What can I do?
Göran Broström
On 2017-11-30 10:56, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
The build system rolled up R-3.4.3.tar.gz (codename "Kite-Eating Tree") this
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
Removing libopenblas-dev and libopenblas-base solved my problem.
On 2017-12-01 18:51, Göran Broström wrote:
Thanks: I installed from source and got an error when loading a package:
> library(eha)
Loading requi
uld try to integrate over a finite interval, say (7, 12).
Göran Broström
On 2018-02-06 19:40, li li wrote:
Sorry. I meant in the previous email that the function h() is a monotone
decreasing function. Thanks very much.
2018-02-06 13:32 GMT-05:00 li li :
Hi all,
The function h below is a functio
On 2018-07-06 19:18, Berry, Charles wrote:
A liitle math goes along way. See below.
On Jul 5, 2018, at 10:35 PM, Marino David
Dear Bert,
I know it is a simple question. But for me, at current, I fail to
implement it. So, I ask for help here.
It is not homework.
On 2018-07-05 00:21, Nelly Reduan wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to generate N random numbers with a given probability and
condition but I'm not sure how to do this.
For example, I have N = 20 and the vector from which to choose is seq(0, 10,
1). I have tested:
x <- sample(seq(0, 10, 1), 20
I installed R-3.4.0 and got problems with the survival package, for instance
> library(survival)
> mort <- data.frame(exit = 1:4, event = rep(1, 4), x = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
> fit <- coxph(Surv(exit, event) ~ x, data = mort)
Error in fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = we
Thanks Martin,
that helped!
On 2017-04-25 10:34, Martin Maechler wrote:
Göran Broström
on Tue, 25 Apr 2017 10:22:48 +0200 writes:
> I installed R-3.4.0 and got problems with the survival package, for
>> library(survival)
Right, normally this is how it works for me when I install R from
source. In this case, on this computer, I use the debian/ubuntu
packaging, and then it is necessary to 'rebuild' packages, obviously.
Thanks, Göran
On 2017-04-25 12:20, Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP) wrote:
Sort of an obvious approa
On 2017-04-25 10:34, Martin Maechler wrote:
Göran Broström
on Tue, 25 Apr 2017 10:22:48 +0200 writes:
> I installed R-3.4.0 and got problems with the survival package, for
>> library(survival)
>> mort <- data.frame(exit =
On 2017-04-29 06:45, Mike C wrote:
Thanks Rolf. I was just a bit frustrated that R wouldn't generate
dummy variable names on the fly.
Also, another question, if I want to put column 5 at column 3,
dat[, 3:5] <- dat[, c(5,3,4)]
It does not work, why?
It "works", but you need to shuffle the
> library(tidyr)
> ?fill
On 2017-06-24 19:49, Christophe Elek wrote:
Hello Total newbie here... I hope I read the guide properly
I have the following data.frame (I read it from a CSV file I cannot change)
names val
1 Mandy 1
2 2
3 John2
4 2
I want to read the r
On 2017-07-05 11:56, Jim Lemon wrote:
Hi Chin Yi,
If you are trying to correlate "Health" with "Disease", i.e.
cydf<-read.table(text="OTU ID Health Disease
Bacterial 1 0.29 0.34
Bacterial 2 0.25 0.07
Bacterial 3 0.06 0.06
Bacterial 4 0.07 0.09
Bacterial 5 0.02 0.05",
thing about correlation networks, but by googling I found two R
packages, ggraph and corrr, that may be of interest to you.
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 1:38 AM, Göran Broström <mailto:goran.brost...@umu.se>> wrote:
On 2017-07-05 11:56, Jim Lemon wrote:
Hi Chin Yi,
text(7.5,2.5,expression(paste(bolditalic(p),"*", sep = "")))
looks quite nice. On my Mac at least.
On 30/06/16 02:38, Rolf Turner wrote:
I am trying to plot an expression of the form "p^*" --- a bold letter p
with the asterisk as a superscript.
I can get *something* with code of
Dear Elisabetta,
I have no direct answer to your question, but a suggestion: Use the
'coxme' function (in the package with the same name). In the help page
for 'frailty' (survival) you will find: "The coxme package has
superseded this method. It is faster, more stable, and more flexible."
