Generators and propagation of exceptions

2011-04-08 Thread r
the direction of flow of data. Any idea for a working and elegant solution? Thanks, -r --

Re: Generators and propagation of exceptions

2011-04-08 Thread r
interactive mode of operation. [1] It's actually not _that_ bad. Exceptions still are very useful inside of each of these procedures. Errors only have to be handled manually in that main data path with generators. Thanks, -r --

Re: Generators and propagation of exceptions

2011-04-08 Thread r
was hoping there might be some pattern specifically designed for thiskind of job (exception generators anyone?), which I've overlooked. If not anything else, knowing that this isn't the case, makes me feel better about the solution I've chosen. Thanks again, -r --

Re: State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?

2009-01-10 Thread r
We need TK 8.5's themes. This will bring Tkinter out of the dark ages and into the 21st Century! And improve the shine of the Python base distro. Python could use a good boost right now! --

Re: State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?

2009-01-10 Thread r
On Jan 10, 3:05 pm, excord80 wrote: > On Jan 10, 11:45 am, r wrote: > > > We need TK 8.5's themes. This will bring Tkinter out of the dark ages > > and into the 21st Century! And improve the shine of the Python base > > distro. Python could use a good boost right

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-11 Thread r
On Jan 11, 6:00 pm, Roy Smith wrote: > In article > <>, > >  "Madhusudan.C.S" wrote: > > In such situations, where the Instance variables come into existence > > only when they are used it is very difficult to track the flow of code

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-12 Thread r
On Jan 12, 2:06 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote: > Why on earth are you using Python if you don't like the way it work ??? Why on earth are you busting into someone's thread just because you don't like what they have to say ??? --

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-12 Thread r
[stevie] On the other hand... Bruno's question is unfair. It is perfectly reasonable to (hypothetically) consider Python to be the best *existing* language while still wanting it to be improved (for some definition of improvement). Just because somebody has criticisms of Python, or a wish- list of

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-12 Thread r
On Jan 12, 3:58 pm, Paul Rubin wrote: > We are in an era for programming languages sort of like the Windows 95 > era was for operating systems, where everything is broken but some of > the fixes are beginning to come into view.  So there is no language > that currentl

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-12 Thread r
On Jan 12, 5:34 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote: > r writes: > > Python and Ruby. Ruby only exists in this world because of the things > > it took from Python. Nobody would touch Ruby without it's Pythonisms. > > I confess to not knowing much ab

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-13 Thread r
> public = no leading underscore > private = one leading underscore > protected = two leading underscores > > Python uses encapsulation by convention rather than by enforcement. Very well said Terry! I like that python does not force me to do "everything" but does force things like parenthesis in

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-13 Thread r
On Jan 13, 9:50 pm, Carl Banks wrote: [snip] it gives > the library implementor the power to dictate to the user how they can > and can't use the library.  The cultural impact that would have on the > community is far worse, IMHO, than any short-sighted benefits like > being able to catch an accid

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-13 Thread r
Here is a piece of C code this same guy showed me saying Pythonic indention would make this hard to read -- Well lets see then! I swear, before god, this is the exact code he showed me. If you don't believe me i will post a link to the thread. // Warning ugly C code ahead! if( is_opt_data() < si

point class help

2009-01-14 Thread r
I am hacking up a point class but having problems with how to properly overload some methods. in the __add__, __sub__, __iadd__, __isub__, I want to have the option of passing an instance or a container(list, tuple) like >>> p1 = Point2d(10,10) >>> p1 += (10,10) >>> p1 Point2d(20,20) >>> >>> p2 =

Re: point class help

2009-01-14 Thread r
before anybody say's anything, i screwed up when i pasted the code, here is what i really have... def method(self, other): if isinstance(other, Point2d): x, y = other.x, other.y else: x, y = other[0], other[1] return self.x+x, self.y+y #and the fixed class :) class Po

Re: point class help

2009-01-14 Thread r
On Jan 14, 10:44 am, Steve Holden wrote: > Thous it does seem particularly perverse to have the add method not > itself return a Point. Thanks Steve, i was going implement exactly this but thought there "might" be a better way i did not know about. So i feel better about myself already. And your

Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)

