Indeed, this is "the one"! The thinking behind this new wheel reflects
a lifetime of thought, passion, riding, laughter, experimentation and
commitment. There's a lot to love about this bike. Happy to say I have
one on the way - 60cm like the pdf'er - presuming I can commit to a
color combo. I'm le
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:30 AM, cyclotourist wrote:
> Captain Mal approves this comment!
Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take MY BIKE from me
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "R
Yes, truly, a bike for a post-apocalyptic world.
As a complete aside (and as a former Adobe employee), Grant, if you
are still reading, if you get yourself a copy of Adobe Acrobat
Professional, you can make pdfs that are 10% the size of this 10MB
whopper and get better quality to boot. I had a har
The Legolas doesn't seem to vary from the Roadeo geometry by much.
Both have 73 seat angles, both will fit 35mm tire (bigger than that in
the Legolas front), similar front ends with trails calculated at
61Roadeo and 63Legolas using 35mm tires. BB drop is 70mm Legolas,
73-77Roadeo, compare to 80mm o
Always did like Firefly's theme song.
As for the new Bombadil...
No doubt it will be every bit the bike that the original is, and more.
No doubt it'll have a negative-twenty% chance of shimmying, a
substantial improvement on the prior version's negative-ten% chance.
However, after careful consid
Great post, but where oh where are the high quality photos of your
complete bike with each cockpit? :)
You appear to be using the same stem with 3 of the bars? Do you set
them at the same height? That would be interesting, as I think I would
want a shorter extension for a moustache versus a noodle
Brian said..."This has the beauty that draws me to the Riv line, but
can still tow a trailer for 30 years through the back woods..."
I happened to be in the bay area on business and took a short side
trip to RBW yesterday. As I stood there gawking at this frame, Grant
says casually, but with conv
I've been researching/agonizing/flip-flopping over what my first Riv
is going to be for a little over a month I had basically ruled
the Bomba out (deciding, if I wanted a beefy tourer, on the Hunqa
instead), leaving me with just the Atlantis, Roadeo, AHH and Hunqa.
Now, with this bike that loo
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:22 AM, bingomck wrote:
> I've been researching/agonizing/flip-flopping over what my first Riv
> is going to be for a little over a month I had basically ruled
> the Bomba out (deciding, if I wanted a beefy tourer, on the Hunqa
> instead), leaving me with just the Atl
So I posted that link last night and read through the comments and
went and looked at that frame again. Man, is that thing beautiful. The
color is perfect. What a great looking frame. And so functional with
all those braze-ons. I'll be in the Bay Area at the end of the month
and will hopefully swin
Michael, the changes to your Rambouillet are great. I love those
cranks. Also, I enjoyed hearing about your first encounter with a
Rivendell in the wild.
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Owners Bunch" group.
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Heh heh if those high quality photos exist, they were taken by
someone who has a hillborne and four cockpits (like me!) and is a high
quality photographer (unlike me!).
Seriously, I intend to get some better shots with a real camera (my
phone's camera is more marketing tool and photography too
That is fantastic.
I love the diagastays, and the thousand braze-ons. Were there 18
bosses for bottles and racks?
Philip Williamson
On Sep 9, 8:05 pm, Mike wrote:
> This looks great. I wonder if it's more expensive.
Wow. Not really a big deal, I guess. Just never imagined there'd be a
bike from Rivendell that I couldn't use a Nitto S-83 or Crystal Fellow
from Rivendell with. I'd've expected to toss the seatpost that came
with it and put in some jewelry.
Like I said, no big deal. Just unexpected. I wonder if t
It is truly a great looking frame design. The announcement of the
weight provoked me to go weigh my 56cm Bomba. I took off the
waterbottle/pump and seatbag. It weighs 30.5lbs, which I think is
pretty good. If I wanted to strip it down for weight, I'd pull the
front and rear racks and swap out t
I have too many brakes now...
Pair of Silver Long reach brakes - used for about 1 week before going
for the Pauls. I've gotten too used to discs on the Big Dummy so I
wanted a little more brake. These brakes are like new - the cool stop
pads probably have less than 50 miles on them. I'm thinkin
I count 26 threaded holes, including fender eyelets:
10 on the fork
6 water bottle bolts
10 on the seatstays
That's a pound of M5 bolts!
On Sep 10, 9:17 am, Philip Williamson
> That is fantastic.
> I love the diagastays, and the thousand braze-ons. Were there 18
> bosses for bottles and
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:56 AM, William wrote:
> I'm a little surprised that nobody has said they hate it or that it's
> ugly. Maybe the group has weeded out the voices of dissent. I
> expected somebody to gripe that the additional tubes were overkill on
> an already overbuilt bike.
I admit t
Is this going to be the only Bomabdil then?
I do like the new decal. Finally a decal to match the frame! When
I had mine repainted I left off the decals because in my eyes it never
matched the theme of the bike.
The color is just for the photo, I'm sure you can get anything you
The co
I heard about this last spring and I've been waiting to see this for a
long time. Totally worth the wait. All those braze-ons!
The diga-tube/stays make for a very elegant look. And classicists
need not fret! The general idea appears on vintage porteurs &
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Owners Bunch" group.
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I think the most impressive aspect of the bike is that it is planned
to be in production. I do not know how many times I have seen an
interesting or smart design on a custom build, knowing that it is not
only more than likely a one-off design, but is also far out of my
price range.
It is a bike l
Hey folks, first allow me to re-introduce myself... it's been a few
years since I last posted. I read through the last couple weeks
archives and it's nice to be back. Very pleasurable company here.
First, I'll add my voice to the group swooning over the Bombadil. I
won't be buying one -- I'm a lig
It is kind of zaftig, come to think of it.
