), but it's just *crazy* how smooth
the r
harmony in the
household. Please, no predatory, low-ball offers. Thanks.
On Sunday, September 29, 2019 at 1:14:28 PM UTC-4, jeff perry wrote:
> I just bought my Clem L in green, but apparently I didn’t get the
> necessary approval from the boss before making the purchase. So I’m
> selli
Calling all tall people. This bike needs to go. Make me a reasonable
On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 11:32:16 AM UTC-4, jeff perry wrote:
> Haha, yes, that would be another approach to the problem! Here's a
> picture of the bike for anyone interested in buying it. I
I have a pair of G One Speed tires for sale. They were used on one brief
ride. I prefer smaller tires, so I'm selling them. They are in perfect
condition and look like new. Asking $90 for the pair. Please send me a
private message if you are interested. Thanks.
You received this messa
I’m selling a very lightly used Rivendell sackville saddle bag in blue. No
marks or stains inside and out. Needs a new home. I will post some pictures if
I can figure out how to do it. Asking $70 plus shipping. Please send me a
private mail if you are interested. Thanks!
You received th
I have two stems for sale. Both new in original packaging. One 8cm and the
other 10cm. Both long quill with 25.4mm clamp. Selling for $30 each plus
shipping. Please send me a private message if interested.
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700c x 48mm tan sidewall. Used on one short ride. Learned that I prefer
narrower tires so I’m selling them. Like new. Really excellent quality tires.
Much nicer than schwalbe. Cost $70 each new. Selling both for $70 plus
shipping. Please send me a private message if interested.
Is anyone else experiencing slipping Bosco bars? No matter how much I tighten
the stem, it slips when I apply even a reasonable amount of pressure on the
bars. There’s no grease in there to screw things up either. So frustrating
because I like the bars, but it’s just not safe to ride this way
Selling because I prefer the shape of my brooks. The saddle was literally
ridden for 20 minutes and went back in the box. It’s like new and comes with
all the original packaging and comes with leather lotion. I will upload
pictures shortly. Paid close to $200 for it, but selling for $100 plu
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Update: down to the 10cm now.
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To view this discussion on the
The stem is a properly matched 25.4 nitto technomic deluxe. I will try the
friction paste. Thanks for the tips. If that doesn’t work, I’m going back to
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Sorry, Siri changed the spelling on me. It’s an Aubisque.
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Hi Frank,
Someone on the forum offered me $125, but he hasn’t paid yet. If he doesn’t
pay by tomorrow, I will let you know. Can’t tell if he’s serious or not.
Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 13, 2019, at 9:44 AM, Frank Brose wrote:
> I sent a pm last night as well.
> Frank
>> On Sund
Maybe I'll try that friction paste... is
> that kind of thing available at any hardware store?
>> On Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 3:37:06 PM UTC-4, jeff perry wrote:
>> Is anyone else experiencing slipping Bosco bars? No matter how much I
>> tighten the stem, it slips
gt;> No slip, no dip.
>> They are by far my favorite bars OF ALL TIME, and believe me, I've ridden
>> them all. Well, all of the bars sold by Rivendell, that is.
>> https://www.instagram.com/p/B1o6mceBEsf/
>> John at Rivelo in Port
Agreed 100%
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 16, 2019, at 12:13 AM, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Everything you've described - most of which include a different stem and/or
> bar design - are intended to combat the physics I'm talking about. My claim
> stands: I think some people are putting more lever
Hey, just wanted to give an update. I applied some carbon seatpost goop in
there and miraculously it no longer slips! I was sceptical, but it really
works. Thanks to all who gave the tip. As it is, I still prefer my albatross
bars, so I will probably be unloading these bars in the near futur
Hi All,
I'm selling a brand new Brooks B68 saddle in the "aged" finish. It's never
been mounted and is as-new. Comes in original packaging and with the nylon
rain cover. I have two of these already, so having a spare seems a little
ridiculous, so I'm thinning the herd. For those unfamiliar wi
I’ve been on the merry-go-round with handlebars. I started with albatross,
went to these Boscos, switched to Bosco moose, went back to these Boscos, and
now I’m sticking with Albatross! These have been ridden on 10 rides at most
and look like new. I paid $97 for them in March. They are nice
These came on my Appaloosa, but I immediately changed them out to my
albatross bars. These sell for $92 at Rivendell, but selling for $50 plus
shipping. These are my SECOND favorite bars after the albatross, and I've
tried a lot! Please send me a private note if you're interested. Thanks.
Black are sold. Any takers on the brown? They need a new home.
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I bought the medium, but it's smaller than I need. I now have the large
and no need for this bag. I'm selling for $50 plus $12 shipping in the
CONUS. It's in perfect condition. Please send me a private message if
you're interested.
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