On 06/25/2015 11:18 PM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. wrote:
The help page for prmatrix states that it only exists for backwards
compatability and
strongly hints at using print.matrix instead.
However, there does not seem to be a print.matrix() function.'
I asked this very same question here
On 28/07/15 08:33, Charlotte wrote:
I have count values for abundance which follow a pattern of
over-dispersal with many zero values. I have read a number of
documents which suggest that I don't use data transforming methods
but rather than I run the GLM with the quasi poisson distribut
On 2015-01-23 11:09, Ivan Calandra wrote:
Hi Alain,
I think you're looking for %in% (see ?'%in%' for the help page)
id.vector <- c(1,3) ## here you define the values you want to select:
x, y, z...
subset(df, id %in% id.vector)
But note the Warning in
On 2015-01-24 01:14, William Dunlap wrote:
Here is one way. Sort the data.frame, first by Name then break ties with
Then choose the rows that are the last in a run of identical Name values.
I do it by sorting by the reverse order of CheckinDate (last date first)
within Name, then
result, Z[[1]]$result))
# f2 f3 f4
Note that the various functions give different results if any patient comes
in twice on the same day. f4 includes both visits in the ouput, the other
include either the first or last (as ordered in the original file).
Bill Dunlap
A weird thing happened to me while I was playing around in the R console
with a data frame ('fert'). The finale was
> with(fert[fert$parity == 4, ], table(age, event))
age 0 1 2
(14,20] 0 0 0
On 2015-01-29 12:42, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 29/01/2015 6:24 AM, Göran Broström wrote:
A weird thing happened to me while I was playing around in the R console
with a data frame ('fert'). The finale was
> with(fer
On 2015-02-26 00:33, JS Huang wrote:
Here is an implementation. More data are added. An extra column hasRain
is added instead of replacing column Amount.
Year Month Day Amount
1 1950 1 10.0
2 1950 1 2 35.5
3 1950 1 3 17.8
4 1950 1 4 24
have you tried to run R with a debugger, as in
$ R -d gdb
the gnu debugger?
On 2018-08-11 23:12, Rolf Turner wrote:
I am getting a seg fault from a package that I am working on, and I am
totally flummoxed by it. The fault presumably arises from dynamically
loaded Fortran code, b
On 2018-09-14 17:04, Guo, Fang (Associate) wrote:
I did use library(binom). However, I was able to use the method "lrt" which is
short for likelihood ratio test.
You are right, there is a method "lrt", but it is not mentioned in the
documentation. (Look at the code.)
On 2019-02-11 23:35, Val wrote:
Hi all,
I have a data frame with tow variables group and its size.
mydat<- read.table( text='group count
G1 25
G2 15
G3 12
G4 31
G5 10' , header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE )
How about
x <- sample(1:5)
total <- mydat$count[x[1]]
i <- 1
while (total < 40){
On 2014-10-07 11:27, Jim Lemon wrote:
On Tue, 7 Oct 2014 10:32:42 AM Frederic Ntirenganya wrote:
Dear All,
How can I change the format of date of day of the year ? for
example r
(i.e. "17 Apr" rather than "108").
The following is the type of the dataset I have
Year Start E
al with linear predictor lp.
A useful alternative is simulation (use 'rweibull') or numerical
integration, especially for estimating remaining expected life 'later in
life'. And for other distributions than the Weibull.
Göran Broström
(author of the eha package)
Dear John,
I think you are missing that 'survreg' does not handle left truncated
data. With that you should use the 'eha' package, for a PH model the
function 'phreg', and for an AFT model the function 'aftreg' (you didn't
tell which model you want to fit).
