i want to tag categories to its menuname.
i have a csv containing menu item name and in other csv i have a column
containing some strings,
i want to pick that strings from categories and look into menu items if
any menu item containing that string i want to create a new column next to
menu item na
> Suzen, Mehmet
> on Tue, 31 Oct 2017 19:27:30 +0100 writes:
> Dear List, According to datacamp support team,
> r-fiddle.org is not supported. We asked them to put it
> down as Professor Maechler suggested it is a waste of time
> for the R-help to respond to questions
I did a quick search for other packages that provide the beta binomial
distribution and found "rmutil".
> install.packages("rmutil")
The package has the CDF (pbetabinom) and inverse CDF (qbetabinom) among
other functions.
On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 7:50 AM, MCGUIRE, Rhydwyn <
Hi all,
after compiling R-3.4.2 on opensuse leap 42.3, make check failed. Until
R-3.4.1 I never had a problem with these tests. No, the programm stops
at the following line of tests/reg-tests-1d.R:
> ## available.packages() (not) caching in case of errors
> tools::assertWarning(ap1 <- available.p
I want to populate the matrix prb through the function HWMProb <- function
(a,j,dt) that encapsulates different functions (please see code below), using
j= 0:2 for each j.
It only populates prb if I specify each function independently in the global
environment and then run the loop with the iF
Hi,I want the results to be saved automatically in a output text file after the
script has finished running.
I used the sink function in the following example, but the results file
(output.txt) was empty.
net <- loadNetwork("C://Users//Priya//Desktop//Attractor analysis_all
Some comments:
1. sink() does not return a value. There is on point to set attr <-
sink(...). Just give the command sink("C://etc")
2. to complete the saving to the file you must give a second sink command
with no argument: sink()
So your code would be (pseudo-code, not actual code)
sink( "fi
Hi Priya,
You did not follow the logic of the pseudo-code.
The sink("filename"), sink() pair captures whatever output is generated
between the first sink statement and the second sink statement.
You need (possibly) to do:
sink("C://Users//Priya//Desktop//Attractor analysis_all
Hello This relates to trying to upload csv files to R. Essentially I have
some v large csv files, but in the column where the dates are appears the column
entry "00:00.0" for every line. But in the formula bar appears a date as well,
for example "01/04/09 00:00.0", and this never appears in the
You are using terms and concepts that apply to spreadsheets, but do not apply
to R or CSV files. Please conform to the Posting Guide and make a reproducible
example [1][2][3] using R code to demonstrate your problem. I suspect you will
find that your problem begins in your spreadsheet and not in
I have a google spreadsheet with a column of hyperlinks I want the URL from.
The googlesheets package can return this information with gs_read_cellfeed(),
but it needs to be reshaped with gs_reshape_cellfeed(). Problem is,
gs_reshape_cellfeed() returns the 'value' of the cells, not the
On 01/11/2017 8:11 AM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Hi all,
after compiling R-3.4.2 on opensuse leap 42.3, make check failed. Until
R-3.4.1 I never had a problem with these tests. No, the programm stops
at the following line of tests/reg-tests-1d.R:
## available.packages() (not) caching in case o
Hi Eric,I tried as you suggested but I could not find the output in the text
file I created (attr.txt)
net <- loadNetwork("C://Users//Priya//Desktop//Attractor analysis_all
Hi Eric,Thanks for the explanation. Is there a way to save the results
automatically after the analysis gets over?. As I recently lost the results,
because I didn't save the results. I don't want to run the sink or save command
after the analysis is over rather run the command for saving the fil
Hi Hermant,
It sounds lile grep from base or str_detect from the Stringr package is
what you want.
Hemant Sain schrieb am Mi., 1. Nov. 2017, 08:31:
> i want to tag categories to its menuname.
> i have a csv containing menu item name and in other csv i have a column
> containing som
Let's try a simple example.
> # Create a script file of commands
> # Note we must print the results of quantile explicitly
> cat("x <- rnorm(50)\nprint(quantile(x))\nstem(x)\n", file="Test.R")
> # Test it by running it to the console
> source("Test.R")
Dear Duncan,
Many thanks!
Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 16:17, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
> On 01/11/2017 8:11 AM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > after compiling R-3.4.2 on opensuse leap 42.3, make check failed. Until
> > R-3.4.1 I never had a problem with these tests. No, the programm stop
On 01/11/2017 12:02 PM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Dear Duncan,
Many thanks!
Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 16:17, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
On 01/11/2017 8:11 AM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Hi all,
after compiling R-3.4.2 on opensuse leap 42.3, make check failed. Until
R-3.4.1 I never had a problem wit
Thank you for your response. I need to install RankTail package since it
contains the beta binomial distribution, CDF and inverse CDF in the usual form
which I need to use. However rmutil package contain unusual forms for these
functions. So it is easier for me to deal with the forms are
Hi all,
I have two data frames that one of them does not have the column ID:
> str(data)
'data.frame': 499 obs. of 608 variables:
$ ID : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ alright : int 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 ...