2009-01-14 Thread r
I actually like the IDLE, but it could use a few improvements. If anybody else has suggestions by all means post them. 1.) The text widget and the prompt(>>>) should be separated. Trying to write a conditional in the interactive IDLE is a real PITA. Not to mention if you copy the working code snip

Re: Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)

2009-01-14 Thread r
Hello James, I actually want to trash IDLE and start over. I would be willing to do a complete re-write. I have already made a template GUI that works (early stages). I am wondering if anyone else might be interested in taking this on with me? IMO IDLE is full of fluff where it should not be, and t

Re: Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)

2009-01-14 Thread r
On Jan 14, 4:43 pm, Terry Reedy wrote: [snip] > I think the 'main' IDLE maintainer is no longer active.  I think someone > who would do more than fix critical bugs might be welcome. Hello Terry, That's what i was beginning to think. I am not quite ready (as far as my skills are concerned) to put

Re: Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6

2009-01-15 Thread r
First of all be very careful using from "module" import * or you will have name conflicts. Tkinter is made to be imported this way and i do it all the time. for the others do. import tkMessageBox as MB import tkFileDialog as FD or whatever floats your boat. Secondly i hear all the time about prob

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-15 Thread r
On Jan 14, 1:16 pm, Paul Rubin wrote: > "Russ P." writes: [snip] > I have a situation which I face almost every day, where I have some > gigabytes of data that I want to slice and dice somehow and get some > numbers out of.  I spend 15 minutes writing a one-off Pytho

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-15 Thread r
On Jan 15, 11:13 am, Paul Rubin wrote: > Roy Smith writes: > > C is not evil.  It's a tool.  Would you call a hammer evil because it's not > > very good at driving screws?   > > I would call a hammer evil if it were built in a way that made it > unnecessarily likely

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-15 Thread r
Paul Rubin > I would say hours, in the sense that the program ran correctly for > that long, processing several GB's of data before hitting something > obscure that it couldn't handle.  This is not a single incident, it's So what was the fatal error, care to post a traceback? -- http://mail.pytho

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-15 Thread r
On Jan 15, 11:59 am, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote: > r writes: > > So what was the fatal error, care to post a traceback? > > Usually it's "expected to find some value but got None", or got a > list, or expected some structure but g

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-15 Thread r
Heres a little food for thought, Maybe you did tell Python to hit the nail head, but your calculations of the direction vector were slightly off. Instead of a direct hit, the hammer grazed the head and now the resultant vector aims strait for your thumb -- Who's to blame here? -- http://mail.python

Re: Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

2009-01-15 Thread r
On Jan 15, 12:25 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote: > r writes: > > Sounds like the results of poor testing and lack of design good > > program logic > > It would sure be nice if the language made it easier, not harder. I am for anything that makes d

Cannot contact Python webmaster!

2009-01-21 Thread r
Does anybody know how to get in touch with the website maintainers? i sent mail to but it just bounces back. Is anybody even there? :) --

Find all available Tkinter cursor names?

2009-01-22 Thread r
Anybody know how to find all the available Tkinter cursor icon names, or where the icons are stored? like "paintbrush" "pencil" etc... --

Re: Find all available Tkinter cursor names?

2009-01-22 Thread r
Thanks Kevin, These are exactly the ones i already knew about. I was hoping there where more, shucks!. I wonder how i could go about making my own cursors and adding them to Tkinter? Have any ideas? --

Re: What is intvar?

2009-01-22 Thread r
here is a good explanation of control vars: Here are 3 great Tkinter refernces in order: -- htt

Re: Find all available Tkinter cursor names?

2009-01-23 Thread r
On Jan 23, 9:18 am, Kevin Walzer wrote: > offer some help in this regard. > Kevin Walzer > Code by Kevin Many Thanks Kevin, this may help! --

Re: Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)

2009-01-23 Thread r
On Jan 16, 1:55 am, Terry Reedy wrote: > > Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but "About Idle" in Python > > 2.6.1 (win32) says "Tk version: 8.5" As to Tk, i was referring to Themes. I may have the versions mixed up but the newest TK supports themes and i would love to get that support i

Re: Why this code is working?

2009-01-23 Thread r
Yes promoting freedom, claiming that freedom is a good thing, and not being afraid to open my mouth about it, fight for it, free others from their bonds, makes me free. No presumption was made about the OP, the only "meaning" in my message was to free the OP from his self imposed bonds while using

Re: * broken?