Your attempt with the 'survreg' functi
On 08/29/2015 11:56 PM, Fox, John wrote:
Dear Göran,
Thank you for responding to my query; please see below:
-Original Message- From: R-help
[mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Göran Broström
Sent: August 29, 2015 3:59 PM To: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re:
[R] using
sfun0 <- stepfun(-2:2, y0, right=TRUE)
I would like to suggest the correct way:
Replace the last line by
> plot(sfun0, verticals = FALSE)
Göran Broström
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIB
On 2016-02-08 14:11, 于慧琳 wrote:
Hi guy,I have some problems when plotting survival curves for the
survfit object.My survfit model is as
is a indicator variable which has 0 and 1 values.However, in my
second case? 'is.na' gives the correct (same) numbers.
Can I somehow force 'summary' to print NA's? I found no clues in the
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.3 Patched (2016-01-19 r69960)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 15.1
Thanks Marc, but see below!
On 2016-02-08 19:26, Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Feb 8, 2016, at 11:26 AM, Göran Broström wrote:
I have a data frame with dates as integers:
summary(persons[, c("foddat", "doddat")])
foddat doddat
Min. :1679 Min
if necessary) and just a
few cases, but enough to show your problem.
Göran Broström
> I use survival and spline package to
create the Cox model and cubic splines respectively. Without the
interaction term and/or spline, I have no convergence problem. I read
some forums about changing the
On 2016-03-30 23:06, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 29, 2016, at 1:47 PM, Jennifer Wu, Miss
I am currently using R v3.2.3 and on Windows 10 OS 64Bit.
I am having convergence issues when I use coxph with a interaction
term (glarg*bca_py) and interaction term with the restricted c
Trying https://cran.r-project.org got me
"The owner of cran.r-project.org has configured their website improperly"
If I try http (instead of https) I'm redirected to
www.project.org ("Project America")
Any ideas?
Göran Broström
Or the new install needs some warming-up.
Thanks Bert,
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at
On 2016-11-07 19:27, Lentes, Bernd via R-help wrote:
i'd like to install R 2.5 on an Ubuntu 14.04. I have a special
software requiring this old version.
While ./configure, i get the following error:
checking for mbstate_t... yes checking for X... no configure: error:
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Corey
>>>> Corey S. Sparks, Ph.D.
>>>> Assistant Professor
>>>> Department of Demography and Organization Studies
>>>> University of
> __
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained
2010/2/18 Philipp Rappold :
> Göran, David,
> in order to adapt aftreg to my needs I wrote a little function that I would
> like to share with you and the community.
I once promised to fix this 'asap'. Now I promise to do it tonight. OK?
> (1) Using the id-argum
rom 'aftreg'. You could try the same.
> Philipp
> __
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
loaded via a namespace (and
Philipp Rappold wrote:
Dimitris, thanks for your detailled answer and the literature
However, I'm still wondering about the interpretation of coefficients in
the AFT model with time-varying covariates. The precise question is: How
can I interpret a "single" coefficient if my a
>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> ______
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://w
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Göran Broström
l the best
> Philipp
> ______
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained,
er time is approached. The
> program should give an error. For one, why do you assume the change is
> linear in time? This is rather rare. You might look at the timedep
> package.
> 5. Some actual advice -- if you think it is Gompertzian why not fit a
> Gompertz distribution?
Dear John,
I googled "contrasts Cox regression" and found
where Frank Harrell reports how to do what you want with his rms
package. At least I think so, haven't tried it myself.
On 2021-04-05 03:34, Sorkin, John wrote:
I am using the coxph to model survival time. How do I plot an adjusted Kaplan
Meir plot resulting from coxph? The code I would like to run would start with:
# run cox model
fit1Cox <- coxph(surv_object ~age+sex,data=mydata)
I have no idea
Den 2021-07-12 kl. 15:09, skrev Matthias Gondan:
Weighted mean behaves differently:
One difference is that density has a named argument 'weights' not
present in weighted.mean, which instead has 'w' for weights.
So, in your examples, the argument 'weights = ' is always ignored, a
I wonder about the last sentence in the Details section of the
documentation of 'weighted.mean':
"However, zero weights _are_ handled specially and the corresponding ‘x’
values are omitted from the sum."