$ bad : int 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 17:40, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
> On 01/11/2017 12:02 PM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
> > Dear Duncan,
> >
> > Many thanks!
> >
> > Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 16:17, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
> >> On 01/11/2017 8:11 AM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> after compi
Hi Amany,
I had no trouble installing TailRank and bioconductor using the link Rhydwyn
I was curious about your statement that TailRank uses a different
parameterization for the betabinomial distribution than rmutil.
I looked at the documentation for the two packages and the transformati
matches <- merge(training,data,by=intersect(names(training),names(data)))
On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Elahe chalabi via R-help <
r-help@r-project.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two data frames that one of them does not have the column ID:
> > str(data)
> 'data.frame':
Hi Priya,
I think your original question may have been phrased in a way that caused
David and me some confusion.
I think sink() may not be the function that is appropriate in your case.
Sink() is used to capture output to the console (so to speak).
You are trying to save the results of calculations
No. You have not used it correctly. It was an example. Put your commands
between the two sink functions. That will save any printed out put that results
from those commands. It will not save attr, but you did not ask how to do that.
David C
On Nov 1, 2017 12:21 PM, Priya Arasu wrote:
Hi David,
But they row.names() cannot give me the IDs
On Wednesday, November 1, 2017 9:45 AM, David Wolfskill
On Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 04:13:42PM +, Elahe chalabi via R-help wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two data frames that one of them does not have the column ID:
> > str(data)
Hi David,Thank you for the example.When I try to use the cat function, I get an
cat(attr<-getAttractors(net, type="asynchronous"))Error in cat(attr <-
getAttractors(net, type = "asynchronous")) :
argument 1 (type 'pairlist') cannot be handled by 'cat'
Please let me know, if I have used
On 01/11/2017 1:08 PM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 17:40, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
On 01/11/2017 12:02 PM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Dear Duncan,
Many thanks!
Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 16:17, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
On 01/11/2017 8:11 AM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
Hi all,
If cat is giving you an error try print(attr <- ...etc...)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 01-11-2017 17:21, Priya Arasu via R-help escreveu:
Hi David,Thank you for the example.When I try to use the cat function, I get an
cat(attr<-getAttractors(net, type="asynchronous"))Error
> On Nov 1, 2017, at 9:09 AM, Amany Abdel-Karim wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for your response. I need to install RankTail package since it
> contains the beta binomial distribution, CDF and inverse CDF in the usual
> form which I need to use. However rmutil package contain unusual forms f
It's not what I want, the first data frame has 499 observations and the second
data frame is a subset of the first one but with 375 observations. I want
something that returns the ID for training data frame
On Wednesday, November 1, 2017 10:18 AM, Eric Berger
matches <- merge(tra
Dear R friends,
I am currently working with time series data, and I have a table(as data
frame) that has looks like this (TransitDate are in format = "%e-%B-%Y") :
TransitDate Transits CargoTons
training$TrainingRownum <- 1:nrow(training)
data$DataRownum <- 1:nrow(data)
matches <- merge(training,data,by=intersect(names(training),names(data)))
The data frame 'matches' now has additional columns telling you the row in
each data frame corresponding to the matched items.
On We
Hi Paul,
#First I set up some sample data since I don't have a copy of your data
dtOrig <- as.Date( c("1985-04-01","1985-07-01","1985-12-01","1986-04-01"))
dfOrig <- data.frame( TransitDate=dtOrig, Transits=c(100,100,500,325),
CargoTons=c(1000,1080,3785,4200) )
#Generate the complete set of dates
Dear Duncan,
thank you very much, that is it! Indeed, there was activated in my
internet router the "telekom navigation help". When I am (or the system
is) looking for an not existent url, this "help" opens its own website.
After deactivation of telekom navigation help, the normal message
This idea of hijacking failed connections has been tried before and it breaks
many things beyond R software and most ISPs have given up on doing this. If
you, who have this "feature" at hand can figure out a reliable way to detect
this then it might be "considered". However, it seems unlikely th
The prob package has been archived because it depends upon some other
packages which have issues.
However, such projects as Introduction to Probability and Statistics in R
depend upon it for learning. There are a few other resources that also use
Does anyone know of any workarounds?
I'm using a Cox-Regression to estimate hazard rates on prepayments.
I'm using the "pspline" function to face non-linearity, but I have no clue
how to interpret the result.
Unfortunately I did not find enough information on the "pspline" function
wether in the survival package nor using google
It is unclear to me what "How to interpret the result" means. Note that the
survival package is very well documented and there is a vignette
specifically on the topic of the use of "Spline terms in a Cox model." Have
you studied it?
If you want to discuss the statistical issues, e.g. of surviv
> On Nov 1, 2017, at 12:51 PM, Tiby Kantrowitz wrote:
> The prob package has been archived because it depends upon some other
> packages which have issues.
> However, such projects as Introduction to Probability and Statistics in R
> depend upon it for learning. There are a few other resour
40 matches
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