2009-01-24 Thread r
On Jan 24, 7:06 pm, wrote: > Hi all, > > Is anybody else having trouble accessing sites (including www, docs, > wiki) in the tree, or is it just me? (Or just .au?) > > Cheers, > > Tim No problem here??? --

Re: Why this code is working?

2009-01-25 Thread r
On Jan 23, 10:02 pm, alex23 wrote: [snip] > How's that Python bridge to SketchUp coming > along? It's been months already, surely you've invested as much effort > into learning Python as you have in talking about it? Thanks for asking Alex23, The ball is rolling on the Python SketchUp integration

Re: What is intvar?

2009-01-25 Thread r
W. eWatson, I contacted the author of New Mexico Techs "Introduction to Tkinter" a couple of weeks ago. He is going to update the reference material with a few missing widgets and some info on Photo and Bitmap classes. I really love the NMT layout and use it quite often. Fredricks Tkinterbook is m

Re: Why this code is working?

2009-01-25 Thread r
Actually Alex, i have not stopped working on getting Python into SU in one form or another since that crazy post of mine almost 3 moths ago. I have many people in the SU community asking me almost daily when i will get finished. I have a lot of work to do at this point but i will keep fighting beca

IDLE 3000 (suggested improvements)

2009-01-27 Thread r
Proposal: OK, so the python language has officially moved into the next level. I look at IDLE and think, hmm great IDE but it could really use a spit shining. So here is a very simple script showing my ideas to improve IDLE. Reason for change: The text widget and the prompt(>>>) should be separate

Spam making a comeback??

2009-01-27 Thread r
Seems like the level of spam is increasing in the last week, and today has been bad. How are the spambytes coming along? --

Re: Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL

2009-01-27 Thread r
On Jan 27, 9:15 pm, "W. eWatson" wrote: > Here's my program: > > # fun and games > import Image, ImageDraw > > im ="wagon.tif") # it exists in the same Win XP > # folder as the program > draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) > draw.line((0, 0) + im.size, fill=128) > draw.line((0,0),(20,140), fill=

Re: Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL

2009-01-27 Thread r
Change this line: draw.line((0,0),(20,140), fill=128) To This: draw.line((0,0, 20,140), fill=128) And you should be good to go. Like you said, if you need to combine 2 tuples you can do: (1,2)+(3,4) --

Re: What is intvar? [Python Docs]

2009-01-28 Thread r
On Jan 26, 11:15 am, "W. eWatson" wrote: > I might be repeating myself here, but If anyone has pdf experience, and > could provide page numbers and maybe a TOC for some of Lundh's > contributions, that would be helpful. Did you try this one? here i

Re: Tkinter w.pack()?

2009-01-28 Thread r
On Jan 28, 10:12 pm, "W. eWatson" wrote: > Where in the world is a description of pack() for Tkinter widgets? Is it > some sort of general method for all widgets? I'm looking in a few docs that > use it without ever saying where it is described. For one, >

Re: Tkinter w.pack()?

2009-01-28 Thread r
To expand on this there exists three geometry mangers [grid, pack, place]. I personally use pack() the most, grid() almost never, and place -- well never. But each one has it's strengths and weaknesses. w.grid()

Re: Tkinter w.pack()?

2009-01-28 Thread r
On Jan 28, 10:57 pm, "W. eWatson" wrote: > The word pack doesn't exist on the NMT pdf. Maybe there's a newer one? Only the grid manager is discussed at NMT. I just like how at NMT the widget attributes are in a table and then a list the widget methods follows below that -- much better navigation.