The return value of weighted.mean.default is
sum((x * w)[w != 0])/sum(w)
and indeed, it
Den 2021-07-14 kl. 13:16, skrev Duncan Murdoch:
On 14/07/2021 6:00 a.m., Göran Broström wrote:
I wonder about the last sentence in the Details section of the
documentation of 'weighted.mean':
"However, zero weights _are_ handled specially and the corresponding ‘x’
values a
e) 410-605-7119 (Fax)
410-605-7913 (Please call phone number above prior to faxing)
____ From: R-help
on behalf of Göran Broström
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 10:46 AM To:
Duncan Murdoch; r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] zero weights in
I'm confused:
> x <- 1:2
> is.na(x) <- 1
> x
[1] NA 2
OK, but
> x <- c("A", "B")
> is.na(x) <- "A"
> x
"A" "B" NA
What happens?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
Yes, I was confused: In is.na(x) <-value, value is supposed to be an index
vector, clearly stated on the help page. So Bert�s suggestion is the way to go.
Thanks to all, G�ran
-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Fr�n: Bill Dunlap
Datum: fredag, 16 december 2022 20:15
Till: G�ran Brostr�m
x[ is.na( x ) ] <- 1
should have no effect on x.
On December 16, 2022 10:28:52 AM PST, "Göran Broström"
I'm confused:
x <- 1:2
is.na(x) <- 1
[1] NA 2
OK, but
x <- c("A", "B")
I have a long vector x with five-digit codes where the first digit of
each is of special interest, so I extracted them through
> y <- x %/% 1
but to my surprise y contained the value -1 in some places. It turned
out that x contains -1 as a symbol for 'missing value' so in effect I
found t
Den 2022-12-19 kl. 15:41, skrev Martin Maechler:
Göran Broström
on Mon, 19 Dec 2022 14:22:00 +0100 writes:
> I have a long vector x with five-digit codes where the
> first digit of each is of special interest, so I extracted
> them through
>> y
so we deduce that R *neither* rounds *not* truncates,
but returns the floor of the quotient.
It is widely argued that flooring division is more
generally useful than rounding or truncating division,
but it is admittedly surprising.
On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 02:51, Göran Broström <mailto:g...@ehar.
I got the link cran.nexr.com from a person who claimed that it is the
home of R-project, and indeed, it looks right.
But it doesn't feel right, so I wonder what is going on. Is it someone's
mirror (authorized) of R-project?
Thanks, Göran
Thanks, Göran
Den 2023-03-09 kl. 15:01, skrev Ivan Krylov:
В Thu, 9 Mar 2023 14:43:49 +0100
Göran Broström пишет:
Is it someone's mirror (authorized) of R-project?
It's not currently in the official list of mirrors [*], but anyone can
create a CRAN mirror for their own needs
I am reading Hadley's "Advanced R", Section 13.4.3
(https://adv-r.hadley.nz/s3.html). It starts
There are two wrinkles to be aware of when you create a new method:
First, you should only ever write a method if you own the gene
Den 2023-04-24 kl. 15:14, skrev Ivan Krylov:
В Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:07:50 +0200
Göran Broström пишет:
First, you should only ever write a method if you own the generic
or the class.
I was stunned when I read it. I write methods all over the place for
generics like print, summary, plot, etc
Den 2019-05-10 kl. 04:54, skrev David Winters:
This is a super embarrassing question. But, how do you save an R
script with code? that is, not doing it the cheat way? where you just
hit the "save" button? what function would it be?
I know how to save the environment in code:
I have two large data frames, 'liss' (170 million obs, 8 variables) and
'fobb' (52 million obs, 8 variables, same as for 'liss'), and checking
their sizes I get
> object.size(liss)
7477492552 bytes
> object.size(fobb)
2494591736 bytes
Fair enough, but when I save them to disk (saveRDS
On 2019-06-28 15:26, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 28/06/2019 7:35 a.m., Göran Broström wrote:
I have two large data frames, 'liss' (170 million obs, 8 variables) and
'fobb' (52 million obs, 8 variables, same as for 'liss'), and checking
their sizes I get
On 2019-08-18 19:10, Ferenci Tamas wrote:
Dear All,
Consider the following simple example:
library( survival )
data( veteran )
coef( coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ trt + prior + karno, data = veteran) )
0.180197194 -0.005550919 -0.033771018
Note that w
Den 2019-08-22 kl. 21:48, skrev Göran Broström:
On 2019-08-18 19:10, Ferenci Tamas wrote:
Dear All,
Consider the following simple example:
library( survival )
data( veteran )
coef( coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ trt + prior + karno, data = veteran) )
trt prior karno
you are trying to open a can of worms. Se recent discussions on
R-pkg-devel, Writing R Extensions, and the help page for .Fortran.