On Sep 9, 9:52 pm, grant wrote:
> And FYI, I had a Christina Hendrick-less version of the Bombadil pdf
> ready to go if there was any... offense, or umbrage, or something else
> taken.
> Grant " I have read that Christina Hendricks is a good role model
William mused:
It is kind of zaftig, come to think of it.
Oh, ja, zaftig! An absolutely perfect word.
Jon ³Papa² Grant
Illustration + Information Graphics
Austin, Texas
Drawings ‹ all sorts
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It only now occurs to me perhaps you didn't notice that the second
set of cockpit links (next to my comments on how each rides) actually
do take you to pictures of the bike with the appropriate cockpit. Not
high quality, mind you. But pictures nonetheless.
Just in case you weren't actually *pu
No, it is more like this one:
At least both bikes are from the same part of the world.
On Sep 10, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Esteban wrote:
> I heard about this last spring and I've been waiting to see this for a
> long time. Totally worth the wait. All those braz
Confirming that the complete-bike photos are in fact there, and are
plenty good quality to tell the story. You built column 1 of my
exceedingly poorly written 4x4 array of bikes post! In that post I
speculated that a Hillborne with Bullmooses would not make much sense,
but in your pics, I have to
On Sep 10, 2010, at 12:01 PM, James Valiensi wrote:
No, it is more like this one:
Oh yah, that'll be the first "suspension fork" from Rivendell, a
springer. ;)
Rob in Seattle
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Indeed it is intentional... on the Bullmoose, I'm reaching downward to the
extent that the "rolled WAAY forward" position is approximately in line with
how my arms approach the bar. As my arms are relatively stretched out (I'm also
leaning forward a bit), it would be less comfortable to extend m
or you can just use a mac.
the built-in Preview has a "reduce file size" option when you are saving PDFs.
On Sep 10, 2010, at 6:45 AM, Earl Grey wrote:
> Yes, truly, a bike for a post-apocalyptic world.
> As a complete aside (and as a former Adobe employee), Grant, if you
> are
On Sep 10, 10:50 am, jlvota wrote:
> I think the most impressive aspect of the bike is that it is planned
> to be in production.
That is a really good point. I'm sure it'll perform splendidly in the
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Oh, and I'm curious... was it that you felt the Hillborne/Bullmoose
intrinsically didn't make much sense? If so, what's the rationale? It is the
combo I'm likely to ride the least. But my rationale I think to be rare: even
now, with all these options, I normally choose to ride bolt upright (note
In that terribly written post I envisioned 16 bikes. 4 hunqa, 4
hillborne, 4 bomba, 4 atlantis. One of each had a bullmoose, one of
each had an albatross, and noodle (or any drop bar) and moustache. Of
those 16 bikes, I said that I thought the hillborne/bullmoose made the
least sense, but even t
Nitto mini-front rack in excellent shape. Like this one here;
So it mounts to the canti brakes. Because of that it is not required
but useful to have the special Nitto canti mounting bolts. I happen to
have those as well and will incl
Sorry, it was pointed out to me that I posted the wrong rack. THIS is
the rack I have.
It is cheaper but I do have the extra bolts so I will lower my price
to $70 shipped.
On Sep 10, 6:24 pm, Johnny Alien wrote
I did a quick out 'n' part of the way back today, Rio Grande bike
path, when riding back to my daughter's school to pick her up -- I'd
driven the old van in, carrying the 1999 Joe Starck custom fixie, 75"
gear -- with a NW wind, 3/4 behind more or less outbound, 3/4
headwind, more or less, inbound.
On Sep 10, 6:46 pm, Johnny Alien wrote:
> Sorry, it was pointed out to me that I posted the wrong rack. THIS is
> the rack I have.
> It is cheaper but I do have the extra bolts so I will lower my price
> to $70
Not going to say I hate it. This is a better completion of the
concept. But then again, seems I said that back when the change was
made to the Hunqapillar. (At this point not sure if my non-acceptance
of the Hunqa is form/shape based or a bias based on what happened back
The Bomba is a n
Selling my 59 A Homer Hilsen complete minus saddle and seatpost.
details and pics available if you're interested. It's a beautiful
bike in great condition but my wallet demands I downgrade.
Asking $2200 shipping included.
Colin Cummings
Amarillo, TX
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The new Bombadil frame is awesome. Put one on layaway for me-NOW!
On Sep 10, 12:17 pm, Philip Williamson
> That is fantastic.
> I love the diagastays, and the thousand braze-ons. Were there 18
> bosses for bottles and racks?
> Philip
> On Sep 9, 8:05
nice setups...i have noodles and am thinking of going back to
moustache bars
BUT with a difference: having some perpendicular 'extenders' on the
ends of the moustache bars
to mimic a 'ramp' of drop bars that would lend yet another hand
position...i like their width...i find ramp
of noodles too nar
But is it wrong to want some flex?
I rode a Karate Monkey for a few years (which is an awesome, bomb-
proof workhorse 29er)... I thought it was comfortable until I acquired
a Niner MCR... they're both steel, but the vertical compliance of the
Niner just plain feels better, and actually makes ridin
Thanks, Thomas!
OK, so I'm diving in on a leap of faith... (which is how the faithful
always dive, right?)
Before I have even received my first pair of handlebars (they're on
order), I've already purchased (from DaVinci) the full monty... the
complete handlebar swap packages for shifters and rear
i have noodles right now and might be going back to the moustache bars
BUT with a slight mod, namely, to have some 'bar ends' run at the end of the
going perpendicular, so in essence they'd mimic the ramp of noodles
anyone done similar?
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