Re: receive and react to MIDI input

2009-01-29 Thread r
On Jan 29, 1:33 pm, elsjaako wrote: There is a Python MIDI module, i think it is pyMIDI, have you checked it out? --

Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-29 Thread r
I been around the list for a while and rubbed sholders with some pythonistas(some you would not beleieve if i told you) and i just don't see a community spirit here. Where are the community projects supporting Python? -- besides the core devlopment. Seem s that nobody is interested unless their pa

Re: Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-29 Thread r
On Jan 29, 9:01 pm, alex23 wrote: > Seriously, how -old- are you? Twelve? Thirteen? Ah, my good friend alex23. Somehow -- when i was writing this post -- i knew you would drop in and i swear i do not have any ESP abilities -- somehow i just knew. While your here why don't we take a walk down mem

Re: search speed

2009-01-29 Thread r
On Jan 29, 5:51 pm, anders wrote: > if file.findInFile("LF01"): > Is there any library like this ?? > Best Regards > Anders Yea, it's called a for loop! for line in file: if "string" in line: do_this() --

Re: Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-29 Thread r
On Jan 29, 6:21 pm, r wrote: > Also if anyone dares to mention that Python is a great language or > better in this reguard or that, they get jumped and beat to death by > their "so-called" brothers. This observation leads me to two scientific and common sense synopsis. Either

Re: Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-29 Thread r
On Jan 29, 11:53 pm, James Mills wrote: > On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:38 PM, r wrote: > > This observation leads me to two scientific and common sense synopsis. > > Either nobody here gives a rats pa'toote about Python, and/or they are > > all just a bunch of gutless wo

Re: Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-30 Thread r
On Jan 30, 2:26 am, John Machin wrote: [snip] > This doesn't appear to match the description. Perhaps the PSU has > subverted my comp)(*&^...@! > NO CARRIER Oops -- Good catch John, Even perfect people like myself make mistakes :). Here is the aforementioned thread where a Python user was chastis

Re: Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-31 Thread r
On Jan 30, 4:36 pm, Steve Holden wrote: [snip] > It's mostly a matter of teaching by example. I'd like to think I usually > set a good example, but I've certainly been known to get crabby from time > to time Steve you are defiantly the better of two evils around here :D --

Re: receive and react to MIDI input

2009-01-31 Thread r
Sorry i gave you the wrong module, try PMIDI for python 2.5 (win32.exe): Also try this page near the bottom under "MIDI Mania" for more --

Re: Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"

2009-01-31 Thread r
On Jan 31, 7:24 pm, John Machin wrote: > A most munificent malapropism! Sherman's goat must be serene with > entropy!! Who say's George Bush did't have anything to offer :). He was the decider after all. --

Re: Embedding numpy works once, but not twice??

2009-01-31 Thread r
> Embedding numpy works once, but not twice?? That's what she said! --

Re: what IDE is the best to write python?

2009-02-01 Thread r
On Feb 1, 1:42 am, "" wrote: > Hi all >    what IDE is the best to write python? That's like asking boxers or briefs, everybody thinks their choice is the best. I like freedom if that gives you a hint. :) --

Re: getting values from a text file (newby)

2009-02-01 Thread r
Try the csv module py> import csv py> reader = csv.reader(open(csvfile, "rb")) py> for row in reader: print row ['1', 'house', '2,5 '] ['2', 'table', '6,7 '] ['3', 'chair', '-4,5 '] --

Re: getting values from a text file (newby)

2009-02-01 Thread r
On Feb 1, 11:50 am, Steve Holden wrote: > And then, to conert the last field to numbers? ... Are you asking me Steve? Well i did not want to short-circuit the OP's learning process by spoon-feeding him the entire answer. I thought i would give him a push in the right direction and observe the out

Re: Best 3d graphics kit for CAD program???

2009-02-09 Thread r
On Feb 9, 1:33 pm, Stef Mientki wrote: > Maya ? > Blender ? > I forgot: > pySoy > Intensity Thanks Stef, I actually got OpenGL to install(finally) and now i am thinking ? maybe? i should just go with OpenGL using the wxglcanvas. I have been also "messing" around with Bender but i think i want a

Re: Best 3d graphics kit for CAD program???

2009-02-09 Thread r
OpenCascade looks promising. I had look at this before a while back and forgot about it. For now i am taking the OpenGL plunge and I will see where that takes me...? Thanks Duane --

Re: Using TK and the canvas.