Best, Göran
On 2019-09-10 23:44, Giovanni Petris wrote:
Hello R-helpers!
I am trying to call a LAPACK subroutine directly from my R code using
Hi Dennis,
look at the help page for summary.survfit, the Value n.event.
On 2024-05-15 22:41, Dennis Fisher wrote:
R 4.3.3
I have created objects using the Surv function in the survival package:
Call: survfit(formula = FORMULA1)
I have a "result":
> hazards
(60, 70](70, 80](80, 90] (90, 100]
[1,] 0.046612937 0.115643783 0.273613266 0.450127975
Two issues: (i) Too many decimals, and (ii) it seems to be an 1x4
matrix, I only need the first row. (i):
> haz <- round(hazards, 3)
> haz
(60, 70] (70,
Ah, thanks,
> 29 juli 2024 kl. 16:23 skrev Duncan Murdoch :
> On 2024-07-29 10:06 a.m., Göran Broström wrote:
>> I have a "result":
>> > hazards
>> (60, 70](70, 80](80, 90] (90, 100]
>> [1,] 0.046612937 0.115643783 0.273
Den 2024-07-30 kl. 17:09, skrev Jorgen Harmse:
Duncan Murdoch answered your question, but I have another. Are you
going to do some computation with the rounded numbers,
Wouldn't dream of it.
or are they just for display?
(One thing I like about Excel is that I can change
Dear dr Medic,
Den 2020-04-17 kl. 23:03, skrev Medic:
On 2020-04-17 20:06, Medic wrote:
I can't understand how to do a survival analysis (?Surv ()) when some
event occurred before the start of observation (left censored). If I
understand correctly, there are two methods. I chose a method with:
spite my effort to change it), so I tried the same thing
with an English version of Windows 7 (on another machine), and there
everything went as expected.
I installed R on both machines today so the setups should be identical,
except for the languages. What can be wrong? Can it be a language/path
ssion problem.
This was strange, because I am the administrator of my Windows machines.
BTW, why can't I, as an administrator, install packages in
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1\library" ?
This is of course a very minor problem, since I never do anything useful
on Windows machines.
On 07/21/2013 12:27 PM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
On 21.07.2013 10:50, Göran Broström wrote:
Uwe, thanks!
The switch from "Program" to "Program Files" made it (stupid Windows!).
I tried the "--library=." flag because I got the error message
On 07/26/2013 04:06 AM, John Sorkin wrote:
David Thank you for your thoughts. The data I am analyzing do not
come from a clinical trial but rather from a cohort study whose aim
is to determine risk factors for surgical therapy to treat their
joints. John
As David explained, there are several wa
On 08/11/2013 06:14 AM, Soumitro Dey wrote:
Hello all,
This may be a naive question but since I'm new to R/survival models, I
cannot figure it out the problem myself.
I have a coxph model for my data and I am trying to test if the
proportional hazards assumption holds. Using cox.zph on the mo
Sorry I'm late with this.
On 07/26/2013 02:02 PM, Terry Therneau wrote:
Two choices. If this were a linear model, do you like the GEE
approach or a mixed effects approach? Assume that "subject" is a
variable containing a per-subject identifier.
GEE approach: add "+ cluster(subject)" to the mode
I've been away from this list but reentered recently. Now when I send a
question I get an automated answer saying:
Your mail to 'R-help' with the subject
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Post to mod
When I run the following function
HQ2 <- function(n) {
nv <- 6 * sqrt(n)
fcn <- function(z) {
pchisq(z^2 / 36, n - 1) * dnorm(nv - z)
## I want the integral from 0 to infinity:
f.Inf <- integrate(fcn, 0, Inf)
## Doc: "Don't do this":
f.100 <- integrat
e length. Maybe the advice in the
documentation about "integrating over infinite intervals" needs some
On 02/05/2013 07:42 PM, Göran Broström wrote:
When I run the following function
HQ2 <- function(n) {
nv <- 6 * sqrt(n)
fcn <- function(z)
On 03/21/2013 02:08 PM, Jorge I Velez wrote:
ifelse(ABS ==1 | DEFF == 1, 1, 0)
as.numeric(ABS | DEFF)
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Tasnuva Tabassum wrote:
I have two indicator variables ABS and DEFF. I want to create another
indicator variabl
Does anyone know how to get this function to work? Or if there is an
alternative package that can implement
a Weibull PH model?
The function 'phreg' in the package 'eha' fits parametric PH models to
right-censored and left-truncated data for some baseli
On 04/15/2014 05:00 AM, r-help-requ...@r-project.org wrote:
I have the following problem. I stratified my patient cohort into three
ordered groups and performed multivariate adjusted Cox regression analysis
on each group separately. Now I would like to calculate a p for trend across
the h
On 04/15/2014 10:51 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Apr 15, 2014, at 6:32 AM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. wrote:
You can do statistical tests within a single model, for whether
portions of it fit or do not fit. But one cannot take three
separate fits and compare them. The program needs context t
A thread on r-devel ("Historical NA question") went (finally) off-topic,
heading towards "Precedence". This triggered a question that I think is
better put on this list:
I have been more or less regularly been writing programs since the
seventies (Fortran, later C) and I early got the habit of
In the Cox regression case, the probable explanation is that you have
ties in your data; Stata and coxph may have different defaults for
handling ties. Read the manuals!
The difference in sign in the other cases is simply due to different
definitions of the models. I am sure it is well documen
while sep="" is the default, it really means 'whitespace', see the
documentation of 'sep'.
Göran Broström
On 2014-06-26 11:21, carol white wrote:
with read.fwf, it works.
But I still don't understand why it doesn't work with read.table
on, and therefore it is
better to stick to medians and quantiles.
Göran Broström
On 2014-07-06 06:17, David Winsemius wrote:
On Jul 5, 2014, at 9:12 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Jul 5, 2014, at 12:43 PM, Axel Urbiz wrote:
Thank you David. It is my understanding that using survfirsurvit
On 2014-07-06 10:48, Göran Broström wrote:
David and Axel,
I have two comments to your discussion:
(i) The area under the survival curve is equal to the mean of the
distribution, so the estimate of the mean should be the sum of the areas
of the rectangles defined by the estimated survival
On 2014-07-06 11:17, Göran Broström wrote:
On 2014-07-06 10:48, Göran Broström wrote:
David and Axel,
I have two comments to your discussion:
(i) The area under the survival curve is equal to the mean of the
distribution, so the estimate of the mean should be the sum of the areas
of the
t; ncol(x)){
i <- i + 1
What is "good practice" (efficient and safe)?
Göran Broström
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/
II. Problem 2:
I try using an example from sourcecode.pdf:
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status, type=’mstate’) ~ sex, data=mine)
but where can I have the 'mine' data? Thank you!
Where do you find 'sourcecode.pdf'?
Göran Broström
On 12/31/2013 09:05 PM, Jieyue Li wrote:
Thanks a lot for the reply!
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 1:59 AM, Göran Broström mailto:goran.brost...@umu.se>> wrote:
On 12/30/2013 11:04 PM, Jieyue Li wrote:
Dear All,
I want to have the cumulative incidence curves for 'm
.@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
Of Duncan Murdoch
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2013 3:52 PM
To: Göran Broström; R-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] seq_len and loops
On 13-12-21 6:50 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 13-12-21 5:57 PM, Göran Broström wrote:
I was rec
ur point; I however never have an 'else' part in this context
(if x == 1 I'm already done).
Another observation: The 'while (x < n) x <- x + 1' approach is very
slow compared to a for loop.
Göran Broström
Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software
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