2009-02-10 Thread r
On Feb 10, 1:27 pm, Kalibr wrote: [snip] > Now I know all I have to do is set the SkillInfos parent to a canvas, > but how would I arrange and draw the lines? Thanks all :) You should really check out wxPython, there is support for just this type of thing. of course you could do this with Tkinter

Re: Thank you, Tkinter. (easy to use)

2009-02-11 Thread r
Hello, Tkinter is a great GUI toolkit, for what it lacks in prettiness it more than makes up for in simple and quick GUI building. I think this is the main reason Tkinter continues to be Python's built-in GUI toolkit. It is a great place to start for those with no GUI experience. Sure it will neve

Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-12 Thread r
On Feb 12, 2:04 pm, azrael wrote: > Sometimes I really get confused when looking out for a modul for some > kind of need. Sometimes I get frightened when I get the resaults. 8 > wraper for this, 7 wrapers for that, 10 modules for anything. Between > them are maybe some kind of small differences, b

Re: ANN: SuPy - Script Sketchup with Python

2009-02-14 Thread r
Great work Greg, you are a Python zen master! --

Re: Python 3D CAD -- need collaborators, or just brave souls :)

2009-02-18 Thread r
Hello Josh, Blender is a lost cause. It is a powerful app but the UI is horrible. Even the Blender folks admit only a complete rewrite could solve the major flaws that plague the design. So maybe i could salvage some code but for what i have in mind, Blender will look like a piece of software from

Re: Python 3D CAD -- need collaborators, or just brave souls :)

2009-02-18 Thread r
Yes i want linux, windows, and mac support. I think you are good for a few years though :). Getting something up and working is the easy part. Adding all the features that are required to compete with something the likes of SolidWorks or ACAD takes time. One way or another i am going to build thi

Re: Python 3D CAD -- need collaborators, or just brave souls :)

2009-02-19 Thread r
On Feb 19, 2:29 am, Lie wrote: > On Feb 18, 8:02 pm, r wrote: > Blender's UI is designed for effective and efficient 3D workflow, not > for low learning curve. And that will be it's downfall! I know what what Blenders UI is designed for. However not too many people get relig

build minimal python 2.6 on linux

2008-11-22 Thread r
I would like to install minimal version if python 2.6 on a linux laptop (and no there is not one already installed...i checked) i have no way to access the net with the laptop. So basicly i down loaded the 2.6 source and unpacked it on my other PC. The files weigh in at 51MB and some change. Since

Re: Quick question about None and comparisons

2008-11-24 Thread r
On Nov 24, 7:52 pm, "Giampaolo Rodola'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Sorry for the title but I didn't find anything more appropriate. > To have a less verbose code would it be ok doing: > > if a > b: > > ...instead of: > > if a is not None and a > b: > > ...? > Is there any hidden complication behi

Re: confused about classes and tkinter object design

2008-11-25 Thread r
On Nov 25, 10:38 am, marc wyburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I've created my first Tkinter GUI class which consists of some buttons > that trigger functions.  I have also created a > tkFileDialog.askdirectory control to local a root folder for log > files. > > I have several file paths tha

Re: confused about classes and tkinter object design

2008-11-25 Thread r
On Nov 25, 10:38 am, marc wyburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I've created my first Tkinter GUI class which consists of some buttons > that trigger functions.  I have also created a > tkFileDialog.askdirectory control to local a root folder for log > files. > > I have several file paths tha

Re: Reg Expression - Get position of >

2008-11-25 Thread r
On Nov 25, 10:36 am, M_H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hey, > > I need the position of the last char > > > Let's say I have a string > mystr =  

Re: confused about classes and tkinter object design

2008-11-25 Thread r
On Nov 25, 2:31 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 25, 10:38 am, marc wyburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Hi, > > > I've created my first Tkinter GUI class which consists of some buttons > > that trigger functions.  I have also

Re: Reg Expression - Get position of >

2008-11-25 Thread r
On Nov 25, 4:33 pm, Jorgen Grahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 12:41:53 -0800 (PST), r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Nov 25, 10:36 am, M_H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> Hey, > > >> I need the position of the last char > > > >> Let's say I have a string > >> mystr =  

Re: help with class

2008-11-26 Thread r
 #import gzip > >       5    def __init__(self,file): > >       6       self.file = file > >       7    def open_file(self): > >       8       try: > >       9          print "file: %s" % self.file > >      10          self.xml_file = gzip.GzipF

Re: hello from colombia

2008-11-26 Thread r
On Nov 26, 2:58 pm, fel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I work in a small software company using php all day, I wish the usage > of Python was more common within my company > they are starting a new project (insurance stuff) using Java, and I > just hate that eventually I'l be debugging someone-else's

Re: iterating over a variable which could be None, a single object, or a list

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 8:57 am, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >  "adam carr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I call a function get_items() which returns a list of items. > > However, in some cases, it returns just one item. > > It returns the item as an object though,

HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
Hello fellow Python Advocates! Help me promote Python to a larger audience. An introduction to SketchUp: I don't know if you are familiar with "Google Sketchup". It is the best 3d CAM program available. If you have not checked it out and do modeling of any kind, or want to lea

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 5:27 pm, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 3:18 PM, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hello fellow Python Advocates! > > Help me promote Python to a larger audience. > > > An introduction to SketchUp: > &

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 5:38 pm, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 3:33 PM, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Nov 27, 5:27 pm, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 3:18 PM, r <[EM

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 5:42 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 27, 5:38 pm, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 3:33 PM, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > On Nov 27, 5:27 pm, "Chris Rebert" <

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 6:15 pm, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > r wrote: > > Hello fellow Python Advocates! > > Help me promote Python to a larger audience. > > > An introduction to SketchUp: > > > > There is no need to puff up Python

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 7:13 pm, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 28, 10:09 am, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Are you against promoting python? > > > Maybe your a Ruby fan, i don't know, but that > > would explain your quick disposal of the idea

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 7:40 pm, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > r wrote: > > On Nov 27, 6:15 pm, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> r wrote: > >>> Hello fellow Python Advocates! > >>> Help me promote Python t

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 8:01 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 27, 7:40 pm, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > r wrote: > > > On Nov 27, 6:15 pm, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > >> r wrote: > > >>> Hello fellow Pyt

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 9:31 pm, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 28, 12:49 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Well... 3 for Ruby 1 for python. Not looking good so far. Any more > > votes? > > I don't see -any- of the responses in this thread "

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 9:56 pm, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 28, 1:45 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Does it bother you that i am so ambitious[...] Answer that if > > you are a man. [...] Do you feel you should give back or just > > take, take, take

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 10:08 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 27, 9:56 pm, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > On Nov 28, 1:45 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Does it bother you that i am so ambitious[...] Answer that if > > > you are a

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 10:57 pm, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 27, 10:45 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I am still flabbergasted by the solid resistance to promoting Python. > > Here of all places, NOT even one person(well Terry did kinda half > >

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched for it...IS MADNESS! Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done today! I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all hop

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 27, 11:28 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched > for it...IS MADNESS! > > Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look > deep within their self and realize the damage that has

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
[alex23] How much is this API -worth- to you? How much time are -you- willing to commit to developing it? If you lack the ability, how much -money- are you willing to spend on hiring the people with that ability? [/alex23] Alex, Are you telling me that out of all the great and wonderful developers

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 28, 12:32 am, alex23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 28, 3:28 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched > > for it...IS MADNESS! > > There's is madness in this thread, of that I h

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
On Nov 28, 12:52 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > On Nov 27, 10:28 pm, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched > > for it...IS MADNESS! > > > Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-27 Thread r
> Python supporters on this list don't really care about > Python -- only money, and depravity.  you and i and the > other few, pure of heart, must fight for Python!! Unfortunatly no others besides yourself have come forward. This is not a fight for my ideas anymore as a test of the community! Y

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-28 Thread r
> and we're not throwing ourselves at your pet project because most of us don't > give a monkey's toss about Sketchup. > Why should we put our time and energy > into a piece of software that we don't care about? AGAIN, I'm NOT asking you to support SKETCHUP I am asking for support for PYTHON! Di

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-28 Thread r
> The fact _you_ don't like Ruby doesn't make it a bad language. If what > you want is a Python API to SketchUp, bashing Ruby certainly won't help > - quite on the contrary. And it won't help promoting Python neither. Thanks Bruno, I never said Ruby is a bad Language! do you what IMHO means?? For

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-28 Thread r
On Nov 28, 11:52 am, r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > and we're not throwing ourselves at your pet project because most of us > > don't give a monkey's toss about Sketchup. > Why should we put our time and > > energy into a piece of software that we d

Re: HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API

2008-11-28 Thread r
Thanks again alex23, but did you not already post the exact same thing, can you not engage in intellectual conversation, or have you spent your last penny? --

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